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Anonymous No. 963791

>zbrush sculpting has worse lighting than blender sculpting, meaning you cant actually see what you are doing
>blenders eevee lighting is better than zbrush's lighting by a wide margin
>I-It doesnt matter if you can't see what you are doing

Defend this.

Anonymous No. 963838

don't worry anon, you're supposed to suffer and have to bounce it back and forth all the time

Anonymous No. 963861

If they have to try that hard to defend blenders shit sculpting performance then they already lost. Every godamn blender announcement is just sad now. Constantly trying to catch up to whats already been base functions in other paid software. Legions of click bait "this changes the game" thumbnails. "This new feature came out thats in other software but its free to use... but its not finished yet" or "its a little slow". Every time.

Anonymous No. 963872

OP doesn’t know what a matcap is

Anonymous No. 963882

I'm not going to defend you for not knowing how to use zbrush

Anonymous No. 963891

A matcap isnt realistic lighting. Its piss poor compared to eevee rendered mode.

A lot of artists are using blender sculpting for form and zbrush maybe for fine details or just cutting out the middleman and going straight to a texturing application

Anonymous No. 964626

If you are modeling, the lighting doesn't need to be "realistic", just accurate. If you can't use ZBrush, neck yourself, faggot.

Anonymous No. 964628

actual skill issue