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🧵 How long does it take to animate something?

Anonymous No. 964023

I am interested in picking up animation (porn animation, in specific) as a hobby.
I'm feeling confident in my modelling skills and want to move on to animation.

Pic-related is a ~50 minute long film, and I am currently using it as a frame of reference, but it's going really slow.

How long does it usually take for you to animate a minute of content?

Anonymous No. 964104

>How long does it usually take for you to animate a minute of content?
Depends entirely on what you're animating

Anonymous No. 964110

an hour a second

Not counting how ever many hours you're spending on refining the character rigs. The worse the rig the longer it takes to animate well. Better rigs take more time. And of course if your scene is very complex with many characters it could take much longer.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 964111

im trans btw if that matters

Anonymous No. 964112

Well made character rigging will always be under-appreciated.

Anonymous No. 964285

If I were you id go for quality over quantity and aim for shorter loops but make them real good.
Then improve the length of animation from there.

Anonymous No. 964286

kys pedo

Anonymous No. 964287

>an hour a second
I guess it's hard to say, because longer animations like the one in OP are usually 5 second loops with moving cameras and dialogue to force variety.
There are other tricks, like just moving independent parts of the body (like the head or facial animations) and albedo transparency (so that only the female bodyparts are visible for a short period of time, for a better view of what's happening).

Anonymous No. 964472

Skibidi Toilet guy use fucking G-Mod to make an animated story that it's making more money than you can imagine.

The guy is technically rich and it's milking momentum.

He is more successful than 90% of /3/ with "real skills".

Anonymous No. 964476

The guy used assets from another game and is doing a poor job at animation. He is the modern day version of South Park awful jokes and nonsense.

Anonymous No. 964478

you are awful at recognizing actual skill

Anonymous No. 964605

You need to do mo face cap corporate gear if you want to do it quickly and properly with it takes like one minute to make a clip

Anonymous No. 964726

WHATS THE FUCKING SAUCE???!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous No. 965296

>He is more successful than 90% of /3/ with "real skills".
More like 100%

Anonymous No. 965349


Amazing how actually making something, even if subpar, is leagues better than theory and complaints.

Anonymous No. 965361

He didn’t make anything, those models are from another game and the animation is awful. The guy can’t even voice the characters either. Does not even make videos, it’s just shorts under a minute. You both should be ashamed for supporting such people.

Anonymous No. 965622


Anonymous No. 965623

I'm a 2d animator whos learning 3d modeling now, but havent gotten to the actual animation part yet. Curious how different 3d animation will be to what im used to in 2d. Also whether animating low poly stuff i can get away with simpler animations.

Anonymous No. 965638

just like with 2d, there are different types of 3d animation

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Anonymous No. 965645

Like, how long each frame takes to render? Depends on your graphics card, how many light sources and light bounces you have, etc. If you can render 1 frame at 1080p in 30 seconds (on average), then it'll take 1 minute to make 2 frames, and 12 minutes to make 24 frames. So if your animation runs at 24 frames a second, it'll take 12 minutes (roughly) to make a single second of animation, and then 1 hour to make 5 seconds of animation. Of course, this is extraordinarily dependent on various factors mentioned at the start. Sometimes a frame will take 15 seconds to render, sometimes it'll take a minute. For your average porn animation, you're probably only going to be rendering 2 characters, and they'll likely be in a room. Resource wise, that shouldn't be super demanding. But for scale, a 50 minute film at this rendering speed would take 600 hours of straight rendering, which is 25 days. And that's just rendering, that's not including adding the sound and further editing touches.

As for the actually posing and animating? Longer than you think. Like drawing, you can get faster with practice, and you'll pickup shortcuts as you go. Again, 2 characters fucking shouldn't be that hard to animate, unless you're trying to make them look like they're touching/caressing each other convincingly. Then again, most people consuming your porn, probably don't care that much about that. Then again again, there's already a lot of mediocre people animating 3D porn, so the best way to stand out is to actually put effort in and give your characters weight to their movements so they look like corporeal beings and not fuck puppets.

