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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963349


Anonymous No. 963364

>*tries to sell you another chinese offbrand drawing tablet*

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Anonymous No. 963375

Love this Kraut. Sad that he abandoned Blender for stock trading tutorials

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Anonymous No. 965632

Which of his tutorials should you start with?

While we're at is no one going to bring up the dubious quality of the anime character tutorial? It doesn't even teach how to add an outline to the character model.

Anonymous No. 965646

I strongly disagree with his acceptance of AI "art", but other than that I respect the man greatly, one of the tutorial courses he starred in is the reason why I started gittin' gud at Blender to begin with. God bless him and >>963375 and other informative creators, wouldn't know jack if it weren't for people like these spreading knowledge

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Anonymous No. 965777

New tutorials for 4.0

Part 1

Part 2

Anonymous No. 965785

he's a grifter. sure he can teach you the technicalities of the software, but it's not worth learning from a bad artist if your aim is to be a good artist. the prices of his courses are extortionate for the quality of what's on offer compared to many other courses out there.