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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963379

So now AI is making 3d within seconds, what will you do next? Amazon? Mcdonalds?
I mean, I'm only asking those who work or intended to work in the 3d industry. Being a hobbyist is completely fine.

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Anonymous No. 963380

Oh no, it can make an ugly unoptimized base mesh. /3/ is literally over. It's not like those fuckers will hire actual people to retopo / texture / optimize it.
You're right though, pajeets who can only make soulless base meshes for $0.01 a week are probably on suicide watch.

Anonymous No. 963381

It would take me 10 minutes to make this sofa and it will be ready for a game or animation.

Anonymous No. 963383

What's prevent AI to do proper retopology?

Anonymous No. 963385

I love that he showed the wireframe on the picture like it's something to be proud of kek, clueless

Anonymous No. 963387

Dmitri Something has a fixed post about pronouns. For me, both sides can go to hell.
Anyway, I finally understand the AI goyslop, "You'll own nothing ... and be happy", with the decimation of jobs we can even go to the countryside to cultivate the land because we are being expropriated due to climatic change.

Anonymous No. 963388

If you're white I don't know what was the point of you trying to do 3d in the first place, it's not like you would ever be price-competitive, and there's only so much market for youtube gurus with donut tutorials.

Anonymous No. 963390

Oh noe!!! 7 Boxes !!!! Everyone give up what they are doing! OMG!

Anonymous No. 963391

>blue checkmark
>has an NFT portfolio

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Anonymous No. 963393

>Andrew Price

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Anonymous No. 963394

And what will you say when it can make an optomized one in a few months?

Anonymous No. 963395

making "AI" assets based off of scanned, 100% known assets from a pre-existing dataset is fucking stupid easy and pointless. Andrew Price is a complete charlatan. Go away now

Anonymous No. 963396

Also, Andrew hates 3d and is completely talentless

Anonymous No. 963397

I don't care about Andrew Price, it's Tik Tok for 3D Modelers, 2D Artists are almost entirely replaced and will be 100% in a generation or two.

Anonymous No. 963398

you don't know what you are talking about. If YOU PERSONALLY cannot do 2D anatomy, YOU PERSONALLY cannot do 3D anatomy

Anonymous No. 963399

You will not have a job unless you gaslight your employers, and one day, they won't fall for it, many already aren't.

Anonymous No. 963401

Get out of here you no-drawing, no-anatomy understanding, subscription-rightthink-ai-pushing DUMBASS

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Anonymous No. 963402

>And what will you say when it can make an optomized one in a few months?
I guess I'll have to get good at making things other than couches that there's literally a million of on the internet, which is why it can scrape them and copy them
Wake me up when AI can make something actually interesting, like dragons, robots, armor suits fitted to a specific (alien) body type
>unironically using '2 more weeks'

Anonymous No. 963408

as someone who has trained models on hardware that is worth more than the entire street you live in, i can tell you - shut the fuck up if you don't know anything about the subject matter, you underfed amoeba.

Anonymous No. 963413

I hate Web3 shills so much, they constantly sell people scams.

They scraped all of their models of sketchfab, stole open source software, and are monetizing people for content that they don't own at all.
Those web3 tech bros see it nothing more than a glorified NFT maker

Anonymous No. 963417

>In generation or two
So 10-30 years?

Anonymous No. 963418

Type there alien, armor, dragons and robots

Anonymous No. 963421

Your post reveals to me you know absolutely nothing about 3d modelling.

Anonymous No. 963422

>2D Artists are almost entirely replaced

But they aren't. The problem with AI is that there's no real specificity to it despite all the cope saying there is. You have to pretend that what you're given is exactly what you wanted, even when it clearly isn't. See the problem is that no two people have the exact same idea. They might have a similar idea, but it's not exactly the same. That's why if you give several artists the same description none of their work is going to look identical, but it might look similar. Likewise, if you give AI a prompt it might look similar to what you want, but not exact.
The difference between a human artist and AI is that you can say to the human artist "neat work kiddo, but I need X, Y and Z changed to A, B and C", you can even give them a simple scrawl that's more in line with what you're thinking of, and they can do those changes because they're a person capable of logical thinking. Which AI isn't.
You've seen a similar problem before. We even have it here on /3/. /sqtddtot/ exists because Jewgle isn't good enough to answer your specific question. You need a human capable of logical thinking to answer that specific question.
AI is good for cowards who accept what they're given and those people who can't imagine apples. For real life humans, well, they need real life humans.
Enjoy your garbage. Or at least pretend to it enjoy like you have to because you have no other choice.

Anonymous No. 963423

>2D Artists are almost entirely replaced

Where are you getting this information.

Anonymous No. 963427

Stable diffusion is completely useless for any professional workload. It sucks at generating new images via t2i because it generates messy bland garbage, it sucks at remixing existing images via i2i because you always lose quality and minor details, it sucks at upscaling due to same reasons and is completely outclassed by Topaz in that regard. It can inpaint minor objects in background that no one will ever look at.

The problem with AI generators is that they either converge to hard and generate something that is completely repeatable and bland, or generate mess. There is no way to fix that. Artists tend to converge too aka same face syndrome and lose their spark, but neuralnetworks be like that immediately after training the model.

Anonymous No. 963428

That mesh could work with UE5's Nanite but otherwise things might get complicated performance-wise.

Anonymous No. 963430

>known assets from a pre-existing dataset
thats not how ML works at all
youre genuinely retarded or in denial if you think the tech wont eventually be able to give you a decent (and original) model of any real world object

Anonymous No. 963436

Define decent. Because if you think any of that shit is going to be game-ready or even have half decent textures its you that is the retard.

Anonymous No. 963438

i don't see AI taking over 2D because to create something out of nothing is not possible with AI. likewise, I don't see AI taking over 3D because it is a lot more nuanced that "make 3D object", AI cannot make a 3D object to be production ready or suitable for animation and other uses. even if AI were to magically be able to overcome its limits, there's still the quest of legality with all the art that gets stolen to train it.

Anonymous No. 963439

We are done, better apply for McDonald's
I got a new job as a junior programmer, hopefully AI will not take that job easily

Anonymous No. 963440

Decent is what the client approves

Anonymous No. 963443

so its like very shitty photogrammetry? its so over!

Anonymous No. 963449

let me guess : you're that guy who "solicited" a brick and mortar business last year on how to prompt and got like what, $300? How'd that turn out for ya?

Anonymous No. 963451

take your meds anon

Anonymous No. 963452

stop telling other people to take meds when you have only been here for 15 minutes.

