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๐Ÿงต Can someone please help me fix the eyes?

Anonymous No. 963175

Drawfag here. I'm learning to sculpt a stylized chinese female face and for some reason I'm having problems with the eyes.
Now, in 2D it's quite straightforward if you were to draw monolid eyes.
However in 3D, it just isn't the same. Are "stylized" eyes supposed to look this from the side? A part of the cornea is uncovered and is that normal?

Or am I overthinking this all a bit too much and is everything actually fine?

Anonymous No. 963176

horrible anatomy

Anonymous No. 963177

>Are "stylized" eyes supposed to look this from the side?
The only way to answer this yourself is if you find a reference model and rotate it in the same angle to compare.

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Anonymous No. 963178

yeah I think i fixed it. Covered the sides of the eyes. What do you guys think?

Anonymous No. 963179

Why would I care about anatomy for a stylized sculpt? Also what parts have the horrible anatomy? I'm guessing the nasolabial fold and hte iron chin?

Anonymous No. 963181

jesus cris

Anonymous No. 963182

I'm not cris. What's wrong with it?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963184

what's the style called? diarrhea-inducing?

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Anonymous No. 963185

Ok fixed it again. I guess I must have glossed over the rear portion of the skull with the ear and neck and all taht

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963187

honestly though, just go to the extreme. this doesn't look stylized at all, it looks like a crappy attempt at realism. actually work with references, nail them perfectly and THEN do you have permission to put your own twist on it.

Anonymous No. 963193

Can you please point out WHAT exactly is wrong?

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your stylized wif....jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963195


Anonymous No. 963196

fuck you i love chubby girls I knew you were picking at straws you fucking faggot

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963198

chubby automatically means the person is spiritually a man. feminine souls love the female form too much to destroy it with candy. if you're attracted to fat girls you are just a gay dude in denial choosing the next best thing.

maybe start with a gloryhole or sth bro, idk

Anonymous No. 963201

Not the anon but Eyes aren't cylinder shape, ears aren't flat, hair doesn't look like hair and neck needs work.

Anonymous No. 963202

The hair, eyes and ears are just a blockout.....jesus.
What do you mean the neck needs work? Like the angle?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963203

that's quite a block, bro. maybe at some point start taking something out of it to make it a block OUT !?!

Anonymous No. 963221


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Anonymous No. 963275

>chinese female face and for some reason I'm having problems with the eyes.

Study the Asiatic face more, specifically the eyelids, even if it's stylized you have to get the anatomy right otherwise it looks weird.

Your model basically has no eyelids at all... also I think the ear is a bit too far back and the neck too thin...

Your general nose and lip anatomy is actually decent, though, so you're on your way, just need a bit more practice.

Anonymous No. 963283

Why would you blockout the eyes with anything that isn't a sphere?

Anonymous No. 963345

Thank you. I'll have to redo the eyes I guess.

Anonymous No. 963346

head too little depth, neck too high.
Head should be as tall as it has depth; browline should be the middle of the head; head is chopped into fours: top of hair to Hairline. Hairline to browline. browline to Length of the nose. Nose to Bottom of the chin. I personally don't like that chin and the jawline behind it

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Anonymous No. 963348

To stylize in this style you basically just do something anatomically correct and then stop after the primary forms. Maybe make her more appealing with fuller lips and bigger eyes, but basically human. But then you don't have to do little imperfections, asymmetries, pores, wrinkles, veins, etc.
Primary forms include eyelids here. You need correct anatomy so your characters don't look like monsters. Your character doesn't have eyelids, she can't blink. It's disturbing.
it's still the same as 2D, none of the rules have changed. If you did a fully rendered painting of a woman then just gave her circles for eyes it would look disturbing.
If you wanted it to be as stylised like anime that's a bit of a problem, but one solution would be to just render the head and then draw the eyes on. Dragonball xenoverse basically does this.

None of those are big issues, particularly the chin and jaw which are correct but simply not appealing. I've seen plenty of asian women with jaws like that irl. Yunjin Kim has a similar jaw.
The real problem with OP's skull proportions is the gigantic occipital bun at the back of the head. Asians rarely have that anatomical feature, maybe not at all, and regardless it doesn't look like that. This looks like the spine is going straight into the middle of the brain, which obviously isn't correct.

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Anonymous No. 963350

I redid the eyes but I really don't like it. I hate the slant eyes, and it's nothing like Mulan or Mei or Dva from overwatch :L
I think the chin is really cute and round
but asians don't have eyelids either.

Anonymous No. 963351

If youโ€™re stuck, look at artwork made by those people and try to understand how they do it. Many artists look at other artists for details thatโ€™s not available to them.

