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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 962160

What a hack.
is that fixing? completely changing the shot, putting things that weren't supposed to be in the shot in frame, change the intent.
might as well put a different house and make it more colorful.

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why the fuck you ....png

Anonymous No. 962162


Anonymous No. 962194

no context provided
any and all videos with a soi face in the foreground are automatically hot steaming bullshit, regardless of topic.
the real fix would be shooting this faggot in the head.

thunder thighs No. 962201

>the real fix would be shooting this faggot in the head.


needs a i9 and 4090 to do this stuff

Anonymous No. 962253


Anonymous No. 962261

he takes so long to explain the most basic things

Anonymous No. 962297

He's always been a hack. The dude has no artistic bone in his body. Which is why he tries SO HARD to quantify what makes shit looks good and artful. Yet has absolutely no understanding of the subject. I mean for fuck's sake, look at the soulless shit on his Artstation, and he thinks he can bump elbows with actual artists because he has a high subscriber count on Youtube of all things.

He's really no authority to be the first thing thousands of new retards see when jumping into 3d. He has no industry experience, no actual talent to speak of, but a huge fucking soapbox to peddle his texture wares to ingorant 3d beginners that don't know where to get textures.
Between this and all the ADHD zoomer Blender tutorials that try too hard to meme during the video (while keeping it under 1-2 min) instead of actually teaching things, I have no fucking clue how new people actually learn this program when there's so much shit to wade through.
I learned Blender/3d before that hack got started, but damn do I feel bad for all the people crashing like waves on his rocks.

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Anonymous No. 962298

I mean he's alright for basics, the donut / anvil tutorials are good first steps to understand the UI and basic workflow.
I had noticed this same thing with trying to learn to draw over the past year, I've been slacking on it while trying to find actually good offline books on it, 90% of books on drawing sold in stores feel like they're by people who're mediocre at best. They don't explain anywhere near enough of the basics / theory behind it, and their end results are just not very good, compared to shit you'd see on insta / twitter.
My working theory is that it's because a lot of actual autistic artists who grind out the process are incapable of teaching it, so we're left with those who have the patience and the extraverted brain to bother. Not necessarily those who're genuinely capable of making great works, but those who have the patience to overexplain everything in a way that at least somewhat adds together.

Anonymous No. 962304

Do you have any better tutorials for Blender beginners in mind? I would love to see a tutorial explore alternative ways of achieving the same results and underline pros and cons of different approaches. Doesn't even have to be in video format I would love a book where I can add my own notes

Valve No. 962326

This is cool but I don't want to see the tree.

Anonymous No. 962337

>They don't explain anywhere near enough of the basics / theory behind it
That's because art isn't theory, it's emotion and soul and taste. It's not a formula or something you can learn from a book, which is why guys like BlenderGuru can have all the technical skill in the world, can tell you the diameter of a pore in concrete and the effect it has on the reflection of a puddle, but can't actually make good art to save their lives.

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Anonymous No. 962371

>I mean he's alright for basics
the whole thread is about the idea that the dude received insane money and has no fucking talent whatsoever. making excuses for him because one or two of his absolute beginner tutorials are watchable when the ACTUAL value of those would be a few hundred bucks and he actually received MILLIONS is like defending bernie madoff because "hey he brought attention to the idea of fraud, right? haha guess the world is safer now tee-hee".

where are your fucking ideals? THE. DUDE. CAN'T. FUCKING. MODEL.


and he made more money than even the greatest goddamn artists because he figured out how to milk absolute newbies and simultaneously didn't have the integrity to NOT abuse a dishonest, unethical loophole.
he is a fraud, a spineless opportunist and even tops that off with his shit-eating soiface. and not calling that out makes you look EXACTLY LIKE HIM.

here is a picture of a cute toddler and a cat because this is an image board after all. go and fuck yourself, worm

Anonymous No. 962372

>It's not a formula or something you can learn from a book
That's not exactly true, I found lots of tutorials online that explain in greater detail how to draw things
Meanwhile in print books it's like that owl meme except maybe add 1-2 steps inbetween that aren't near enough for an actual beginner to understand
You can 100% learn everything from shapes and fundamentals to composition and color theory, it's just that you gotta actively look for it because very few places (including actual paid art schools) teach everything, they usually focus on 20-60% of what you actually need to truly understand art, art schools are especially bad at this because they just expect you to know that shit instead of delving into explaining for example the basics of composition.