Anonymous No. 963453

optimization is a very simple process that ai would excel at compared to humans

Anonymous No. 963454

>optimization is a very simple process
>pats on head
have a cookie

Anonymous No. 963461

Searched for dragon, the results are pretty bad and lackluster.
Speedchar would get much better results than the best one there in about 20 minutes starting from a sphere (maybe with an ai-generated reference image)

Anonymous No. 963462

>I got a new job as a junior programmer, hopefully AI will not take that job easily
My sweet summer child.

Anonymous No. 963463

I vaguely remember that guy too, he's not crazy.
Automatic retopo is already pretty good and part of the standard workflow. With ai, it can get a lot better.
Maybe for now it's too niche to merit training a big model, but at some point I expect it will be possible to leverage the general-purpose visual intelligence of a gigantic multimodal model to crack the problem

Anonymous No. 963464

>This delusional
See you in a few months.

Anonymous No. 963486

strong doubt.

Anonymous No. 963497

> and another 30 seconds for retopology to make it game ready

Anonymous No. 963499

Bad 2d artist are replaced. Let's be realm there are some retards that have no business posting their work and asking for commission/paid work. How the fuck can they even post their ugly shit and think someone will pay for it? I'm the same but I KNOW IT. Fucking people lacking self awareness.

Anonymous No. 963575

delusional if you think optimizing is on their palette.

They will slap it into unreal / unity with a shader template and throw it up. All the chads are leaving companies and forming startups because they are sick of dealing with these retards. It'll be a couple years before they get their projects out but it'll be nice to end this era.

Anonymous No. 963577

>I'm the same but I KNOW IT

Anonymous No. 963584

what a tiiiime to be alive!

Anonymous No. 963592

I thought AI programming was retarded but this is completely unusable
It looks like someone traced a photo in sculptris

Anonymous No. 963638

2 months ago it looked like shit. Next year a new model will generate perfect topology.

Anonymous No. 963685

>2 months ago it looked like shit
it looked exactly the same, just with lower resolution
Here you can see how they both look equally shit, if not worse in the newer version, just higher resolution and better optimized for running

Also btw you could have used it already 3 months ago

Anonymous No. 963688

if you think the point is to be threatened by a purple couch, try to see the bigger picture here. technology always starts out shit. the point is it evolves and eventually becomes unstoppable. and it doesn't take very long either.
>artists draw by hand with pencil
>wacom is new
>"lmao this is so awkward to use, this is shit, nobody will ever use this"
>tablets are now industry standard
>ai is new
>"lmao this is so shit, faces look like shit, nightmare anatomy, 8 finger hands, nobody will ever use this"
>ai is now industry standard

what you really need to ask is what was wrong with the world where farmers, workers, artists all worked by hand, who is it that so desperately wants humans replaced by machines

Anonymous No. 963691

Do you know what optimization means in 3D modeling? If it just meant reducing polygons, then we already have that, its the decimate modifier. To truly optimize a mesh you need to reduce its vertices while making sure it moves and animates well, or if it is static just make sure it looks similar upclose as the unoptimized predecessor. Making sure the hand polygons dont get fucked when you bend the finger will be about as hard for AI to learn as learning to do hands for the first time, and that is just hands. I want to see it do the same on multiheaded dragons with webbed feet, something even 2D AI struggles at.
Use to generate me Tiamat, you know, the Dragon god from DnD that has 5 heads, each one colored differently, and make sure you dont use some custom LORA for this character, because there will not be as many LORAs for 3D as 2D. That "peak image AI" cant even count 5 heads on the dragon, so how do you want 3D AI to do anything correct into the future that is not human object or some other very generic object?

Anonymous No. 963692

There was never massive movement of artists against new tech, until today with AI. Yes, you will find some fags complaining about photos or tablets but you will never get 90% massive consensus, giant protests and even reaching to the point of people trying to outlaw it. Tablets swapping paper literally means nothing you know that? It takes 1 month to get accustomed to it and its basically the same exact thing. Feeling of paper texture is so much less then losing 90% of the creative control and 95% of the jobs while people feel scammed because they could just generate X thing in some online service instead of buying it from hollywood or whatever, right?

Anonymous No. 963715

>There was never massive movement of artists against new tech, until today with AI.
It shows you were born in the 2000s. Artists were massively against photobashing, digital art, and even ctrl+z.

Anonymous No. 963729

they really werent.

>t. 70s babby

Anonymous No. 963785

you're an idiot
>le almost nobody was against tablets!!!
dead wrong why even lie about this
>it takes 1 month to get used to a tablet!!!
yeah a 2023 tablet you faggot, not a 1998 one
if you're fucking 50+ and on 4chan you need to neck yourself

Anonymous No. 963786

>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question

Anonymous No. 963787

>if you're fucking 50+ and on 4chan you need to neck yourself
Stop it already.

Anonymous No. 963823

Are you still in denial? Better get good soon or start looking for another job

Anonymous No. 963825

This looks amazing as a high poly all thats left is to sculpt your own details then use it to bake
How do I get access to this AI???

Anonymous No. 963828

dude, 3d environment modelling has already been regulated to the 3rd world exclusively. Not only that, but this doesnt look to be shaping up to much. A COUCH?! Thats a bunch of cubes, dum dum. How was it trained? From pre-scanned archviz objects. This is braindead easy and not only are the results limited, but the results are _bad_.

Anonymous No. 963867

Why don't you try it yourself?

Anonymous No. 963961

holy shit this is awful

Anonymous No. 963963

The site shows preview images that are actually the source image and the generated 3d model is 80% completely unusable and 20% only something you'd use for a background asset you can't get up close to.

Anonymous No. 963965

It's fucking terrible all around when you think about the fact that this shit is definitely something you wouldn't be able to easily atlas. You might as well throw this shit in the trash. This is literally old as fuck shit people used to make with dollar store webcams over 10 years ago. Truly trash tech reskinned with a new buzzline to try to bait someone.

Anonymous No. 964043

I love how artcels always pat themselves on the back, always just comming up with new excuses for how "bad" the results still are, not realizing the amount of progress that was made in just a year, trully shows they are incapable of long term thinking (or maybe they don't want to think about it because they already know that those issues will eventually be fixed)

Anonymous No. 964044

Have you used ChatGPT? It can generate images, you can then tell it which design you like and what changes you want and it tries it's best to incorporate those changes. It can't yet take the original image and do localized edits on it, it just edits the prompt and you kind of have to hope that DallE does it's job well, but this is the limitation of DallE, ChatGPT understands what change you want, it just cannot instruct DallE in img2img, only text2img. But I imagine that's what will be next

Anonymous No. 964045

chatgpt is incredibly neutered and anything it "outputs" is too. Its literally DOA

Anonymous No. 964071

Its because AI has diminishing returns as they run out of data and the training costs/operating costs keep increasing with bigger models. Look where we are with image generation. it peaked in late 2022 to mid 2023, then it stagnated because on a generic level it seems to look perfect, so nobody has any idea how to improve it further. Artists still have jobs, all art sharing platforms are decreasing in the number of AI pictures being posted and even to this very fucking day you can guess 70% of the time which is generated and which is not. This is what happens when you turn art into optimization problem, you get generic stuff perfected.

