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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963656


My face still looks unsatisfying.

Anonymous No. 963662

regardless of the result, keep going op

Anonymous No. 963663

This. Shit or get off the pot, OP. Either stick with the western face. Or retopologize a pointed nose and thinner lips. Just make a decision and press forward.

Anonymous No. 963675

what do you expect, its a generic elf girl, there are literally thousands of these things floating around artstation and all the various coomer sites. you cooked up a 1:1 imitation of a fast food burger, of course you're unsatisfied.
>inb4 food reference

Anonymous No. 963725

from what I can tell, the nose currently works quite good. There is something with the mouth and the eyes that we can probably improve.
Softening the corners of the lower lip could be an idea.
And shaping the eyes a bit more femininely and less generic disney girl. This would bring everything more in line with an artstyle that isnt full on cartoony.

Anonymous No. 963740

looks disney/pixar style like danny mac. it's an unappealing style, popular with 3d artists because it's easy to achieve and appeals to the masses. i'd suggest not learning from western artists if you want to avoid this style.

Anonymous No. 963741

Why everyone here is butthurt at the toon style?

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Anonymous No. 963744

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Anonymous No. 963745

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Anonymous No. 963747

Anonymous No. 963754

This Ai shit looks awful, even op westoid character looks 100 times better

Anonymous No. 963780

If it really looked unsatisfying you'd have done something with it!!
This thread was created by some other idiot

Anonymous No. 963783

>receive criticism
every time

Anonymous No. 963789

>bullshit ""critique""
>asked to pyw
>"n-no, you are just m-mad at the truth!"
every time

Anonymous No. 963794

>appeals to the masses
/3/ logic

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Anonymous No. 963796

I agree with >>963740. This is way too western compared to your reference. I suggest looking at the works of Japanese artists like this guy:
I noticed a few weird things in your model
- The eyes are too close together. I noticed this even from the thumbnail.
- The face is too narrow. Anime faces are modelled after a hybrid of Japanese faces and baby faces, both of which are pretty flat.
- The defined lower eyelid makes her look haggard. Anime emphasizes cuteness, so stay away from unnecessary wrinkles.
- The way her lips are pursed and puckered reminds me of a duck. Not to be mean, but this is the best way I can describe it. Also, anime-styled characters never have defined lips unless it's an integral trait of the character or the art style is intentionally realistic (in which case the lips are very minor)
I made an edit with my best attempt of addressing these points. It's not ideal of course, but it should give you a rough idea

Anonymous No. 963798

By the way, I can tell you're skilled in the area of sculpting, but you're having a lot of difficulty adhering to your reference. I don't know if you're genuinely struggling or if you think you can do better than your ref, but in the former case, consider dropping by /ic/ and reading through some of our materials for studying anime.

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Anime Face.png

Anonymous No. 963805

Putting in my tiny critique, I would do something like this. I didn't want to try hard, so I just copied a realistic mesh I was working on, retopologized the nose to a point, and pushed vertices around to make her look more big eyed anime.
I for one, don't think the generic western style is bad. I quite like OP's face shape. It's pretty and appealing. In fact, to my eyes, it resembles the style from a short and discontinued comic called "sky doll". I always loves the style in that comic.

But at the same time, anime is anime. You have to obey anime's rules, if you want to make anime. So retopology is necessary.

Anonymous No. 963831

You didnt provide any criticism, only an autistic outburst over how you feel personally

Anonymous No. 963832

now she has no way to blink because she has no lower eyelid

Anonymous No. 963866

>My face still looks unsatisfying.

>regardless of the result, keep going op
>Just make a decision and press forward.
this desu.

Is this the only progress you have to show for weeks, potentially months of effort?

As horrifying as it looks, at least >>962213
completed something.

Anonymous No. 963885

Is this a joke? lmao

Anonymous No. 963887

Great points and critique, you were one of the few anons here that actually gave feedback
But holy fuck, the head looks off on 3/4 and front
>Realistic mesh
This is why that makehuman anime base looks off, but your point still stands

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Anonymous No. 963892

Let's go!

I'm still trying to figure out the blend I want to perform. It goes very "Overwatchy"

Let it cook :)

Good suggestions, anon!

I don't mind any of that, to be honest. In fact, I find that most anime is exactly the same; characters are only identifiable through color coding their hair, iris and clothing.

I think most are unhappy that I didn't follow 1:1 the illustration.


Good tips, anon!
In the previous thread I made a post where I stated that I wanted to make something in between both styles. I'm trying to mix both and enjoy the process of doing so.

Good observations, anon!

I don't think I've put a lot of time into this yet mainly because it sparkled interest in some anons that paid me to do other models. Paid work gets priority :)

Anonymous No. 963893

Turd polishing: the thread

Anonymous No. 963980

Shrink the eyes and move them further apart.

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Anonymous No. 964075

An example of something in between Japanese and Calisney style

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Anonymous No. 964105

Anonymous No. 964207

keep going, anon. We wanna see it through

Anonymous No. 964211


Anonymous No. 964216

Please anon, we want to see the hair!

Anonymous No. 964284

lovely progress, keep at it :)

Anonymous No. 964291


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 964316

fuck you i hate bitch

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Anonymous No. 964372


Anonymous No. 964378

Throw some scrappy hair on her head 'less she's a bald character.
Hair is a major thing that affects appearance, the more complete the basics are, the more you'll know what she's actually looking like.

That said, >>964105 in particular looks really good, anyone who'd claim otherwise will just be flinging shit for their amusement

Anonymous No. 964412

I like the progress, she looks more cute now. Her down syndrome face is gone.

