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๐Ÿงต 'ps1 graphics' aren't an excuse to look like shit

Anonymous No. 963586

good art direction is still possible with lo-fi graphics. stop using 'muh retro graphics' as a crutch and start practicing!

look at what good art direction can accomplish with lo-fi graphics:

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

Anonymous No. 963587

"but that's a unity game on modern hardware! you couldn't get such nice graphics on an OG playstation"

ok, here's a basic 3D engine running on GBA hardware. look at how polished the texture work is.

'soul' does not come from shitty graphics. 'soul' comes from persevering with an artistic vision despite limited resources. that is a reflection of the human spirit. that is what gives something soul, and its why things today lack so much of it in an age of ez engines and lighting presets and metahumans.

you can do better, so go do better! persevere! i believe in you!


Anonymous No. 963593

I make it a point not to listen to dumb rallying cries like these. especially when you dont pyw.

Anonymous No. 963594

would but its identifying. can tell u its educational webgl programs for high schoolers. need to target weak hardware like kindles and chromebooks

Anonymous No. 963607

>look at what good art direction can accomplish with lo-fi graphics:
That's not lo-fi graphics but a demo.
Likely pre-baked lightning from a proper GI renderer.
That's something that wasn't viable in the PS1 area.

It's like putting a bicycle into the back of your car, driving it the next city and claiming you took a bike trip.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963608

wow that looks so incredible, not just looks but the music and voiceover are top notch too
I like the look of old graphics with new lighting

Anonymous No. 963609

wow that looks incredible, I really like the way new lighting looks with old lo res texturing
I think it somehow makes it even more nostalgic than if you made something with "real" ps1 lighting, its just better
the music and voiceover also really add to the atmosphere

kind of obviously true but I guess it has to be stated

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Anonymous No. 963631

fair, but games have been using baked lighting since the late 90s. something similar was certainly possible by 2001 even if not as ez to accomplish

Anonymous No. 963637

that would have looked much better without that shitty pixelated filter

Anonymous No. 963643

its a whole custom render pipeline. at least they are doing it legit

Anonymous No. 963648

So the way it's done in OP is via baking the lighting to texture only?

Anonymous No. 963649

Retro graphics fags on this board as a blight, none of them want to make anything interesting they just want to use old software and use "sovl" as a stand in for tallent.
Their artistic vision goes as far as primitive objects and dithering, and they want a participation trophy for it too.
There's nothing wrong with the concept of retro graphics, as OP demonstrated, but you do have to actually try.

It's not a PS1 game you retard, it's retro for aesthetic purposes.

Anonymous No. 963652

its not quantifiable and the goalpost is easily shifted.
you have no hard ground to base anything off of.

Anonymous No. 963660

>it's subjective
This is you asking for a participation trophy. You know you aren't pushing yourself or else you wouldn't have thought it applied to you.
Come on anon, put some elbow grease into it

Anonymous No. 963668

im just asking for a clear goal. you dont have one, so your demands dont mean shit.

Anonymous No. 963678

Quake 2 in 1997 had pre-baked global illumination lightmaps. And lightmaps can be quite low-res and still look amazing, so idk why it wouldn't be feasible, unless the hardware was drastically worse than mainstream pc hardware

Anonymous No. 963700

don't care. gonna make "ps1 graphics" just so i can shit out assets faster and appeal to zoomers at the same time.