I am not denying it has no uses, but it will not replace artists that easily. Though /3/ professionals should be kind of worrying because thanks to Unreal nanites all meshes are kind of optimized, and most big devs that hire all the 3d modelers are all aiming for nothing but hyperrealism with fantasy lighting, which is something AI WILL perfect in few months, just like how AI perfected highly shaded anime girls and photo mockups (Pope in puffy vest). Most of /3/ is still screwed though.

Anonymous No. 964196

yo chat is this real?

Anonymous No. 964245

Should I start learning 3d modeling? or is it too late? you guys scared me. Is there anything without the threat of AI replacement???

Anonymous No. 964246

basically none of the 3d ai generators let you train your own ai models because they are really locked down, rendering them nearly useless

Anonymous No. 964247

nice, monke has a chance

Anonymous No. 964319

> They scraped all of their models of sketchfab
And? It’s not illegal as we know from recent happenings, and it only violates ToS of sketchfab, so they are free to go and ban the guy
Otherwise it’s a perfectly fine thing to do

Anonymous No. 964320

NTA, but I feel if your job can get automated, and the customers will still be happy, why shouldn’t you get automated? I hate to say “should have chosen a better career path lol” but that’s how it always has been, and I really don’t see why it shouldn’t. And in top of that there’s nothing stopping you from doing it as a hobby

Anonymous No. 964330

>what you really need to ask is what was wrong with the world where farmers, workers, artists all worked by hand
They didn't, they alao used tools

Anonymous No. 964339

See you in court, thieving nigger.

Anonymous No. 964385

Thieving what? What was stolen? What law was broken?

Anonymous No. 964400

Copyright laws.

Anonymous No. 964411

Clearly not according to recent outcomes with the SD lawsuit

Anonymous No. 964426

Are you a time traveler? Nothing has been settled yet, retarded nigger.

Anonymous No. 964431

The lawsuit hasn't been closed, but judge did throw away the claims about AI output, and the publicity rights claims. Oh and the fact that the allegations based on model outputs won't survive, that was a thing too. Not to mention the fact that even starting a copyright lawsuit requires you to register the works with the copyright office, which I doubt many 3D "artists" do
So yeah good luck taking anyone to court while not being able to prove anything using model outputs, without having access to internal training data, and not having millions of dollars in backing, loser

Anonymous No. 964439

You dont need to register your work with a copyright office to have copyright, idiot

Anonymous No. 964444

Indeed you hypertard, but as the judge has ruled, they had to go and manually submit them to the copyright office, and since they didn't, that argument was also thrown out of the window. Literally go and read any report moron

Anonymous No. 964447

you dont understand how copyright works, mouthbreather

Anonymous No. 964449

Nigger that's literally what has been said by the judge, go complain to him that he doesn't understand copyright

Anonymous No. 964450

he doesnt either. Some low circuit judge knows jack shit. Wait until it gets to the supreme court (it will)

Anonymous No. 964451

>Wake me up when AI can make something actually interesting, like dragons, robots, armor suits fitted to a specific (alien) body type

literally just going to take a few months my man

Anonymous No. 964452

And then it'll get lobbied like almost all similar cases because court is not about who's in the right, but who has most money behind them. And it tends to be VC backed corporations that do

Anonymous No. 964458

if you're in your 20s and wasting your time on a tibetan yak milking forum, you are a far, far bigger loser than some dork who's in his 50s putzing around on the interwebs

Anonymous No. 964459

ai will give you concepts much better than what was in the art directors head or a pro artist's, costs way less money, way less time, way less employees and way less training, it's going to replace alot of artists for sure, they'll only keep a few if they have to compared to 100's.

Anonymous No. 964462

Anon get real, lobbying does not work at the supreme court level

Anonymous No. 964473

what is this fat retard saying? Gamedev is programming and marketing. If you put all your resources in art, you WILL be replaced by AI (and that's a good thing!).

Anonymous No. 964477


Anonymous No. 964521

Everything is makes is shit and soulless.

Anonymous No. 964532


Anonymous No. 964538

Dall-E 3 is far better than that, and can do in 10 seconds what you can do in a week.

Anonymous No. 964539

I've been making those with Bing all morning. (though the results don't always appear because sometimes they are interpreted as NSFW)

Anonymous No. 964540

Not true.

Anonymous No. 964542

You are in denial, and have zero understanding of the technologies you're up against. It's not the same stuff as was used last year.

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Anonymous No. 964543

You say you can pull this off in 40 hours? Post the video of you doing it and let's see how long it takes you. Servos and all.

Anonymous No. 964544

Dall-e doesnt even let you train your own styles.

Get out of here and stop posting on this board you degenerate

Anonymous No. 964545

The thing about politicians is they ultimately have little real understanding of 21st century technology. Only an expert can and the experts, thanks to lax laws already on the books, are subservient to corporate interests (or intending to create companies themselves). So they lie and mislead. Judge doesn't got the wherewithal to ask what the social or psychological implications are... they are already overwhelmed. And US Congress? Utterly clueless.

Anonymous No. 964546

Why would it? It only needs to satisfy existing expectations. People don't care about your style... they care about sharing experiences with others. If your style is successful enough to be described in a single adjective, then you can bet Dall-E will analyze it and eventually replicate it.

Anonymous No. 964547

you're truly clueless. Goodbye.

Anonymous No. 964548

you can bet the libertarian conservatives on SCOTUS aren't gonna give a damn about the consequences of corporations running amok with venture capitalism powered by AI. Their families are on those boards after all.

Anonymous No. 964574

t. artfags

Next time learn2code and/or the jewish art of marketing/propaganda, lol.

Anonymous No. 964578

We need AI tools to make tedious tasks like UV and retopo easier rather than trying and failling to completely replace the artists. Andrew Price is a faggot charlatan.

Anonymous No. 964596

>what will you do next?

Use the AI to outsource things I can't do on my own to support me and do the things I *can* do and can contribute to society.

Anonymous No. 964599

It can't. It just makes nonsensical merging body parts and exosuits with no real direction. The biggest issue it they cannot keep consistency.

