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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963188

choose your career path

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963190

maya is for animation, max for modeling. you obviously choose both depending on what needs to be achieved.

are you always nice to everyone? or always evil? do you have the lights always turned on or off? you see where this is going, retard?

Anonymous No. 963191

interestingly though Fromsoft uses 3ds max only (well and zbrush), yet they have the best animations in the industry.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963194

>beautiful castle looks like hitler
brb, switching to maya

Anonymous No. 963199

>the best animations in the industry
you are joking, right

Anonymous No. 963200

don't be shy, anon, what better studios did you have in mind? of course capcom's animations are pretty amazing too. and in terms of what they actually do i prefer games like Monster Hunter over all the flipping and shit in fromsoft games, but for what they are, fromsofts animations are the best of what they can be imo.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963204

don't answer questions that put in less effort than you put into the answers you already gave. if you follow that rule you will not fall for nearly as much bait.

if you reply to everything that took no effort whatsoever you'll just type your hands bloody and become angry at this place.

"you are joking, right" is nothing that should induce a response. you gave actual information, named companies and followed the thread. he is literally just making a fart sound and you're treating it as if you had been rebutted (pun intended).

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Anonymous No. 963206

their character animations are stiff as fuck, lots of snapping, clipping etc. just watch random walk cycles and they are pretty terrible
>what better studios did you have in mind?
literally any triple A studio

Anonymous No. 963207

>literally any triple A studio
now that's just not true in the slightest, especially with how many AAA studios make use of animations that have literally no momentum inside the animation itself, and then apply it to an attack that makes you ice-skate into the enemy's face. especially in games like the Assassin's Creed series

Anonymous No. 963210

small/no momentum in vidya animation is expected and Fromsoft animations are far from best in the industry, I don't know what point are you trying to make
ass creed uses motion matching and a lot of procedural shit, hard to compare with Fromsoft's approach of recycling the same keyframe animations in multiple projects

Anonymous No. 963212

>ass creed uses motion matching and a lot of procedural shit
then how come there's almost no real transition between many animations in ass creed and everything just kinda snaps.
i think in terms of character animation Monster Hunter World took the cake with how even every direction and what direction you came out of during a roll animation influences the recovery and startup

Anonymous No. 963213

from soft recycles all their assets and all their games are exactly the same, going back at least 20 years

Anonymous No. 963214

nothing wrong with reusing great animations if you're gonna iterate in other ways and the game is the same type of game anyway. u could argue that a game like elden ring is only really possible with years of iteration.

Anonymous No. 963215

>great animations
their animations are bottom of the barrel

Anonymous No. 963217

you're completely disingenuous lol

Anonymous No. 963218

i'm not, but whatever

Anonymous No. 964398

I choose shitty 3D Porn
Easiest my life has ever been
Work 10 hours a week, make 7k a month

Anonymous No. 964403

I chose Maya because you don't need to learn topology to be able to make a good 3d model

Anonymous No. 964409

Imagine saying this thinking you were onto something then realize you make less than a real 3d job.
On top of that, you have to deal with
>creepy horny old men
>no 401k, no benefits
>not actually making anything of any artistic nor technical value, per your own admission
>always have to dodge answering someone asking what you do for a living when you aren't coping on 4chan

You're basically on the same moral, social and technical level of a dope dealer, minus the illegality of it. Though I'm sure you're considered the cool rich kid among the Starbucks baristas.

Anonymous No. 964422

>no 401k, no benefits
>always have to dodge answering someone asking what you do for a living
Lol shut up boomer

Anonymous No. 964463

>Make less than a real 3D Job
Tell that to all the people with real 3D jobs making less than 80k a year
hell, tell that to all the people with a real 3D job working 5x the amount of hours I do and still aren't making 80k a year, 86k if in USD

>creepy horny old men
I don't have to deal with anything

>No 401k, no benefits
waging all your life for less just to be paid when you're retired is a scam. What I do is work for a fraction of the time, make more money, and live humbly because I'm not a retard.

>not actually making anything of any artistic nor technical value, per your own admission
Exactly, I'm just siphoning money from coomers

>always have to dodge answering someone asking what you do for a living when you aren't coping on 4chan
What's the problem?

Anonymous No. 964468

>waging all your life for less just to be paid when you're retired is a scam. What I do is work for a fraction of the time, make more money, and live humbly because I'm not a retard.

post your work, coward !!

Anonymous No. 964515

I'm not going too spoonfeed my identity nor post coomer slop on a non-coomer board

Anonymous No. 964541

You must have some work that you have done that doesnt identify you, coward !!

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laughing whores.jpg

Anonymous No. 964551

Lmao fromshit infamously couldn't animate mouths to move while character models were supposed to talk, couldn't even do simple open and close without lipsync. You are either shitposting or you are a genuine retard and also shitposting.

Anonymous No. 964553

>>964551 (owo)
Whoopsies was replying to >>963191 kun.

Anonymous No. 964883

why animate mouths that nobody is going to see under armor?
"couldn't" lol. you damn well know they simply did not care to do it, not that they couldn't.

oldoak No. 964892

I chose 3dsmax, and have been steadily employed freelance since 2004.

Anonymous No. 964914

I cant walk all these paths

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Anonymous No. 964920

I didn't choose, I was chosen.

Anonymous No. 965679

where's a reliable way to get autodesk products these days? Student versions that I used for years expired

Anonymous No. 965700

isn't Houdini mostly used for vfx

Anonymous No. 965706

the end result in games and movies and commercials are a series of visual effects shots

Anonymous No. 965724

You need to be more like Cris, stop the software autism and start working on your projects

Be like Cris, be better

Anonymous No. 966168

>He still believes pension funds are real

Anonymous No. 966180

Froms models are shoddy and muddy so the answer is obvious