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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 963911

Its Game Over, /3/. The video we never wanted to see.

Anonymous No. 963912

>cap on the left as a cope mechanism
>bald on the right
I don't listen to people with no hair.

Anonymous No. 963916

God I missed these chads. Most well informed 3d content and they make narcs seethe

Anonymous No. 963952

pretentious fucks had some good content but theyre retarded on certain perspectives like not getting mad at substance painter for removing wintab. they have clout yet refuse to use it for change. just following trends (like blender).

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Anonymous No. 966001

Flipped Normals is complete clickbait.
They have been for years.
They will always be.

They never teach you any useful thinking or methodology, just one direct approach to doing things with never going into useful learning.

Anonymous No. 966003

I am someone coping with hair, I have a lot and I put on a hat because of it.

op's video is also gay as fuck.

Anonymous No. 966147

Game over?
Nobody here is employed

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Anonymous No. 966215


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Anonymous No. 966216

is this real or clickbait i just started /3/ from /gd/ cause I see an opportunity in the music industry am i just an ignorant noob

15 mins in & these fuckers talking about the overall state of the industry & dooming that it might crash because of some economic bullshit

>should i take advice from this board or do you fucks just come here like me to vent your frustrations to others but DOOMING

Anonymous No. 966217

these fuck are not saying anything new or interesting

Anonymous No. 966262

you could have found it's shitty clickbait in less than 10 seconds and spent more time picking a reaction pic

Anonymous No. 967607

This. Just a discussion on how typical economic bullshit affects the vfx industry just like how it affects any other industry.

Anonymous No. 967618

Move to some cheap place like DR, cut living expenses by factor of 3, keep doing 3d via freelance for same money, problem solved.

Anonymous No. 967635

so true bros. here's some advice from an industry veteran who got replaced by AI and indians. quit 3D. learn to plumb and earn 150k a year. it simply isn't worth it anymore bros. if you're reading this, quit before it's too late.