Anonymous No. 965835


You realize AI and new technology can replace literally any job given enough time, right? That includes manual labor

Anonymous No. 965879

not my problem

Anonymous No. 965885

That anon forgot he was talking to a basement dweller lul

Anonymous No. 965931

SD is great for repeating textures. At least ones that aren't up close, because you still need a friggin DGX to generate anything huge. And foliage. Really anything that you'd quickly scroll Polyhaven for.

Anonymous No. 966546

Denial, the first step of the five stages of grief.

Anonymous No. 966547

Somebody get Jeremy Renner on the phone right fucking now.

Anonymous No. 968083

digital art is over, back to real life painting

Anonymous No. 968084

No one does textures anymore, now there are PBR materials. And materials are procedurally made in substance creator, with diffusion map that sd can generate being replaced by very simple albedo map.

Anonymous No. 969136


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 969137

Anon nothing you're saying doesn't make any sense. AI can do all of that TODAY, it might not be good enough for you but it's always going to keep improving. And no one cares about the legality, there are too many loopholes. The artists aren't going to win their grift.

Anonymous No. 969138

This kind of tech demonstration is saying that it will take 20 seconds to generate cities soon enough.

Anonymous No. 969144

>generate cities
Literally one of the easiest things to do and there are already multiple assets that are capable of that through simple geometry nodes. Come back when it can create a sculpt of a mesoamerican warrior with roman inspirations and a thraex esque gladiator helmet with rabbit imagery combining elements from both cultures. It's a very simple task that any artist can sketch with some research and effort yet ai cannot and will never be to do it, all it's capable of is mass producing slop

Anonymous No. 969215

First off it's not impossible.
Generating a procedural city in geonodes would be a tour de force I'd be interested in.
But to have something that can be used in a scene or a game you'd have to take on a level of complexity that's not easily manageable with nodes.
You'd have to go down the hierarchy
City -> Districts -> Roads -> Streets -> City Blocks -> Houses, Parks, Infrastructure -> Stories -> Apartments, Windows, Doors, Hallways -> Furniture
The level of branching and recursion is just on the edge of the possible with repeat zones. The problem is you can't really query already placed geometry to ensure consistency so you can only use algorithm that feature inherent consistency.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 969227

AI is shilled to demoralize workers to accept lower pay and worse treatment.

Anonymous No. 969229

I like how neural networks can't do shit yet, but already replaced all jobs.

Anonymous No. 969243

This guy gets it, i have been testing AI for some tasks in the last few months (im a rigging lead) and even though i think it will be able to do modelling work and some basic rigging and animation effectivelly, it is just useless when it comes to more technical subjects.
Try coding a maya script for a specific task that has never been scripted a thiusand fucking times with ai and you will see what i mean

Anonymous No. 969254

NTA but its way cheaper to pay some brown person 3 dollars an hour vs making a complex robot. I forsee a future where robots are doing all of the jobs that require a brain and every human that isnt a genius or owns the robots is working a shitty manual labor job.

Anonymous No. 969274

AI can turn images into 3D models you know. Love seeing people like you lie to themselves.

Anonymous No. 969276

Then do what I've described retard, you won't because your ai and you are castrates

Anonymous No. 969277

Love seeing people like you lie to themselves.

Anonymous No. 969278

>he didn't do it
Kekaroo, I beg you anon, it doesn't even need to be 3d, 2d will suffice, I just want to see your pathetic attempt

Anonymous No. 969279

Keep chimping.

Anonymous No. 969280

Last year you would have said it was impossible to do what it can do today.

Anonymous No. 969281


Anonymous No. 969282

>artists being laid off because companies think AIshit means having to do less work
>remaining artists have to do even more work now on top of having to clean up after AI which is a nightmare itself
times are grim

Anonymous No. 969284

until the remaining artists are replaced by robodrawer too

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Anonymous No. 969297

That's what you think but it's actually worse. Companies are just going to try to see how much they can get away with how low quality shit that audiences can stomach. Just look at what happened to 2D animation, how good it used to look versus modern animation. Same thing is going to happen to 3D, just look at how shit Wish looks compared to Tangled.

Anonymous No. 971733

fuck bros she's so hot

Anonymous No. 971870

Wish looks like shit because Disney is hiring incompetent outsourced pajeets instead of American artists and calling it diversity and AI would be an improvement over them.}
Just look at any 3D modelling tutorial on youtube, 90% of them are made by pajeets with broken accents.

Anonymous No. 971880

I'd be more interested in these ai "advancements" if the end result could be programmed rather than approximated. Right now you would have to find a prompt that gets you close to your desired end result and then curate dozens to hundreds of models to finalize/retopo/etc. If you could programmatically dictate what it should look for, give it inputs, % influence, accurate descriptors, dimensions, etc, then it would be FAR more useful. Right now it's just a toy. I'd happily use non-manual modeling with "ai"-powered configuration if I had any semblence of control over it.

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Anonymous No. 971933

>Implying they'll want the headache of employing a "creative"
Artists screwed themselves out of being employable by being insufferable cunts before, during and after the AI craze dies down.

Anonymous No. 971949

Artists, teachers and journalists have always been the preferred vehicle for the communist party to infiltrate, subvert and demoralize nations.

Anonymous No. 972442

the game has advanced, if pajeets are doing your job it means the industry has left you behind

10 years ago being able to animate or make 3d models was enough, if you haven't upped your game since then you deserve to be homeless

imagine trying to dogfight in a p51 mustang in vietnam against fighter jets

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Goku smug.jpg

Anonymous No. 972526

>what will you do next
Keep on making smut after I'm done with my actual job.
>imagine having "art" as your only job skill
Should've listened to daddy when he told you not to go to art school.

Anonymous No. 972540

>if pajeets are doing your job
Pajeets are doing flops, hardly any competent artist feels threatened, only Blackrock investors are.

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Anonymous No. 972554

> H.R. Giger
AI is literally theft. Daily reminder your shit AI can not come up with any style it did not copy and steal 100s of times from pictures on the internet.

AI is the death of any creativity.

> H.R. Giger
AI is literally theft. And this is why it will be banned.

If it will not be banned humanity will enter a dark age the world has never imagined before.

I am reminder of Oswald Spengler.

>winter of civilization Art becomes repetitive imitations of past works

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Anonymous No. 972555

>even starting a copyright lawsuit requires you to register the works with the copyright office, which I doubt many 3D "artists" do
> requires you to register the works with the copyright office
Factually wrong. Since the burn convention.

No surprise that the AI fagot is retarded as fuck.

AI fags are literally the trash of humanity no skills no knowledge, literally useless NEETS that need to be exterminated.

Anonymous No. 972556

>But they aren't. The problem with AI is that there's no real specificity to it despite all the cope saying there is. You have to pretend that what you're given is exactly what you wanted, even when it clearly isn't.
Anyone who tried to prompt a AI knows that AI will hard push one thing on you despite you specifying it to not do that.