Anonymous No. 963356

Anon, I want you to go and download a rip of Chun-Li's model to reference off of. Sculpting in a vacuum is not good idea if you're still a beginner. There is a large mental disparity between what female faces look like and what our minds think female faces look like. Go load Chun-Li's model into your scene and reference off of it.

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Anonymous No. 963359

It's not a bad face. There's good shape to it. But neither is it especially attractive. If you're going for a rather average looking girl, then congrats, ya did it. If you're going for pretty like Mulan, then keep working at it. She has a very "petulant" mouth. If you cover her entire face, isolating only her mouth, you can still see a sour expression. It might be due to the way the corners of her mouth appear sucked in. Normally, there's a little pad of fat that rests just above the corner of the mouth, which she lacks. If you add that, then it will probably fix the mouth problem.

As for your eyes problem. I don't know. I don't sculpt, I box model first, and then use the sculpt tools to push vertices around. But I do think you slanted too much. As a general rule, the highest point of the eyes are the middle. So you should bring the corners down a little. You want *some* slant, so don't bring the corners down too much.

Anonymous No. 963360

I want to stick my dick in her pupil holes.

Anonymous No. 963384

Asian eyes aren't "slanted" they have epicanthic folds. Do your research, find reference. If you understood what you were trying to create it would go a lot easier and not look like shit.
Eyelids also aren't discrete objects, the skin goes from eyelid to cheek to lip as one surface.


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eyes slant.png

Anonymous No. 963447

Rude. What did I say that was idiotic?
Was it insinuating that asian eyes are slanted? You know the slant and the fold aren't mutually exclusive, right? A lot of asians have slanted eyes. In fact, just google Mulan to see how they styalized her eyes. The anon said he wasted pretty like Mulan. I'm actually suggesting that he slant her eyes less than Mulan, Because his style is more realistic than the Disney cartoon. But still retain some slant, because Mulan has slanted eyes, as do many asians.

Here, I made an eye guide for OP. I would like to see you call THIS idiotic.

Anonymous No. 963448

I think you're idiotic for focusing most of your critique on how little you would like to bang OP's sculpt.
You're an idiot because you didn't touch on the real anatomic problem of OP's work, which is the he hasn't constructed epicanthic folds. By all means cant the eyelids to a weird angle to exaggerate how asian she is, but proper anatomy is still required for it to not look shit.
You're an idiot for acting like that image you posted is a mic drop while also using Mulan as an authority which does not obey the rules set out the image. It's an okay image btw, I haven't bothered to read it all but I agree with it in general.

You're also an idiot for box modelling instead of sculpting but that's your prerogative.

sorry, I have new glasses and they're giving me a headache and I'm taking it out on everyone.

Anonymous No. 963450

BANG?! OP's sculpt looks like a child. I don't want to bang that. I said she's not "attractive". Which I get sounds a little weird, but that's just the default word I use to describe pretty people. She's not pretty and the OP stated that he's going for pretty. I mainly wanted to assure him that his anatomy isn't entirely bad. Because of posts like this >>963176 and this >>963181 making it sound as though he's doing terribly. When he's not. He's clearly got some foundational skills. He just needs some help with some key areas.

>You're an idiot because you didn't touch on the real anatomic problem of OP's work, which is the he hasn't constructed epicanthic folds.
What can I say that hasn't already been addressed by this post >>963275 and this post >>963283 and this even this rude post >>963187 which has some truth to it. The face isn't stylized enough to justify the exaggerated slant. So I suggested he reduce the slant. Other than that, he just needs to look up references and learn how folds look, which the other two posts addressed already.

My main contribution was about the mouth area. Something that the lot of you probably wouldn't have mentioned, because you're all focused on the eyes and ears.

>You're an idiot for acting like that image you posted is a mic drop while also using Mulan as an authority which does not obey the rules set out the image.
I did not make Mulan an "authority". I'm not even sure what you mean by that. I think critics should listen to the goals of the artist, in order to help guide them to that goal. If he envisions Mulan, then he envisions slanted eyes. You telling him to get ride of the slant entirely, and just bark "anatomy" at him, does not help him reach his goal. It's good someone brought up how to handle asian eye folds. But that's not the mic drop YOU think it is.

>I have new glasses and they're giving me a headache and I'm taking it out on everyone.
That's really no excuse, especially since you doubled down.

Anonymous No. 963455

so uncanny

Anonymous No. 963457


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Anonymous No. 963489

Thanks for the all feedback frens. I redid the eye areas and the lips >>963359 suggested

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Anonymous No. 963490

Give me more feedback too.
I'd like to know how else I can make her lips look better.