Anonymous No. 962385

Really good fix, Mr blender guru is a genius doing little houses and grass

Anonymous No. 962386

You can't see the forest for the trees

Anonymous No. 962390

he completely changed the shot.
whoever submitted this wanted a aerial shot of a creepy house. He completely disregarded and just made what he wanted to make. a shot from the monster house movie.

Anonymous No. 962392

>he is not very talented
>but he is a millionaire
>so he obviously CHEATED THE SYSTEM!!!
t. the pinnacle of mammalian evolution, the crown jewel of planet earth; homo sapiens

Anonymous No. 962417

Lol kill yourself man, just lol

Anonymous No. 962422

Art theories are attempt to formalize taste. You can "teach" someone that color A and color B look pleasing together, that they should light their scene in a specific configuration or frame their shot a certain way, but what you're ultimately doing is trying in vain to transfer intuitive taste to someone who either doesn't have it, or realizes they do have it and picks up on it right away. All of the technicalities in art -- a painter learning how to make brush strokes, an an author learning advanced parts of speech, etc. are like learning Blender's UI: it won't do shit if you're not a good artist, and that's the one thing you can't learn.

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Anonymous No. 962437

what a hack.
i knew he sucks ever since the donut fiasko.

Anonymous No. 962803

>video shows exactly what I want but they go as fast as they just for the sake of having "in 1 minute!" in the title
I hate that shit but I still learn more from them than the dudes that take 30 minutes for the same thing

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Anonymous No. 962809

At least blender guru isn't a pajeet
>turday were goink tulern a... ehhh.. aaaa. eehhh... how tomakea donuts sir
Maybe that's the reason he's popular, at least you can actually understand what he's saying

Anonymous No. 962831

Wait, I thought I was on /v/ here.

Anonymous No. 963010

Literally no one watches him past the donut

Anonymous No. 963243

haha wow so mad because another less-talented guy made more money than you. you will never make it in the real world.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 963244

god bless whoever humiliates the non-souls that are indians.

they are LITERAL NPC's. wipe your ass with their childrens' faces. throw their newborns into meatgrinders while they are watching. they are literally just fake images in this retarded hell-simulation that is called TERROR ("terra" = earth). F U C K stink-indians. drown them all in extra-smelly diarrhea.

Anonymous No. 963245


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Anonymous No. 963469

The irony of this post. I can't even spell it out for you.

Anonymous No. 963863

>Between this and all the ADHD zoomer Blender tutorials that try too hard to meme during the video (while keeping it under 1-2 min) instead of actually teaching things, I have no fucking clue how new people actually learn this program when there's so much shit to wade through.
Actually, royal skies LLC taught me a lot. No meme. Another seemingly-shitty 'tuber is SicklyWizard who does ps1-style shit which, while a meme, was the only channel that taught me how to make rigged 3d characters from scratch. Sure they look meh, but it's better than being told to "study the fundamentals" and spend 2 months learning forearm topology and getting so bored you quit. If that makes me a zoomer then I don't wanna be normal.
That theory sounds about right. Royal Skies is deceptively good because he WAS that autist who wanted to make his own game, actually completed the game, and now it's trying to spread knowledge / what he figured out along the way.

Anonymous No. 963873

I hate his voice, but I will admit Royal Skies has helped me in a pinch with rigging when I forget shit. And while I appreciate his no bullshit approach, the other people doing quick tutorials are more doing it for the memes and shit, and not actually condensing the information down into a quick video.
I think the best at quick vids that present something novel would be Ian Hubert. They're quick, and they usually aren't basic bitch shit, but rather topics that make you go "huh, neat. I never thought about using x that way". Once you get to the point of not needing tutorials to function, those kinds of videos that make you re-think your approach are really useful.

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lower No. 964082

How do you make decent low poly models?
>1000 hours in blender still cant do shit ( some of those comes from AFKing )
i´ve read the main thread and watched the tutorials but still feel lost
any anons can help?
am i just trash at texturing?

Anonymous No. 964212

bring this to /sqtddtot/ , anon.

Anonymous No. 964217


HAHAHA BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHA.. JUMP from a highway bridge fagget!!

Anonymous No. 964698

I doubt he ever studied art he probably only knows 3D modelling and texturing and that's it.

Anonymous No. 964740

>soi face
He's in the middle of talking, retard.

Anonymous No. 964755

>art isn't theory, it's emotion and soul and taste
imagine being this unrepentantly pretentious. The absolute worst case of NGMI is someone who thinks moving vertices around is a deep and profound expression of his faggot soul

Anonymous No. 964763

from the looks of that uniform ground texture i'd say he knows fuck all

Anonymous No. 964794

Found Blender Guru, everybody.