This is because 2D AI art is literally theft it is literally taking pictures humans made and photo bashing them together based on your prompt.

I once tried an AI to make me a picture, despite how hard I tried to tell it to not give beards to the people in this picture it failed every time.

This is because this specific scenario the AI only has humans with beards.

Anonymous No. 972557

>SD is great for repeating textures. At least ones that aren't up close, because you still need a friggin DGX to generate anything huge. And foliage. Really anything that you'd quickly scroll Polyhaven for.
Literally no one would have a problem with AI if it auto generated textures only.

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Anonymous No. 972560

Not that anon

>You say you can pull this off in 40 hours?
>Muh Servos
This is literally photo bashing. You should ask people to photo bash if you are posting AI art since AI art is literally only photo bashing.

>you do it
Take a photo of a wolf on 1 layer and a robot on another then use the erase tool in Photoshop on the wolf layer.

You can even see how bad AI is at photo bashing because it did not fully remove the the hair from the wolf picture in the middle one.

Anonymous No. 972562

Thank you for describing what AI literally is
>x in style of z

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You Suck Ass.gif

Anonymous No. 972563

>Daily reminder your shit AI can not come up with any style it did not copy and steal 100s of times from pictures on the internet

>AI is the death of any creativity.
>he said, as he posted a mix of something you'd find in Aliens, Farscape and any generic grimdark sci-fi setting
Daily reminder that "creatives" did this to themselves and are only digging their grave deeper and deeper by not being convenient to their employers.

Anonymous No. 972564

>being convenient to their employers.
As in producing the most milquetoast regurgitated shit?
Doesn't hold a candle to moebius dune concept art btw

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Amused Anime Girl....jpg

Anonymous No. 972565

>I once tried an AI to make me a picture,
This sentence amuses me. Did you try a marijuana once?

>despite how hard I tried to tell it to not give beards to the people in this picture it failed every time.
I'm just gonna assume you tried to generate bara smut for yourself. You have state "smooth face" in the prompt. Which if you ever saw a single example prompt that isn't just a sentence of "Give me bara porn of men without beards" you'd know.

>Literally no one would have a problem with AI if it auto generated textures only.
Yes, you would. The mere thought that you are closer to the chopping block than a dirty filthy miner or construction worker hurts you on an emotional level. If it was robots replacing menial workers you wouldn't utter a peep.

>As in producing the most milquetoast regurgitated shit?

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Anonymous No. 972567

I accept your unconditional surrender.

I know you are literally sub human trash however I will answer this for the irony. I know your sub human brain can not understand this.

Because the point is you no skill trash that a future where humans have no skill to create and only prompt the AI is a nightmere.
What will humans do? Shove food all day into their mouths while watching AI generated TikTok ?

You seriously want to destroy human skill?
Is this your goal human trash?

> find in Aliens,
Yea non human trash thank you.
>Aliens Muh Aliens
You realize that the art style was literally made by H. R. Giger for this film?

>Farscape muh Farscape
Farscape released in 1999 Aliens released in 1979.
These are trivial things you can google on your own human trash.

However you can not. Because you are this level of trash that this skill is beyond you. You should not be considered human and therefore have no human rights.

Do I need to hammer this in more?
You masturbate to AI that literally stole from H. R. Giger.
Lets imagine that it is 1901 and AI was invented. All human artists are thrown out and only AI generates pictures.

Because H. R. Giger. did never start making his art in this timeline the concept of making something in the style of H. R. Giger is literally impossible for the AI! Since the AI was never given pictures in this style to take.

This art style you masturbate so much to would be impossible for AI to generate if it did not STEAL(in the creative sense) from human artists.

No human artists= no new styles to ever get.
AI art is the death of any creativity and who knows what brilliant art styles can be discovered in the future that we do not know aobut?

This is why human art is so important.

Can other anons rate my essay?
> by not being convenient to their employers.
I have a question. What do you do for a living AI fagot? Are you a no skill NEET? Or do you work at amazon? Serious question.

Anonymous No. 972568

Sifted thru my H.R Giger folder on local harddrive for the first time in a long while, his style looks distinctly AI. That style of having mecha and bionics float together as one was cool back then but now it looks generated.

No artist could ever come up with a novel art style like the one Giger invented that meshes disparate things as one and not have it not look like something that was synthesized by a machine.

It's weird to look at one of the masters and in hindsight identify how a lot of it looks like what currently sorts under 'AI slop'.

Anonymous No. 972569

>filthy miner
>If it was robots replacing menial workers you wouldn't utter a peep.
Did you just debunk yourself human garbage?

>Reee I want to do dangerous jobs in a coal mine where I can die! Thank god that the robots do not take away my dangerous job where 100s of humans die every year! This is truly the utopia!

Are you insane?
>If it was robots replacing menial workers you wouldn't utter a peep.
Not really. However the promise of robots was
>WE automate the dangerous and meaningless jobs so humans can better themselves (basically like on star trek)

And while the dangerous of automation must be thought about. I for one opposed self-driving cars since they can disrupt the workforce to hard.

You literally fucken wrote "miner" is peak retarded.
Yes mining the most dangerous job in existence the job TRADITIONALLY only made BY SLAVES in the Roman empire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you this retarded and a parody of yourself?!

Anonymous No. 972571

>'AI slop'.
Cope word some artists made up.

>his style looks distinctly AI.
Not really. The point is that HUMAN artists are important. Who knows what art styles we can discover in the future. And without human artists AI will never discover these styles. There is something deeply wrong with replacing human artists with AI.

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Anonymous No. 972573

>I accept your unconditional surrender.
That is very cute, Anon, but you still have to tell me why that's important given how creatively bankrupt artists have been in the last 15 years

>I know you are literally sub human trash however I will answer this for the irony. I know your sub human brain can not understand this
I'm just gonna assume this is how artists, voice actors and musicians behave in the industry and laugh at them when they get shafted by AI

>Because the point is you no skill trash that a future where humans have no skill to create
Paranoid schizo self induced hysterics. Got it

>What will humans do?
Whatever they want. As they have before for thousands of years. But what you're really revealing here is that the only reason you know how to draw is because you want money for it. Some artist you are, chasing the $. Or are you scared shitless that that one deranged diaper furfag you have on the hook won't pay 100$ a pop to beat his meat to when AI can do it for a fraction of the time and price? Is the thought of a LoRA model in your style, drawing endless iterations of messy furries with soiled diapers that frightening?

>You realize that the art style was literally made by H. R. Giger for this film
Do I look like a give a shit? I nearly mistook it for any bottom of the barrel sci-fi setting that's come out in the past 30 years. Where is the creativity?

