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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963728

I would like to learn Blender and be able to model characters and make animations in a cell-shaded style, where do I start as a complete beginner?

Anonymous No. 963736

the donut

Anonymous No. 963799

A common trap beginners fall into is to think that everything they need to learn has a tutorial and that they need to watch another video to progress.

But as a complete beginner what you should do is open the program and start messing with it.

Blender's UI is terrible. Barely anything is labeled. The only way to learn where things are is to mouse over pieces of the UI and wait for them to maybe show a label. Once you know where things are from experience learning becomes a little easier.

Anonymous No. 963806

>A common trap beginners fall into is to think that everything they need to learn has a tutorial and that they need to watch another video to progress.
Best bet with "tutorial aided learning" is to not follow the tutorial outright, essentially just painting by number or following a lego instruction set, but use it as a means of solving a problem in a project that doesn't have to do with the tutorial.
Say you have a tutorial that instructs you how to make a rainy city street.
Instead of following the tutorial verbatim and ending up with the same result, use the tutorial as a means of getting info on how to make rain for your own scene.
By doing this, you're not just repeating instructions given to you, but you're using that problem solving part of your brain which makes you remember things better.
And by doing your own projects, you have a clear marker of where your skills are at in any given moment. Following a tutorial step by step is recreating something someone else has made, using their skills and expertise, giving you a false feeling of accomplishment upon finishing because the result often outstrips your actual skill level. As if following the instructions to make a Lego Death Star makes you an expert at Legos when you try to make something on your own.

Taking a tutorial, and breaking it up in to bits and pieces that benefit you and what you're working on is how you should be learning from them. If you MUST use them. Your best bet though, is like the other anon said. Dive in and start fucking around. If you hit a roadblock, THEN look something up, and then continue on your way.

Anonymous No. 963815

i just search for a function that I need and leave

Anonymous No. 963817

Give me an example of an unlabeled UI element that doesn't show a label when moused over

Anonymous No. 963938

These are great advices, thank you. Still, any recommendation on how to start making characters and animations?

Anonymous No. 963939

use mocap like they do in 99% of all movies, games, and commercials

Anonymous No. 963941

>Step 1. Download software
>Step 2. Try to make / animate character
>Step 3. Run into a problem? Google it
>Step 4. Repeat until success or failure
>Step 5. Profit

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Anonymous No. 964461

donut reps

Anonymous No. 964508

Cell? Like the dragon Ball z character?

Anonymous No. 964845

npr, cel shaded, like cartoons or anime

Anonymous No. 964862

I was joking Anon, what I do is solidify the mesh, invert the normals and use a colour with a noise to make the cell shading, it's pretty straightforward and it works for the 3d anime I I am working on

Anonymous No. 964927

I wouldn't recommend you start making characters outright, but Dikko has a good series on setting up geometry with good deformation if you really want to get into it.

Anonymous No. 965416

this is great, thank you

Anonymous No. 965454

Can anyone vouch for GooEngine or is it a waste of time?

>the 3d anime I I am working on

Anonymous No. 965457

People meme about the donut but it really is a great starting point. It does a good job of introducing you to the UI and takes you through a lot of Blender features without being intimidating. It's very surface level but that's its strength.

Anonymous No. 965459

Looked into it and seems like a lie. Clearly, no one knows how lightning works in /3/ so let me explain. He’s using illegal means to reproduce the RWBY shading, self claimed it’s new technology and falsely telling people he has contracts with Genshin impact, Blizzard and Arcknights.

I know those companies don’t use Blender at all, Hoyoverse has always used Maya, 3dmax and photoshop since they became big. Blizzard hasn’t changed their art style so that would have been big news. Arckights methods are different and currently I don’t think Blender can handle the requirements for their models.

As the light source, github page you see where it originally is called if I knew how github works. They also deleted the YouTube video of how it worked. Basically it was RWBY lighting that itself was Poster lighting and that’s copyright violation.

Do not trust the software at all.

Anonymous No. 965462

Took a while to find but Cycle rending and Superfly (the Poster 13 software) are the same.

Whatever Gooengine is, it’s not real rendering or anything new.

Anonymous No. 965532

Thank you very much! Didn't expect something so thorough.

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Anonymous No. 965575

god, these idiots here are unbearable. goo engine is nothing more than a fork of blender with some changes in the code to make it more suitable for npr shaders - as explained here at the blender conference 2023:

965459 doesn't have a clue about anything he's talking about, wasted breath.

Goo engine is the best option you have if you rely on blender, that's why all high quality shader replicas for blender are optimized for goo. Whether Genshin, HSR, ZZZ, PGR, HI3 Shader.

Anime Studios Khara (Evangelion) has now switched to Blender (article is from 2019):

Whether you use Maya, Blender, 3d Max doesn't matter, in the end you have to work with tons of tricks to achieve your goals and they happen in the (game) engines or afterwards via third party software/manual work.

Anonymous No. 965577

desu go kill yourself

Anonymous No. 965580



>violently shits and farts

Anonymous No. 965583

Its the kind of anime that is not suitable for a blue balls board

Anonymous No. 965586

gosh anon why are you so dumb, the companys dont use NPR.

Genshin impact, honkai and star rail use cel shade.

>Above all, in cell-style 3DCG, scale controllers are attached to each part of the rig to create effects unique to 2D animation, such as ``angles from below,'' ``angles from the side,'' and ``wide-angle angles that show false perspective.'' Detailed setup such as preparation is done.

Your dumb NPR only locks the artist into horrifying 3D mash like in that video. It's why the scammer never bother moving it, the lighting breaks when NPR moves.

About Evangelion, they did not use Blender:

Half way they quit if you translate the memos, they tell the story.

everything you said was completely false with zero evidence to back up claims. newspapers only report popularity, not actual production or sudden changes.