If you look at most animated porn, you'll realize there isn't a lot of animation in them. It's usually just 2-4 animations that are looped and shot from various angles. See how long it takes you to animate a good looking walk cycle, and that'll be roughly how long it takes to animate an "action" like opening a door, tripping on a rock, etc.

Anonymous No. 965650

OP asked how long it takes to ANIMATE something. They did not ask how long it takes to RENDER it

Anonymous No. 965659

any tutorial on doing the cum? using physic engine makes it too watery and bursting.

Anonymous No. 965660

That's not how physics works anon...

Anonymous No. 965682

I don't know what it's called as I'm a 2D animator.

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Anonymous No. 965688

>want to animate character taking off clothing
>something so simple is extremely difficult to animate

Anonymous No. 965695

Shut the fuck up you absolute moron. Anon provided RELEVANT information that is important to consider in regards to op's question.

Neck yourself.

Anonymous No. 965732

>Not just cutting to another character's reaction to them taking off their clothes, then cutting back to the now nude character

Anonymous No. 965767

Yes, you can do it but don’t expect amazing results. No software (Blender or Maya) is going to fundamentally transform without faking the concept of removing clothes. That you see in some videos is actually just the modelers slowly moving the model around, frame by frame.

Anonymous No. 965784

> i want to learn to animate sex because i can't get it in real life
What a fucking loser

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 965791

This bitch

Anonymous No. 965801

>Then again again, there's already a lot of mediocre people animating 3D porn, so the best way to stand out is to actually put effort in and give your characters weight to their movements so they look like corporeal beings and not fuck puppets.
>If you look at most animated porn, you'll realize there isn't a lot of animation in them.
As a degenerate who consumes this stuff, I recently came to this realization. Very little r34 type animated content is actually even decent quality.
It made me start considering learning about this stuff as a hobby. Do you have any other advice to another up and coming degenerate animator?

Anonymous No. 965883

>Do you have any other advice to another up and coming degenerate animator?

Yes. Be into what you animate. If you do it just for the money and nothing else you might aswell work a regular job.
Animate for a fetish you have yourself so your eye for detail and qualitiy will be critical enough to produce the quality needed to succeed.
In other words "if you dont find your own stuff fappable, how can you expect someone else to fap to it"

Anonymous No. 967709

As the other Anon said, you need to enjoy what you do. And you enjoy what you make by making what you enjoy. This stuff takes time to make, and you're gonna hate the process if you don't actually want to work on what you're making. Speaking from personal experience, I can work for about a week on a personal project before I want to work on something else. This doesn't mean I completely abandon what I'm working on, but I need at least a temporary distraction to prevent burnout/impatience. If you start burning out on what you're working on, you'll start rushing and your work won't be as good. Starting out, I'd recommend you give yourself a week to make a simple 2-3 second animation from start to finish. Mind you, this doesn't mean a week only in Blender, it means a week for the whole thing. Setting up the scene, animating and refining your animation, rendering and exporting it, then finally putting the finishing touches on it in something like DaVinci Resolve.

If you're new to animation and/or new to animation in Blender, the Alive! Blender course is fantastic. It has super useful information on both animation principles and how various parts of Blender interact. I think you can grab its contents from one of the CGPeers thread links, but if you do find it useful I'd pay the guy who made it. He puts it on sale during Black Friday and the content is good enough to pay what he's asking in my opinion.

The Animator's Survival Toolkit is an amazing book, and it's readily available if you just google a pdf version of it. I'm sure people on /ic/ also have copies of it to share. It was written by the guy who made Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and it covers a ton of important animation principles in depth that also apply to 3D. It's a great reference to have, and it'll help your base animations look better. More importantly, though, it'll show you how to add that little extra bit that makes animation more satisfying to watch.

Anonymous No. 967711

Nothing in blender has ever been useful, plus we found out Alive! is just a scam amateur user who never went to school and does VFX stuff.