>Do I need to hammer this in more?
Deciphering your malkavian ramblings is rather difficult so, yes you do.

>You masturbate to AI that literally stole from H. R. Giger.
I masturbate to plenty of things. How is this relevant?

>Lets imagine that it is 1901
Kek HR Giger would've made something different if he wanted.

But I will give you this. AI showed just how thin-skinned artfags truly are. And I wish it gets legislated to the point it's no longer useful. If only so that more people learn how to draw themselves and render artfags completely obsolete with how simple their skillset actually is

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Anonymous No. 972574

>literally just going to take a few months my man
Why are you like this AI fagot?
Seriously why?

>Oh boy I can not wait until AI can replace humans!
Seriously why?

> few months my man
LOL no. The reason why 2D is in trouble is
1) billions of billions of SUPER QUALITY 2D pictures ready to steal from the internet
2) 2D can make wrong anatomy of impossible shapes and humans will not notice.
3) 2D is easier on the machine then 3D especially for neural network jobs.

3D is magnitudes more harder on the machine to grind.
No models are a hard problem since AI can not simply steal billions of 3D models.

Then comes the real problem polygons are hard.
While generating a wrong pixel is not a problem.... How exactly will AI work with polygons? Literally creating a open mesh or a mesh with flipped normal's is a big problem.

You can go voxels however voxels take 1000 more space then polygons and you hit the machine power problem. And even if you go for voxels then the dataset will be in the millions of terabytes minimum.

And magically the dogshit AIs who run on super computers and takes minutes to generate some 2D pictures will magical handle working like this with voxels??????

The reason why 3D is so hard for AI is the reason why we can simply take 100% digitized human video and put it in mortal kombat in the 90s however scanning a full human body and putting it in the game is a big problem.

3D is over 1000 times harder then 2D because of the extra dimension this is the reason why life like voxel scans take x1000 more then 2D pictures of the same thing.

And I have to imagine the comedy of stealing 3D models who can be in different resolutions and getting low poly crap in there.

Before AI becomes a thread to 3D it will be banned and regulated to hell and back after all the 2D lawsuits.

Anonymous No. 972575

>blahblahblabhblahblbhalbhahhhhh blehhh mlem blehhhh o3o :3 blehhh :))) :))) : ) mlemmmmm
shut the fuck up faggots go learn a skill

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Smug 666.jpg

Anonymous No. 972576

>Did you just debunk yourself human garbage?
Maybe it's time you learned how to stack shelves or pour coffee?

>Are you insane?
No, but you certainly are.

>Not really. However the promise of robots was
Turns out it's easier to replace your "creativity" than simple motor functions. Hilarious.

>How are you this retarded and a parody of yourself?!
All I'm saying is, the AI isn't replacing them, now is it?

Anonymous No. 972577

>There is something deeply wrong with replacing human artists with AI.
Name one thing.

Anonymous No. 972578

>Whatever they want. As they have before for thousands of years.
So no answer, exactly like expected.

>Whatever they want. As they have before for thousands of years.
Give examples.

>Whatever they want.
>showing McDonald down your face while you watch AI generated TikTok

>Where is the creativity?
LOL no one needs to answer to your trash cryteria.
>Do I look like a give a shit?
>you anti-AI chad are 300% corect
Thank you for saying this

>Do I look like a give a shit?
>I say meaningless words and do not even fact check the crap I say
Thank you for proving you are non human trash.

> and laugh at them when they get shafted by AI
Cool. An I will celebrate when the AI ban hits you can then post a picture of you shitting and pissing yourself in real life once you will be unable to use your AI website to generate AI art.

>Why can I not prompt?
LOL kill yourself!

What job do you work fagot?
Who pays yoru bills?

You are a NEET. No skill NEET.
>Why do you want money?
You understood this if all you have was not bought by your MOM.

Anonymous No. 972579

>Name one thing.
Humans will not create art.

All AI art is only derived from what artists before AI made.

>Name one thing.
>Name one thing with stopping to make music and only listening to public domain songs forever

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Anonymous No. 972580

>Maybe it's time you learned how to stack shelves or pour coffee?
He says this while posting a picture he stole form an artist.

If art is not so important then why do you not post with your rel life face? Or post pictures of placing items on shelves or pour coffee?

Says the crazy retard to retarded to facks check when what movie did come out in google.

>Turns out it's easier to replace your "creativity" than simple motor functions.
Or this is exactly the plan of the World Economic forum who hides the manual automation and will replace all art with AI so that the future fatsos addicted to AI generated TikTok in 100 years will be unable to think of anything and when the elites role out the euthanasia initiative or replace them with robots they will be unable to even understand this.

Anonymous No. 972581

Prompt yourself a suicide booth fag

Anonymous No. 972582

>All AI art is only derived from what artists before AI made.

That's not how it's gonna work anon. The AI will create never before seen things. Once those things exist that of it which endure will feed back into the next generation and so on an so forth. THe idea that the AI isn't capable of creativity in the same sense we are is a fundamental misunderstanding. Even if the AI plateau soon the existing tools would keep getting refined and retrained with better training-data containing AI constructed images that we humans sign off on as being particularly good.

AI will likely advance art to new never before seen heights while leaving us in the dust.
Thinking the models will regress ignores a lot of what's already happening right now here and now with synthetic training data.

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Laughing whores 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 972583

>So no answer, exactly like expected.
>given an answer
>refuses answer
Do you need monetary incentive to do anything ? Is this where your creativity ends? Pretentious is what artists are and nothing more.

>Give examples.

>LOL no one needs to answer to your trash cryteria.
>winges about muh creativity
>"Where is the creativity"
>refuses to answer
Like clockwork.

>Cool. An I will celebrate when the AI ban hits you can then post a picture of you shitting and pissing yourself in real life once you will be unable to use your AI website to generate AI art.
I can't wait. If PewDiePie can learn how to do high quality anime pics in 3 or so months, imagine how utterly banal and factory line like artschool must be. Becoming a trucker takes more time, effort and skill than being an artist.

>What job do you work fagot?
Research and Development, I'll let you decide what field I work in.

>You are a NEET. No skill NEET.
NEETs are worth more than you. They can at the very least stack shelves in a store.

>You understood this if all you have was not bought by your MOM.
Money is the only reason your "art" exists. And here you are, kvetching about creativity and how important human artists, such as yourself, are.

>Humans will not create art.
They will if they want to. But you can't comprehend that, now can you? Woe be to you faggot.

>All AI art is only derived from what artists before AI made.
All human art is only derived from what artists made before.