Anonymous No. 965625

cel shading is NPR, retarded nigger.

Anonymous No. 965630

Khara reports on their own website that they have even co-developed Pencil+ 4 for blender for their production.

But what does Khara know about the production of Khara, they only publish popularity, no facts - I mean we have 4chan Anon here, he has real proof that Khara doesn't use blender and dropped it.

You shall die, you in everyone who participated in your socialization.

Anonymous No. 965636

Non photographic rendering =\= cel shading. Two completely different techniques anon, this is why you’re wrong.

>The concept behind cel-shading comes from an old animation technique that used transparent plastic sheets.

>video does not exist
>If you didn’t use Google, it said another studio was responsible and they didn’t completely used Blender to make models or render them.
Weak defense, you’re claiming Blender was used but the other studio only used one feature. They didn’t completely used Blender has newspapers said.

Anonymous No. 965649

Did you even read the page you linked? Cel shading is a type of NPR, you absolute retard.

Anonymous No. 965656

Did you read?
NPR section didn’t mention Cel shading and the Cel shading section didn’t include NPR. Do you think “Different styles” includes Cel shading? No, as explained it’s a different mathematical formula and a different structure of colors. Stop being stupid.

Anonymous No. 965661

>falsely telling people he has contracts with Genshin impact, Blizzard and Arcknights.
Could you provide a source for when these claims were made? By not providing a source you're doing the exact thing you're accusing them of.

>Basically it was RWBY lighting that itself was Poster lighting and that’s copyright violation.
Are you basically saying that someone's settings within a program can be subject to copyright? Or that certain rendering techniques are copyrighted?

Anonymous No. 965667

The guy is claiming it on his website, a simple look at “work” is enough to see the fake video of genshin impact.

Poster claiming it, now understand it’s their code and they had been selling it for years, before RWBY. So, yes a copyright infringement is correct.

As always you have weak arguments and zero credibility.

Anonymous No. 965669

This page?
They claimed to have worked for these three companies but don't say in what capacity. And so it's an unverified claim on their part.

If you're trying to build up a case against DillonGoo, why not just tell people that from the start and just link to it?

It's a large red flag and shows that he may be lying; exposing how is more effective than just saying he is.

>As always you have weak arguments and zero credibility.
Only you have presented arguments. Your own credibility is brought into question without sources or clarity.

DillonGoo does seem desperate and creating an entire fork of Blender rather than having his code added some other way does seem excessive. It essentially splits the community. And now, like a grifter he intends to leech off of the Blender Foundation's work by receiving Patreon subscriptions for his fork.

>Poster claiming it
Do you mean "Poser", the 3D rendering software, or "Poster" as in someone in this thread?

Anonymous No. 965703

The entire article is about NPR. Cel shading is a section of it. Just check the html tags, you disingenous retard.
Take medication for your schizophrenia, nigger.

Anonymous No. 965747

it's not my job to make you go and visit a simple website and see clear evidence of the scam. Are you not a child? You should know the basics after graduation. 4chan isnt reddit, we don't link here (you can't link here, 4chan blocks it.)

Poster 3d, again we not reddit. This is the EULA that goo stole, again if I knew how github works, i should be sending you the code.

Anonymous No. 965748

>Thinks code is the same thing as writing in a formatted document
Unfortunately for you anon, this website is from an educational institution. Whoever published the article would have to undergo review. So, whatever you suggest is obviously wrong.

Anonymous No. 965802

Its called Non-photorealistic rendering not photographic .. you can't even pronounce it correctly. You ADHD crippled dog shit.

Anonymous No. 965803

You dogshit don't even know how a collapsible menu works. On your great site, celshading is a subcategory in the NPR category. If you click on NPR in the menu, celshading disappears. If you click on PBR, a menu with subcategories also opens.
First, NPR is explained as a generic term, followed by the styles, starting with NPR. How stupid do you have to be?
And no, what is written on a website as an explanation for idiots will not be reviewed, you endless fool - you haven't even seen a university from a distance.

Anonymous No. 965804

Starting with celshading ^^

Anonymous No. 965810

Or you know it’s just a Title and has no importance whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 965840

So should I use Gooengine if I want to make cel-shaded animations?

Anonymous No. 965850

It can’t make cel shading, the scammer removed Cycles rendering and made his own dumb rendering under a very specific code. Cel shading is not NPR, there is a difference when you compare the models.

Anonymous No. 965892

you can make cel-shaded stuff in evee no problem anyway, I don't understand why you'd need a different engine

Anonymous No. 965893

Shut the fuck up, schizo.
Yes if you want more control, although the result in the OP is achievable in vanilla blender. It requires some ugly workarounds though.

Anonymous No. 965901

Gooengine doesn’t have Eevee, what part of custom render code do you not understand.

Anonymous No. 965905

That's the point, it doesn't need the default blender renderer, retard

Anonymous No. 965920

Limiting features is never going to work. How many times do I have to tell you, NPR is not current anime. It’s not Cel shading. Gooengine is awful at rendering.

Say no to limited animation and creative production.

Anonymous No. 965923

isn't it just an additional engine?

Anonymous No. 965924

Do you not read, the guy believes his custom code will not work with current Blender rendering methods. It’s not a plugin or anything, it’s just Blender with custom rendering methods.

Anonymous No. 965934

Kill yourself schizo. Cel shading is NPR

Anonymous No. 965946

Math and the look you see with your own eyes tell you, NPR isn’t and there’s nothing you can do to prove it.

Anonymous No. 966993

>it's not my job to make you go and visit a simple website and see clear evidence of the scam.
It is because it's your argument you stupid piece of garbage.