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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963261

where do you usually find 3d artist and animator for a starting indie dev company that isnt overpriced?

Anonymous No. 963262

in ur heart

Anonymous No. 963278

start the company with a friend who does that stuff

Anonymous No. 963286

Dude I'd be happy if i could make 10 usd per hour, if you can pay that I'd be on board, since I've been trying to get a job in the industry as a 3d artist for months, to no avail.

Anonymous No. 963291

By talking to me (unironically)

Anonymous No. 963296

Hire people from south america

Anonymous No. 963322

Not even big publishers want us, they want india stolen assets and rushed CGI.

Anonymous No. 963835

show me your 3d portfolio

Anonymous No. 965484

Plz no buli!AhPPpemZYdn7uRLtzdd_TVorwaCW?e=5cNF5i
Contact me in this thow away email plz no spam: [email protected]

Anonymous No. 965485

I don't know but if a frogposter walked up to me and proposed I work for his indie game dev company I'd roundhouse kick him in the face
Frogposters post the dumbest most fucktarded opinions so imagine them in charge of an actual company large or small it may be, if you wanna recruit any artist with any self respect do not use pepes anywhere or they'll dodge you like the plague
God I fucking hate frogposters they're so goddamn stupid

Anonymous No. 965499

Good artists want a stable salary and clear expectations.

If you expect to hire them for cheap and short-term, that's what fiverr and other gig websites are for.

Anonymous No. 965509


Anonymous No. 965510

You can hire me for one-time pay-off, contracts are 3 years.

Anonymous No. 965519


Anonymous No. 965668


Anonymous No. 965683


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Anonymous No. 965689


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Anonymous No. 968082

I've done game animation for a while and it normally looks like this (models by someone else). Got any contact info?

Anonymous No. 968117

Are you an actual company or a solo dev who wants to start a company?
Payroll these days is going to be MINIMUM 150k annual per person (all inclusive) for even the shittiest employee.
If you have that kind of money you need to hire a manager with a business background who also knows tech to organize things so you don’t need to post on 4chan anymore.

Anonymous No. 968125

>Payroll these days is going to be MINIMUM 150k annual per person (all inclusive) for even the shittiest employee.

Anonymous No. 968141

how about 150 twix bars a year, that's a good amount of chocolate

Anonymous No. 968145

Yeah even that is a low estimate, hiring employees is about 2x their salary in total cost, so that’ll get you someone at 75k a year. Not that great.
If you want industry level talent you’re looking at a quarter million annually.

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Anonymous No. 968156

>150 twix bars a year
HIRE ME!!!!!

Anonymous No. 968255

This is me
Not even joking man, companies don't hire me, I have a boring day job that is killing my soul cause I only get like 4 hours a week to work on my art skills.

I know that I can become a better artist if only I had the time.

Anonymous No. 968256

I'm even considering just creating an alias and start getting into making porn lol, maybe I could make some money that way.

Anonymous No. 968261

Any red haired women 3D artists ITT?

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Anonymous No. 968280

>I'm even considering just creating an alias and start getting into making porn lol
If you do get into doing that. words of advice:
1.DO NOT DO COMMISSIONS FOR CHEAP PERIOD. If you think something is going to take 50 hours to do, price it at $1000 at the VERY LEAST even if you have negative 200 followers.
2.Avoid commissions at all costs if you don't do plug-and-play downloaded off the net asset shit. It's a trap....

Anonymous No. 968500

i am not hiring western tranny woke developers fck off

Anonymous No. 968504

ok everyone submit your applications here
[email protected]

Anonymous No. 968509

you can hire me but my only few requests in return are give me good dicking and provide a 1 x 2 room for me to do my personal things + bathroom with shower head as a wage.

Anonymous No. 968911

by paying them a wage, here's my demoreel

Anonymous No. 969029

Hm, if I was recruiting I wouldnt know what to so with this, anon

What do you want to focus on? Modeling? Animation? Post Production? It looks as if you want to do post production for movies

Anonymous No. 969030

You are already a great artist but the thing is that your portfolio only shows sculpts of characters. Sculpts alone dont sell that well, you wanna get some variety.

Since you do a lot of characters, try to create other things too like mechanical parts, props, plants or fabric stuff. Maybe create a room with furniture and make a nice rendering, that will show that you also know how to set a scene, set materials and lighting.

Also, very important: show some topology of your characters so they can see that you know how to manage your polycount and quads. Show some maps so they know that you can bake pbr maps

Anonymous No. 969031

You dont

You already gotta have a friend who is motivated to work with you or you learn those skills yourself. You can get some stuff cheap from fiverr or animations from mixamo, but you know, people dont like to do stuff for free

Anonymous No. 969107

I sent an email asking for more details on how legitimate this is. Haven't heard anything back.

Anonymous No. 969121

poor countries probably

Anonymous No. 969133

Retard, I live in the US and work for a AAA and only make around $50k/yr (senior environment artist)
This is already 100 times over anon's budget, no need to triple it.

Anonymous No. 969153

>Thinks they know about the industry

Anonymous No. 969155

You’re a retard. Your 50k salary costs the company over 100k annually. Considering benefits, healthcare, your equipment, everything else. Everyone arguing with me has never managed or hired and it painfully shows, especially folks like
Hiring people on your payroll is massively expensive and you should plan to spend at least 2x your employee salary on total cost. There’s a reason why contractors and foreigners are so popular and it’s the overhead cost of hiring.

Anonymous No. 969178


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what planet do u ....png

Anonymous No. 969219

what planet do you live in?

Anonymous No. 969220

No shit if there were any money and stability in game development it would be 100% populated by indians by now. What game development actually is is onlyfans but for white male nerds.

Anonymous No. 969268

Those companies are unstable because they are run by folks in this thread who think they can hire people for the cost of their salary, only to realize they have to shut the company down in 6 months

Anonymous No. 969272

Roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. Stop acting like you have money to pay people.

Anonymous No. 969325

Find a girl, have lots of kids. Have them grow up to work in the family 3D buisness.
Thats how grand pappy and mammy did it with their farm.

Anonymous No. 971006

in 3rd world shitholes

Anonymous No. 971210

By then they will be competing with AI

Anonymous No. 971211

AI is 3rd world people locked in a room sometimes. It's the Artificial-Artificial Intelligence idea.

Anonymous No. 971217

bro your track is all over the place, it shouldn't be jittering around like that.

Anonymous No. 972331

China or India saar.
Just know you get what you pay for.

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Anonymous No. 972380

With all the retard US taxes, regulations, and shit 150k per person means they get only half of that. All the parasites in DC must be exterminated with all their spawn.

Anonymous No. 972382

Managers love to hire from India because they act and talk like servants, even their voice tone sound like they are going to get their throats cut if they displease their masters.