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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 962923

Guys. Please give me courses on 3d max and maya.
From basics to work to create environments and characters. If there are courses to work in conjunction with other programs. It's also good,
Ps. I'm switching from a blender

🗑️ Anonymous No. 962925

>i'm switching from blender
>guys spoonfeed me beginner tutorials lmao
you're not switching from blender.

Anonymous No. 962941

here you go:

the chair nerd No. 962944

> Op: Give me advice on 3ds max.
>Me: *looks at frozen 3ds max window after loosing 2 hours of work this morning*

Do you want the best advice from a user that has been using 3ds since the discreet 3ds max 5 days?


Anonymous No. 962946

It took you so long to figure out autosaving?

Anonymous No. 962947

autosaving isnt a good solution. You want to save with a meaningful filename for major changes and auto increment save in-between those changes.

the chair nerd No. 962948

3ds max has autosave?!?! I didn't know!

Do you have a custom workflow so syncing 2 dozen 60gb xrefs across 8 workstations for an urban planning video works with 3ds max autosave?!

You should know right. Right?

the chair nerd No. 962949

We do have a custom autosave script that makes automatic versions of each file and marks them in their own project file. It's pretty robst the defect with 3ds max comes when yoo try to use plug-ins. Fucking forest, project manager and rail clone are the usual culprits. We are limited to a 5gb/s network so I can't have autosave every 5 minutes in 8 workstations.

Anonymous No. 962950

Skill issue

the chair nerd No. 962951

gr8 b8 m8

Anonymous No. 962954

>google 3ds max tutorial
>37 million results
"I am going to ask a dead board on 4chan instead"

Anonymous No. 962955

Max autosaving is quite shit honestly. It can't handle multiple sessions of the same project.

the chair nerd No. 962959

A small script can. Just run a startup scrip that changes the autosave.filename : string : vvalue to a system time stamp or something.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 962962

you completely fucked over your own argument by pointing out that your scenes are so ridiculously large that obviously any software will have troubles.
also with so many PCs being synced the likelihood of the problem being some undetected hardware issue rather than max is quite high, too.

even worse: blender clearly has even more trouble with large scenes by a factor of somewhere between 1/10 and 1/1000 the polygons that max can handle smoothly, and anyone that has worked with both programs extensively knows that.
i can manipulate a mesh with a few million polygons in max easily while blender will turn into a freaking slideshow even with a workstation - so using huge scenes as an argument against max is very much like saying a ferrari is a shit racing car because it can't go 500km/h and therefore advising to buy pic related in order to win a race. your 500km/h requirement is just outlandish and the tiny pea car is still worse in every conceivable way.

tl;dr: i respect that you clearly know your shit working on such a large scene, but you still have no argument whatsoever and blender is garbage tier software and worse than max in every conceivable way. literally the only areas where it is better that i can even think of are viewport antialiasing and boxcutter for quick blockouts. and both are irrelevant.

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the chair nerd No. 963050

Ok dude did not read carefully but let me put it in plain pixels for you.

You guys do want to use ¨professional¨ software and make this your life, be my guest I aint gonna stop you. At least blender is free. I have to pay every year to those autojews thousands of dollars just because my clients are part of the ¨autodesk ecosystem¨.

Anonymous No. 963054

>I have to pay every year to those autojews thousands of dollars
No you don't. Torrents exist.

the chair nerd No. 963057

What! They do?? Omfg i didn´t know! Thanks anon. I´ll just tell all my construction industry peers that they don´t need to pay a cent for their software. Thanks!

🗑️ Anonymous No. 963069

>Ok dude did not read carefully
same, bro. stop shitposting, namefag.

the name fag from 3ds No. 963173

Bitch you are so predictable that i made this post yesterday just for you.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 963180

that's not me being predictable, that's just you being annoying and everyone rightfully reacting to it the same way.

writing a letter saying "someone will tell me to shut the fuck up later" and then going down the street at 4 am yelling random bullshit is not being a seer, it's being a mentally retarded asshole, namefag.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 963183

cont.: just to spell it out for you, nobrains:

YOU are the one being extremely predictable and playing that off as being smarter than everyone by pretending the also-predictable reaction to your misbehavior was somehow not predictable.

>refuse to read a well-thought-out post, thereby inciting anger
>HAHA i KNEW you would be angry!!!!! am i god? am i an ancient shaman!?!?

Anonymous No. 963969

If you know blender they all work the same.

Anonymous No. 963972

except blender controls completely different than any other 3d sw retard

Anonymous No. 963973

No it doesn't.