Anonymous No. 963491

awful, you are just shooting in the dark. You dont understand anatomy, like, at all

Anonymous No. 963494

Night and day difference between the initial garbage and this one. Good work OP. I'd give it a solid 8/10. Finish the body and post more wip.

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Anonymous No. 963501

eyelids still need to encapsulate the eyes even with stylized, you should have stuck with separate geo for them if it helps you at this stage.

Anonymous No. 963504

It's degrading. You made her eyes bigger, but now they don't fit her head. They didn't need to be that big. Now that they're bigger, they're also now too close. You need more space between them.You should merge the outer corner of her upper eyelid with her face. You made her eyelids even larger for some reason, when everyone was telling you how to make them look smaller and in shape with asian eyes. making her eyelids larger is just baffling.

Widen her head around the cheek area. Make her chin smaller. Lessen the divot of her philtrum.(google it), dig behind the sides of her nose to increase the crease. Her nose is a little wide, but I'll allow that, because she's asian. Still, what I'm seeing here, is someone either studying off of an ugly face. Or someone whose design philosophy is to purposely inject ugliness in their work. I'm imagining you have a photo of a niece or someone you hold dear, and you're trying to capture their likeness. But you're too kind to see that your niece is just kind of fugly. That's the vibe the sculpt gives off.

How about this: You try your damnedest to make this character as pretty as you can. What will that take? I think you know it instinctively, but you're avoiding it. Stop avoiding it. AFTER you make her pretty, if you want to make her unique in some way, you incorporate those unique features into the pretty base.

Oh and since you made her eyes larger, they're now sitting lower on her face, which is making her look younger. If you want to make her look more mature, than shrink her eyes back to the size they were, and lift them up higher away from her nose. You also made the irises of her eyes too large, and too much toward the middle. If you keep this trend up where her eyes keep getting larger and closer together, you're going to end up making her look like a Banjo Kazooie character with googly eyes.
And give her an upper lip.

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Anonymous No. 963541

I took your advice and actually ended up looking at references on artstation and also fixed all the stuff you mentioned. I'm actually surprised at how better it looks compared to all the previous iterations lol
What do you think? I still have to finish the ear better. And what about the lips?

Anonymous No. 963542

It looks like you sculpted a male buddah. You know nothing about anatomy and are just doing things at random

Anonymous No. 963543

Are you >>963491

Anonymous No. 963544

how about you study anatomy instead of asking dumb questions you tourist

Anonymous No. 963545

Alright you have no idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 963546

post another male buddah from your vast collection. I'll wait.

Anonymous No. 963548

The fuck ie buddah?

Anonymous No. 963549


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Anonymous No. 963551

that's good progress anon. Might want to consider more defined jaw and mouth sides, plus natural overbite, for more relaxed mouth pose. But it's your toon so whatever

Anonymous No. 963553

But I like round faces on women. And why an overbite?

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Anonymous No. 963556

Slight overbite is what most people have and is a better relaxed pose for animation. Round face is fine but still need neck-jaw definition

Anonymous No. 963559

>try your damnedest to make this character as pretty as you can
Your sense of aesthetics is cancer. You'll fit right in here.

Anonymous No. 963620

Is there a specific style you're trying to emulate or are you just making it up as you go?

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Anonymous No. 963642

Alrighty, that's a move in a positive direction. I knew you had promise. Still, there's more you can do to make her pretty. It's mostly subtle changes from here that I don't know how to convey without drawing over it myself. So I'm going to leave it to the other anons to help you.
But vaguely speaking, I would probably remove a tiny amount of face fat around the jowel region. Reduce the philtrum.(I suppose you really like that feature. I don't) Round out the corners of her mouth more. Widen the space between her eyes more. And shallow the bridge of her nose. Her irises are still too large.(remember, big irises aren't required for staylization) But again, this is stuff that merely telling you can't really convey what I mean, you have to work it out yourself. And you need an aesthetic eye. Continue referencing until you feel like you've grasp the forms of the face.

btw, don't get married to the Orthographic view. It can be deceptive. Because you're never supposed to see a person's face like that. Your eyes always see in perspective. To see a face without perspective, can really fuck you up your perception. If you press N, a little panel should pop out on the side. From there, you can change the focal length of the viewport. By default, blender sets the focal length to 50mm. Which, when you're sculpting zoomed in close, can make the face look distorted. But if you set it higher to something like 85mm, then you can zoom in without too much distortion. The higher you go, the less distortion you get when you zoom in. Focal length is a whole thing to do with cameras. I don't want to explain it all. Just look it up. I'm just telling you to remember to make sure the face looks good in normal perspective, as well as orthographic perspective.