>If art is not so important then why do you not post with your rel life face?
>le dox yourself
>post your face
>see if you'd be talking mad shit to me and my 600 confirmed kills fag
>i was top of my class at the navy
>I mastered the art of gorilla warfare
>and so on and on

>and when the elites role out the euthanasia initiative or replace them with robots they will be unable to even understand this.
>implying they didn't do that 3 years ago
You got the jab, didn't you?

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Anonymous No. 972585

>Do you need monetary incentive to do anything
Tell me your job fagot. I see your are NEET.

>Research and Development, I'll let you decide what field I work in.
Tell me more.

>NEETs are worth more than you. They can at the very least stack shelves in a store.
They literally can not. This is what the NOT EMPLOYED part is all about. Once again you are a insane NEET.

>They will if they want to
That is not a real answer retarded NEET.
Why do AI fagots sound like a badly written AI chat bot?

>Research and Development,
LOL. Good joke. Tell em the specifics.

> is the only reason
Getting angry are we NEET.
Did I expose the cash from from MOM that keeps you alive?

>>le dox yourself
Then do not post anything you did not make yourself.
>>le dox yourself
You fail to understand the point here.
You post pictures other humans made.
You are stealing from their work.

If art is so unimportant why do you keep posting pictures from anime?

>>le dox yourself
It is magical what dysgenic slobs all these 4chan fagots end up being in real life.

>You got the jab, didn't you?

Anonymous No. 972587

>That's not how it's gonna work anon
YES it is.
Translation: "data set" = "millions of stolen pictures"

>The AI will create never before seen things.
He says this while posting pictures that have the prompt " H. R. Giger" in them see >>964451 and >>972554

>THe idea that the AI isn't capable of creativity in the same sense we are is a fundamental misunderstanding
He says this while posting pictures that have the prompt " H. R. Giger" in them see >>964451 and >>972554

>Even if the AI plateau soon the existing tools would keep getting refined and retrained with better training-data containing

>with better training-data
"training-data" = "pictures we stole form human artists"

AI will not get better it is literally a scam. Great for recognizing a box if you train it on a million pictures of a box. Absolutely incapable of generating anything.

You realize that AI art works by showing random noise to the AI and saying
>Here in this somewhere is a picture of super girl flying over a city.
And the AI can only turn this noise into art is because it saved 1000s of 1000s of pictures tagged sueprgirl and city. it is literally retrieving the data it saved with photo bashing involved.

This is very obvious if you ask for very minor fan characters to be made only to get random nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 972589

>They literally can not. This is what the NOT EMPLOYED part is all about. Once again you are a insane NEET.
>not wanting to work = you can't work
I see now the retarded schizoid I am
trying to conversing with. Cope, mald, seethe. I hope you live long enough to be replaced by AI, in your own style too, using evolving algorithms to mimic all the possible ways your style can and would most probably improve in.

Anonymous No. 972591

Hope is all you have loser

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Smug Anime Girl 117.jpg

Anonymous No. 972593

post your art furshit. Post those soiled diapers you draw to pay the bills.

Anonymous No. 972594

Gonna cry?

Anonymous No. 972595

>>not wanting to work
Lets see:
>I am so brain fucked and lazy that I refuse to work and let my MOM pay for everything
so this is a NEET.

>you can't work
Look the AI fagot speaks like broken chatGPT!
People who can not work are not classified as NEETs.

However lazy basement dwellers who get all their money from MOM are!

Anonymous No. 972596

And I wait until the day your MOM dies so you kill yourself or go homeless.

Anonymous No. 972601

>And the AI can only turn this noise into art is because it saved 1000s of 1000s of pictures tagged sueprgirl and city. it is literally retrieving the data it saved with photo bashing involved.

That's not how this work anon. The neural net that does this is just a few gigabytes in size, it contains no pointers to any stored images.
It was trained the way you describe but the trained network no longer has access to any of that training data.
This is somewhat analogous to how our brains don't contain a copy of every piece of media we ever consumed, rather it lives on as memory constructs in our brain tissue.
You can run these things locally without any internet connection on your own desktop computer.

The images it generates exist as something better thought of as mental constructs within the weights and pathways of the neural network.
Think of it as if we cut out a piece of tissue of our own brain where our memories of what we've seen is stored. We then feed this slice of brain-tissue a signal
and if something in our memory maps to this signal those neural pathways light up like a Christmas tree.

When asked to spot the presence of what's in your prompt in either a user provided image or the rainbow noise randomization etc it analyze
shapes present in the provided data whatever signal maps most strongly towards a vision of something set of a cascade of firing of neurons along the neural pathways
and the image is filled in with 'the vision' the network saw.

What generative AI does is similar in flavor to what we could do if we could take a 'pritscreen' of our mental construct upon beholding a Rorschach test or spotting shapes in clouds.

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Smug Anime Girl K....jpg

Anonymous No. 972603


Anonymous No. 972635

I have never modelled anything procedurally using plugins or anything fancy like that. How much time am I losing by doing everything by hand?

>t. high poly modeller converted to low poly stylized

Anonymous No. 972642

>Gonna cry?
I would too if I had to make furfag shit diaper "art" to survive

Anonymous No. 972693

Funny you say this because there was a popular diaper fur fetish artist who ragequitted deviantart after they required ai to be tagged, compared the "oppression" of "ai artists" to slavery or some shit

Anonymous No. 972792

Nice gazillion polygon sofa you faggot

Anonymous No. 973038

Slop will still be slop except this time everyone using these don't actually learn anything from it and will be unable to improve it as they don't actually have the skill for it. If anything, the bar of success becomes easier as people willingly make themselves retarded and the ones putting in effort will be able to shine even brighter.

Anonymous No. 973364

An AI writing prompts for another AI is even fucking worse. I've tried the feature and it's next to impossible to get anything very specific. Specificity is obviously extremely important in art so at this point it's essentially useless in any serious situation

Anonymous No. 974521

"as the person responsible for telling artists when they need to cut down on polys"
kek, this guy seriously thinks that le optimized low poly baked mesh will still be the future of 3d
good toplogy only matters for deformable character meshes and its getting obsolete everywhere else

Anonymous No. 974524

Woah calm done nanite troon

Anonymous No. 974535

eh.. i dont even like unreal engine that much but the trend towards pixel size triangles should be pretty apparent

Anonymous No. 974988

If my goal was to become a Monty oum esque fight animator should I give up?

Anonymous No. 974990

As if artists working for shit pay wasn't already convenient for their employers. You basically saying artists were dicks for not working for free. You're such a corporate cock sucker.

Anonymous No. 974991

AI bros like you are literally scum. Your shit is built on theft of other people's hard work. Eventually AI will replace all white collar jobs and everyone will be pouring coffee and lifting boxes, but you're just sour grapes over bring bad at art.

