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🧵 Topo

Anonymous No. 962125

Which tutorial is the best at teaching you topology?

Anonymous No. 962128


Anonymous No. 962130

What is topology?
I use Maya so I didn't need to know all that shit

Anonymous No. 962139

Anon I...

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Anonymous No. 962147

Serious answer, John Dickinson aka @Motionworks has a bunch of topology videos that are pretty amazing.

Anonymous No. 962165


Anonymous No. 962176

Cheers Anon

Anonymous No. 962274

Maya is that good

Anonymous No. 962284

You using blender?
Majority have their own take on on topic, some do it manually some do it with addons, some use maya or zbrush and don't have to deal with that shit.

Anonymous No. 962320

I have never heard about topology before and I have 2 decades of work on the industry. Is that a new thing?
I use Maya btw

Anonymous No. 962321

Is topology the thing you painted in red, or is the green thing?
Explain yourself more Op

Anonymous No. 962438

I like Danny Mac's tutorials on youtube. Simple, fast and he also sculpt's in a cartoony style so it should fit your needs.

Anonymous No. 962439

Should I care about that for non-characters/animated assets if I plan on becomeing a gamdev? (as a hobbyist)

Anonymous No. 962440

Yes. The reason a lot of modern games take up hundreds of gigabytes is because the hacks who work on them don't optimize their fucking assets, so you get shit like 7000 poly sandwiches and 24000 poly rocks eating up both disc space and performance.
The more you can optimize the better, even if top modern hardware can generally handle it.
It's a bit like driving a car, just because you have an off-road jeep type vehicle doesn't mean you need to ram it into every rock and tree because 'it can handle it'.

Anonymous No. 962442

Topology is 1,000,000% overrated and yes that includes characters and yes that includes animation. So sick of this fucking snake oil meme.

Anonymous No. 962444

Games are huge because of uncompressed audio and large textures, not poly counts. You don't know what you're talking about, man.

Anonymous No. 962626

redpill me on this

Anonymous No. 962662

It's the thing painted in red only

Anonymous No. 962679

He uses Maya, that's why he doesn't need topology

Anonymous No. 962681

Then no wonder everything runs like shit

Anonymous No. 962688

Topology is so fun. It's like solving a puzzle. Like a sudoku, or crossword, or something like that.

Anonymous No. 962722

topology is the tranny in your room

Anonymous No. 962754

You're just going to have to research and experiment to get good at topology, it's too useful to hand out for free.

You should care enough that there would be faceloops around the spots where seams would go, but doing things procedurally guarantees this.

Anonymous No. 962774

But maya is superior, we don't even need topology, because topology is overrated and useless.
>Why my model has weird shading errors in the corners?

Anonymous No. 963479

I'm not familiar with Maya. Explain this.

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Anonymous No. 963869

elementza has some good topology course, I followed his maya course using blender without a problem

Anonymous No. 963926

Because Maya does not need topology,
If you use Maya topology becomes an afterthough, in blender you need to learn topology for example.

Anonymous No. 963928

How exactly does that work? Does Maya define shapes mathematically, like AutoCAD does?

Anonymous No. 963933

Yes I want to know too, I am a blenderfag so topology is the first thing that you learn. But I always hear that Maya doesn't need topology of any kind

Anonymous No. 963978

Yup, I use Maya and I haven't heard of "topology" before
I will give it a look because sounds interesting. It gives the model an old look, Like the Tron movie

Anonymous No. 963999

I've not used topology since I changed to Maya.
Not useful today but it's fun to learn how things were done in the middle ages

Anonymous No. 964047

Don’t bother unless you’re doing it for fun, topology is abstracted away by any decent program nowadays and it’s generally a waste of time to mess with

Anonymous No. 964053

Here's all you need to know.

1) Having good topology matters, but it doesn't matter as much as you probably think. No one's going to call you out on it unless it produces visible issues in whatever project you're working on.
2) If designing models for games or low-spec systems, you want to reduce your topology as much as possible without sacrificing surface detail.
3) Good topology observes a natural flow so you end up with fewer issues when deforming the mesh for animation. Using that face you posted as an example, the topology around the mouth and eyes is rounded so that when animating you'll get creases that fit the expected motion.
4) How you approach topology is going to vary wildly based on what you need. There is no standard, only experience - think about what you're aiming to accomplish and how the model will be used, and adjust accordingly.
5) Try to stick with quads when modelling, but if you're creating a game asset know that it'll be converted into tris anyway. Sometimes it's better to just use a tri instead of reducing two planes to one which would need 7 verts and produce 3 tris, rather than just having 1 tri.

Having said all that, open up the Street Fighter 6 character models and you'll see that their topology is all over the place with their artists just overloading the thing with verts, as they can get away with it due to more powerful consoles/PCs. Unless you're specifically aiming for mobile or something, don't stress about it too much - it's worth learning the how and why, but don't get so hung up on it that it stalls your progress.

Or you can just use Maya.

Anonymous No. 964055

It's pretty weird seeing people in this thread act as though Maya lets you model without caring about topology.
News flash, the final model will be made of triangles and vertices (if you're creating a character for use in games/vfx.)
Bones will deform these triangles, and if you want good deformation and performance, you need to worry about topology

I find it very hard to believe that Maya users really can't into topology, that would simply be unacceptable for professional work

Anonymous No. 964083

I am a Maya user and I can tell you that I have never used topology since I started with that software, so please don't giving people false information, maybe you are thinking about 3ds max users

Anonymous No. 964103

Stop trolling the poor guy jesus

Anonymous No. 964136

Not true at all, you don't need topology on Maya, that's why we chose that software in the first place

Anonymous No. 964162

Ah, you're right, I was thinking of 3ds max (obviously, it would be hilarious to try using topology in Maya kek)

Anonymous No. 964331

>Topology in Maya
Are you smoking something?
You don't need topology in Maya, maybe 20 years ago

Anonymous No. 964501

There are no poligons in Maya, so no topology, 3dsMax uses polygons so there is need to know topology conventions, what is so difficult to understand?

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Anonymous No. 964512

I'm impressed. The longer this thread goes on, the worse the posts get.

Anonymous No. 964514

Your post made it better anon, thanks a lot for your amazing contribution

Anonymous No. 964564

Why instead of whining you apport something?