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Anonymous No. 964443


Anonymous No. 964908

good work op. hopefully that retarded faggot dumb enough to try to defend tumblr garbage art doesn't come back

Anonymous No. 964923

I've already posted in the thread. Sounds like you want to go another round. Well THIS time, I'm not going to argue with you. You're clearly don't have anything better to do than to argue on /3/.

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Anime Face 2.png

Anonymous No. 964946

What about now? You guys shamed me, so I tried a little harder. I started to learn how to change normals using this tutorial.
But then I realized I really do have to fix the mesh to actually accomplish this. That's when I said "fuck that", and just went with a toon shader. Building this one:
So it's the same mesh, just touched up in sculpting to hopefully look more anime.

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triple A characte....png

Anonymous No. 964947

For reference, this is the bodymesh for a AAA+ Game.

Anonymous No. 964961

Holy kino...

Anonymous No. 964989

Oops. Messed up the first link. This is it.

Anonymous No. 965000

needs bigger tits

Anonymous No. 965028

you're also a faggot anon-kun

Anonymous No. 965043

Chris chan is here!, how is the mommy fetishism going on? Did you started talking with your psychiatrist?

Anonymous No. 966674

Any updates on the model, OP?

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Anonymous No. 966722

>So it's the same mesh, just touched up in sculpting to hopefully look more anime
it's not really the shader what makes it look off. if i were you I'd look at something similar to what you want to achieve for reference

Anonymous No. 966745

Is Chris chan the same as Cris?

Anonymous No. 966847

Hi, OP here; thank you for asking.

I'm making slow progress because I got a new job (much because of this very model) and moved to a new home.

I'll post some progress tonight. I've overhauled the face and am pretty much done with the accessories. I'll focus on the hair and some lookdev this week, then rigging/posing and ill move on to the next project by the end of the year.

Anonymous No. 966848

You got a /3/ job with that model? Can you share any details?

Anonymous No. 966882

I posted it on my WIP folder in UpWork and a guy from California approached me with a few characters to develop from scratch for this animation he`s developing.

Got the gig for 35 USD/hr + bonus if I can meet deadlines.

Maybe it's not much for folks in the US, but it's pretty darn good for my 3rd world home.

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Anonymous No. 966918

you are telling me some guy decided to give you a job because of your WIP folder? just like that without having finished models under your belt?
Allow me to press X to doubt

Anonymous No. 966931

I dont know anon.. sounds plausible to me.
I got my first gig in 3D by telling the guy "trust me, I can do this" and then just figuring it out as I went.

Anonymous No. 966983

OP here;
I doubt it was his only guiding line. I have many other finished projects too - I'm certain checked those in depth. I think this model was a crucial point because he's interested in this style, and I don't have many other things like it.

Anonymous No. 967015

mind posting any of your finished projects then? even if it's not part of your portfolio

Anonymous No. 967043

I believe it, I worked at an animation studio in California (management not actual depts) and they fired all their animators and modelers and now they just outsource everything to kids on UpWork.

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ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 967051


I would rather not, anon.
here's the update I promised >>966674, anyways

Hair next

Anonymous No. 967052

Great progress, love the tummy, looks very cute.

Anonymous No. 967081

Thank you, anon!
I'm doing my best to capitalize on this.

After im done with upwork I shall look for a real long term work. That or develop my own games.

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Anonymous No. 967319

I've made bad choices...

On another note, >>967051 looking good anon

Anonymous No. 967329

>sphere eyeballs
number 1 way to fuck up an anime model

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Anonymous No. 967438

Anonymous No. 967549

They're actually not sphere. They're ovals. Well, they were modeled like spheres, and then I assigned a bone that resizes them along the Z axis, thus turning them into ovals. Of course, doing that makes the eyes clip when they look up and down. So I did some transform constraint fuckery to make sure that no matter where the eyes look, they always resize up and down, ever forward and back or side to side. So actually, the eyes dynamically reshape themselves depending on which direction the eyes are rotated. They're not spheres. There's still some clipping despite all that though, so it's not perfect.

I did want to make her eyes look even flatter. It's not helping that her irises have normal shading. If I gave her irises flat shading too, then it would probably look better. The thing is, I was trying to figure out how to make her irises look jeweled. Like semi transparent gemstones. That was proving too hard, so I just said "fuck that", and went with basic toon shading. Apparently allowing the diffuse to show, rather than setting it to sharp.

Anonymous No. 967560

The trick is to offset the UV coordinates of the material to move the iris.

Anonymous No. 967561

Interesting. I haven't gotten far in UV stuff yet, but I think I get what you mean. So you're saying make the whole eye a single surface, and then move the UV so the texture of the iris slides along the surface of the eyeball?
That sounds interesting. But will it net me a jeweled eye look? I mean, I could texture the irises to look all glittery, but it won't have any depth.

Anonymous No. 967604

You can add layers or implement the effect in the shader.
Lookup parallax mapping to give you an idea. You probably don't want to use that exactly for a NPR shader desu.

Anonymous No. 970010

OP got a gig and this thread died
he made it

Anonymous No. 970028

wait, for real?

Anonymous No. 972151


Anonymous No. 972152

I've heard Cris hired him and he's paying him in cocaine.

Anonymous No. 972166

Nah, in the other thread they said that he had a stroke and now he can't use his right hand. So sad, he was one In a million

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ai elf girl.png

Anonymous No. 972931

This looked fun to do so I tried making a quickie

Anonymous No. 972932

Looks nice anon, its almost there