Anonymous No. 975029

What’s wrong with nanite? Genuinely curious

Anonymous No. 975033

If you try to make two characters interact convincinly using only AI it's gonna suck a lot, it just can't do it. You could at least learn to animate flat characters so you can feed the output to an video-to-video AI to give it style.

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Anonymous No. 975061

it's not my job its my hobby

Anonymous No. 975109

This. Slop made by hacks with no actually good ideas as AI does heavy lifting will not compare to actually creative people with a competent team. AI can only reproduce, it cannot actually create. Even ChatGPT trying to write a story sounds like an incoherent fucking fever dream. Can't even shove actually GOOD writers out the door with this shit cause AI are incapable of NEW IDEAS or CONSISTENCY. AI will phase out turds, hacks and corner cutting and trend chasing corpo scum.

Anonymous No. 975130

>AI can only reproduce, it cannot actually create
Uh huh, thank god it was trained on CCTV footage of green elephants committing grand theft auto, since you know, it can only reproduce what was directly in dataset

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Anonymous No. 975157

>CCTV footage of green elephants committing grand theft auto
Anon I know that it's hard for you to understand because picrel but creativity is something beyond "x in style of y" type slop that aibros peddle in subreddits

Anonymous No. 975160

If a human posted what anon just described ~2 years ago we would not hear a single person claim that wasn't creative.
You are high as a kite on copium anon, the machines are already more creative than you, me and almost anyone else.

I wish that wasn't true, but it is true. A two year old toddler is starting to lap most of us, now imagine what AI-bro will do when he's old enough to legally drink alcohol.

Anonymous No. 975165

>You are high as a kite on copium anon, the machines are already more creative than you, me and almost anyone else.
prove this, coward!!

Anonymous No. 975172

Nah bro you just have aphantasia as all other aibros do, I'm sorry you had to be born with a bug brain

Anonymous No. 975186

ok that's just a cope, what was stated earlier wasn't meant to be a quirky breathtaking creative idea, it was an example that AI doesn't need to have a direct representation of a thing in it's dataset to produce a result, thus it doesn't reproduce but create

Anonymous No. 975188

>thus it doesn't reproduce but create
ai hasnt created anything. Its the same type of non creation that my nested for loop runs. Its a for procedure.

Anonymous No. 975189

so what did humanity create then? So far everything we made is based on something that already existed in nature

Anonymous No. 975193

please. I'm not going to entertain that. Your so called ai is a nested for loop and its Very obvious.

Anonymous No. 975195

Damn you are telling me a nested for loop function is better than overwhelming majority of humans? How humanity has fallen

Anonymous No. 975198

>overwhelming majority

Anonymous No. 975211

Bug brain, little ant, insect, worm.
That's you, drone.

Anonymous No. 975227

Oh I'm sorry anon, I didn't mean to make you cry with my comments

Anonymous No. 975301

i see so many intelligent people engaging in such low iq cope
everyone is in denial

like its hard to hit the retopolgy button in your 3d software?
like this stuff wont get bette
like its not already the end game point, nigga it made the 3d model they wanted from a text prompt

its over nigga

Anonymous No. 975478

i hate tech and the eventual bladerunner dystopia, so i hate to admit this. but it could just involve generating 2d images, predict alternative angles of the image, detect depth from shadows, and then somehow abracadabra it into 3d somehow. the last line of defence will be sculptures until they learn how to 3d print wood or marble

Anonymous No. 975480

>thus it doesn't reproduce but create
and you my friend, will neither reproduce nor create

Anonymous No. 975502

I'm sorry to disappoint anon but I already did...

Anonymous No. 975719

Nice topology kek

Anonymous No. 975773

>green elephant committing grand theft auto
That doesn't sound creative at all actually. Just sounds fever dream retarded like most of anything else an AI tries to "create". All you did was create an every day scenario and slap "green elephant" into the prompt in place of a human being.

Anonymous No. 975776

Retards like you laughed at AI generated pictures, but a year passes and companies are laying off their artists. You literally seen the exact situation happen recently and you still can't connect the dots? You people must have turbo autism

Anonymous No. 975839

You have to understand that aibro's peak creativity is "marvel in style of 90's dark fantasy", holy fuck they can get the skills of rembrandt that directly reproduce what's in their brains without any prompt fuckery, the second they get that they will shit out 1000 images of "anime girl in style of h.r.giger" You are talking to actual bugs that never had an original thought in their life

Anonymous No. 975923

Again, that wasn't supposed to be a novel, creative idea. It was supposed to be an idea of something absurd, to prove that AI doesn't need a direct representation of concept in dataset to produce result
I could have came up with something original probably, but why bother if I only wanted to make a point that doesn't even refer to proper creativity or originality?

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no thanks im good.jpg

Anonymous No. 975925



Anonymous No. 975926

>I could have came up with something original

Anonymous No. 975946

> 1000 images of "anime girl in style of h.r.giger"

Anonymous No. 976141

not bad desu. This will replace your current skill set soon

Anonymous No. 976142

In some sense this is actually useful rn.
You could use it as starting point for a sculpt instead of starting from a sphere or blocking it out with box modelling first.

Anonymous No. 976146

Or you could reuse any rigged mesh to act as a base for less hassle.

Anonymous No. 976194

Notice how you don't hear doom about ai anywhere in the news outlets anymore or anywhere outside of this site, a site well known for going to extremes. Kind of makes you think, if this site is overreacting, as they did with almost all other things.

Anonymous No. 976195

It's around the corner to hit news-cycles anon, there's just too much latency in diffusion of understanding to journalists and the news-cycles
currently saturated with discourse surrounding the US elections and events surrounding the two high-profile wars in our hemisphere.

Outside 4chan everyone who follows this field is firing on all cylinders over the development that comes at us almost daily now.
Expect this to start taking front and center again soon as a lot of AI related job-loss is already happening today and big spikes are about to hit more and more rapidly.

If you follow developments by primarily relying on news-agencies you get a picture that is skewed towards clickthru rather than audience information retention and understanding.

Anonymous No. 976238

Aaaand it's back. Damn that was a lot faster than I thought when I wrote that post lol.

Anonymous No. 976289

>It's around the corner to hit news-cycles anon, there's just too much latency in diffusion of understanding to journalists and the news-cycles
currently saturated with discourse surrounding the US elections and events surrounding the two high-profile wars in our hemisphere.
You're delusional. The only narrative about AI thats in the news is how bad Gemini is and how far behind Google is. The reality is that the free GPT-4 in Bing with Copilot absolutely destroys google search.

Anonymous No. 979781

>copyright office

Since you seem to be confusing a few concepts I suggest you read this