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Anonymous No. 963530

>ran out of memory with 128gb on CPU

feels so fucking bad bros.

How can you GPU people even compete with 8gb, 12gb, 24gb?

Anonymous No. 963533

What are you doing, simulations in Houdini or something?

Anonymous No. 963534


Anonymous No. 963535

Yeah, makes sense. Even then I was under the impression that 128GB was a safe amount for most things.

Anonymous No. 963536

what I wanted to do is possible, but only on a quantum computer, it turns out

Anonymous No. 963538

>128gb on CPU

is that your L1 or L2 cache?

Anonymous No. 963565

what exactly were you trying to do?

Anonymous No. 963569

Lawl, go easy on anon, he meant main memory. If CPUs had that much cache we wouldn’t need GPUs at all