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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964038

Hello, I'm trying to start the hobby (looking to incorporate it eventually into my hustle)
should I get A K1 Max or the mingda Magician for 1/4 of the price
How much of a piece of trash is the magician?

Anonymous No. 964069

>ai "art"
Kill yourself you dirty nigger

Anonymous No. 964156

>incorporate it eventually into my hustle
You should get a cylinder of nitrogen and a non-rebreather mask instead

Anonymous No. 964185

kek seething faggots as usual.

Anonymous No. 964236

>act like a retard
>get called one
I don't think they thought about you hard enough to be mad you tryhard nobody.

Anonymous No. 964300

OP here, why are you faggots replaying to your schizo voices instead of whice printer should I get?
why do you consider this art anon?

Anonymous No. 964305

what's a whice printer?

Anonymous No. 964307

vice printer

Anonymous No. 965252

One of the funnier things about DALL-E is that while it can photographically render Scarlett Johansson in any pose or expression 100% accurately, if you prompt her as a wireframe it just draws a glowing flat grid pattern as a texture that usually doesn't even wrap around the topo because the machine can't think like a machine. All of its paradigms are 2D.