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Anonymous No. 963977

>considering spending an additional $2k / year on licenses

Anonymous No. 964386

Don't, every time I start paying I always end up regretting it later. Not to mention the fact that I'd work the exact same way in software versions from 5 6 7 years ago in their latest versions.

Anonymous No. 964395

2k is less than a week of work

Anonymous No. 964396

>"2k is less than a week of work"
>Thinks he doesn't look like a jackass

Anonymous No. 964399

>2k is less than a week of work
i earn minimum wage and 2k is a months work for me and i dont even take home 2k, becacuse that is before taxes

Anonymous No. 964454

Then why are you considering spending that amount of money on licenses in the first place? Just pirate the software.

Anonymous No. 964455

I wont introduce even the possibility of malware and keyloggers and viruses onto this machine

Anonymous No. 964567

Paranoid schizos can't run proprietary software nevermind pirated binaries.

Anonymous No. 964575

So you're afraid someone will find your stash of minors, understandable

Anonymous No. 964601

yeah, some people really out there hurtin and I can see why. It could be worse, you could be a webdev lead ferrying sheeples

Anonymous No. 964602

I have probably done more damage to anyone keylogging me than they did to me at this point.

Anonymous No. 964665

i guess you have no financial assets

Anonymous No. 964697

I do but they are physical so they can't really do shit to close me off.

Anonymous No. 964744

Both of you are larping

Anonymous No. 964777

not my problem

Anonymous No. 964779

I would have taken you seriously if it was a license to practice professionally such as a doctor but lmao paying licenses for software in a dying industry is next level mental illness.

Anonymous No. 964785

Just pointing it out for everyone

Anonymous No. 964796

It's all good (for me anyways)

Anonymous No. 965832

worth it for me, gimme substance bitch

Anonymous No. 968115

So you’re okay with spending 1/52 of your dollars on bullshit?

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Anonymous No. 968121

>2k is less than a week of work
>2k is more than a month's wages here
>I live in the US

Anonymous No. 968124

2k a month (after tax) is good unless you live in some hellgole city

🗑️ Anonymous No. 968126

2k in gross is really really really bad for the US.

Anonymous No. 968236

get clients
use clients money to buy licenses
get more clients
get more licenses


Anonymous No. 968244

if I do that I will lose my health insurance