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๐Ÿงต Coding skills

Anonymous No. 963982

> Do you code your own scripts?
> Ever tried selling them?
> Ever contributed to Blender's source code?
Share with us your stories about coding for 3D

the chair nerd No. 963993

> Do you code your own scripts?
> Ever tried selling them?
Thought of it but no. Selling means maintaining, version proofing, compatibility testing, user testing, copy protecting etc etc at least in my OCD book and I'm not in that business. I've gave away many 'as is'.
> Ever contributed to Blender's source code?
No, Not a blender user.

With your blessing this should be a /cdg/ thread 'coding general' I've seen many people with pretty solvable scripting problems with 3ds max but I don't like to lurk /sqtddtot/ much because of the noise.

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the chair nerd No. 963994

>Share with us your stories about coding for 3D
Oh nothing exceptional just that maxscript was my intro to coding out of necessity and now I do make shit I sell in javascript and python. I've learnt everything far from formally so I consired myself a novice still just because I haven't even read a basic programming course and my code is the algorithmic equivalent of taping a lot of cats together to make it look like a horse.

Anonymous No. 964000

> Do you code your own scripts?
> Ever tried selling them?
Yes, but since I don't know how to code they don't work
> Ever contributed to Blender's source code?
What's a source code? How I can contribute?

Anonymous No. 964003

>Selling means maintaining, version proofing, compatibility testing, user testing, copy protecting
I 'd hate the hassle of dealing with all that you listed, but my main concern is how many copies you need to sell for it to be profitable, not even counting that half of your earnings will go to marketplace commissions then get taxed.
>With your blessing this should be a /cdg/ thread 'coding general'
No problemo

>I do make shit I sell in javascript and python
So is it selling?
>I've learnt everything far from formally so I consired myself a novice still just because I haven't even read a basic programming course and my code is the algorithmic equivalent of taping a lot of cats together to make it look like a horse.
I started using chatGPT to solve a lot of problems, that doesnt mean you have no work to do but since i started my productivity in code exploded, I find solutions more quickly and understand far more than before.

>What's a source code? How I can contribute?
Can't tell if serious or not

the chair nerd No. 964007

>how many copies you need to sell for it to be profitable
How many man-hours have been spent? What is the expected market/ user base? What is the price point compared to similar solutions?

Those are all business plan oriented questions every developer has to answer before even making a product. So there is no straight answer. A good starting point if you are planning on becoming a solo develloper is starting with yourself. How much do you expect to earn in a monthly basis and then how does that make your hour of work's worth.

>So is it selling?
Yes but they are ad-hoc developments for virtual tours of projects and shit like custom configurations for architecture related proyects or product configurations, not pieces of software of their own.

For example a client wanted a virtual turntable of a piece of a city so they could use it as an interactive locator for projects. I made that development for free because I bound my client to continue buying work from me and updating that platform.

What i've found is that software development in my case is best when I don't charge for it but contractually I bind my client to keep using it and uploading content there.

>I started using chatGPT to solve a lot of problems, that doesn't mean you have no work to do but since i started my productivity in code exploded, I find solutions more quickly and understand far more than before.

Yes language models are a great companion but for me the best tool, even better than courses or chat gpt is to read the user reference guide of the language/platform you are scripting on, specially when its documented with examples. It was written by the person that wrote the software in the first place and has internalized all the best practices.

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Anonymous No. 964012

>> Do you code your own scripts?
>coding a script

>> Ever contributed to Blender's source code?
no one has write access and even if you did, you would have to go through layers of bureaucracy to get anything done

Anonymous No. 964024

Okay you're a professional then.
Personally, I don't want to go full developper. I have a job in the field so money is not a problem. But on my spare time I script my own addons and I'd do it anyway no matter if I never sell them, but i really think they could be useful so why not try to profit from those hours spent on it for a little side money...

Yeah that's the case unfortunately. I wish I could contribute, but I don't consider spending the time to learn C++, but it's frustrating how they spend developer time working on certain insignificant things (grease pencil being one of them) and not on more important ones.

Anonymous No. 964079

of course it is. After a while of using open source professionally, you come to realize it's just bait for entering a for-profit ecosystem which is opaque to the layman. Ultimately you will not save any money by using open source software; indeed you may end up paying more.

Anonymous No. 964080

>Can't tell if serious or not
I am not joking I want to contribute to the blender source code, because I like blender, but can you please explain me what is a source code, it's like the buttons? I can draw buttons for example

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the chair nerd No. 964102

I fucking love your optimism it's contagious.
I love drawing buttons too anon.

Anonymous No. 964119

the source code:
how to contribute:

Anonymous No. 964158

>but can you please explain me what is a source code, it's like the buttons?

Here's something they need help with right now, the 'data transfer' modifier doesn't transfer per-face corner normal data:

It's a high-priority bug so if you can hop in and fix that real quick they would really appreciate it. Tbh it seems like a relatively easier bug to tackle though, so you have to move quick or someone else will get the glory.

>time to learn C++
You need C as well, it's a mixture.

>not on more important ones.
Like what, specifically? I always ask this here and people don't answer.

Anonymous No. 964221

> Like what, specifically? I always ask this here and people don't answer.
The texturing / painting section is in a horrible state.
> Layer Stacks for materials (
> Texturing is one of the strategic targets for 2022
> 2022
It's almost 2024 and it hasn't started yet.

Anonymous No. 964226

>The texturing / painting section is in a horrible state.
>> Texturing is one of the strategic targets for 2022
> 2022
>It's almost 2024 and it hasn't started yet.

AI happened. Soon 100% of what blender can do will be done by an AI. The program will be obsolete and redundant in 2 years time. Screencap this!!

Anonymous No. 964230

>Screencap this!!

Water is wet, I am nostradamus.

Anonymous No. 965253

Years ago I had a morph for V4 that had gone through so many permutations that the floating brow map was completely fucked, so I wrote a python script that reset all its vertices to the correct offsets to the corresponding forehead vertices.

Anonymous No. 965449

So it's not necessary to get addons for Blender?

Anonymous No. 965582

I want to write an addon for blender that makes hot anime girls, with multiple hairs, clothes and breasts sizes, for my mmorpg, based on the French Revolution, can you tell me where I can start, I don't know much about programming but I want to make the add on, My family is going to be done on unity, because unreal is for western games

Anonymous No. 965615

Already been done. It's called Vroid.

Anonymous No. 965643

what would that addon do?