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Marvel mumbay CGI.webm

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Anonymous No. 964108

>Blender is not industry standart chud
>Blender will never be used in multibillion movies

Anonymous No. 964126

you could do that with stock after effects lmao.

not an accomplishment. Make some actual good vfx with slowdini please

Anonymous No. 964133

>worst movie Disney made
Oh ya sure anon, believe in the fake nonsense. While maya has millions of movies with oscars and does everything better than Blender.

Anonymous No. 964139

>Thread has two replies
>Already in cope overload

Anonymous No. 964142

>yesteryears vfx
>talking about "cope"


Anonymous No. 964150

Really good Anon, is that a youtuber trying to copy the movie with blender?
It looks a little bit amateurish, but good for only one person doing it. But I have to compare it with the real film to see how good it is.

Anonymous No. 964163

that digi double is hilariously bad, who animated this shit?
pajeets never heard of the 12 basic principles of animation?

Anonymous No. 964164

thats not a digital double, anon

Anonymous No. 964171

One doesn’t have a helmet and the other does. You can’t slide in the air anon, you can’t stay within the bounds of the area in the air without causing problems for VFX. Camera is zoomed out to not get people to notice the problem of the fake background.

Anonymous No. 964174

its not a digital double.

Anonymous No. 964182

If you look at the sliding part, you see her leg being the first contact and followed by a jump to a wobbly platform until he jumps down to ground.

The background is fake anon, the character is digital, you can't make someone fly. The way she moves is oblivious to the fact that a chair exist.

Anonymous No. 964186

You're so ignorant you've never heard of wires and subsequent wire removal gigs in vfx. Stop wasting everyone's collective time you tourist

Anonymous No. 964210

Wires are a thing but that requires less movement and less room. What you explained doesn’t match current technology for wires.

Also, one huge oversight on your wires theory was the girl slide during the first phase which wouldn’t be possible with wires. The girl is digital anon, always has been.

Anonymous No. 964213

you're grasping at straws
>x isn't current tech for y even though its been used in millions of areas just like this...

Anonymous No. 964228

Anon, you can’t slip on a wire, that would required the body and legs to move in unison with the wire. What you are suggesting is amateur physics that aren’t real. There’s a slide in the middle phase that would require even more precision than normal physics.

You’re not following the 12 principles of animation, the wiring will not fix the problems of your statement. She is digital.

Anonymous No. 964232

Not that anon (and I think it looks like badly animated 3d rather than a person), but you do know that multiple different types of wire rigs exist, right?
The actor doesn't need to have his arms/legs wired up if they're not rotating with flips and shit. If it's a wire rig, it's probably a simple harness with a counterweight. Put on the harness, and you're just suspended by a pair of wires on your hips. Anything you can normally do on flat ground (like slide), you can still do while wearing the rig. People tug on the wire to get you off the ground, or make a jump. When you're not in the air you can move (and slide) normally.
If it weren't all CG, there's probably a greenscreen set with large blocks that the actor jumps across, then it's replaced with the floating pads.
The slide in midair could just be an actual slide, or even a couple of people pulling the actor through from a hook/loop around the pelvic area. Since it's all greenscreen as well, getting the little bounce from when she lands on the pads is really as easy as moving the footage up and down a bit to sell the effect.

To me though, it all looks like a badly animated CG character. Knowing Marvel, that's probably the most likely. Since it's "easier". FFS, in Endgame they didn't even bother making the time travel costumes. Everyone just wore mocap suits and they digitally added suits to them in post.

Anonymous No. 964237

this is from the show, right

please tell me this is from the show

🗑️ Anonymous No. 964238

it's not even that the cgi is ass, it is, its the lighting. that shit is fake as hell.

Anonymous No. 964254

I can't tell you if its from the show or the movie (because I wont watch that garbage) but I have seen some scenes from the movie and the VFX are really not that great looking.
I have seen better stuff in Indie movies with a 100x smaller budget.
Don't forget, this movie did cost ~300 Million $ (inclusive all the reshoots) + marketing and it has to make 600-800 Million dollar at the box office to break even (which it certainly wont).

Anonymous No. 964256

the only thing that makes the vfx "not that great looking" in OP clip is the directing. The vfx themselves are solid.

Anonymous No. 964694

I work in vfx. Blender is used in the industry but only for prop modeling. No top studio is using blender for scene assembly, lighting, fx, animation. Max and maya are still favored for prop modeling but you will find that one weirdo at the studio who request blender.

Anonymous No. 965223

the fact that other software has been in movies and is widely used in the industry yet blendlets need to keep being like "see its in A movie!" should tell u everything you need to know.

now go ahead and twist what you know into a defense for blender like the good little sheep you are

Anonymous No. 965231

why the fuck are they using a digidouble for this lol

Anonymous No. 965234

Make something or stfu
No one cares you gobble Blender or Maya cock

Anonymous No. 965266

Why is the camera shutter speed so low?

Anonymous No. 965522

Ngl that looks AWESOME. These people have mastered the principles of momentum and inertia and I'm excited to see what they pull off next

Anonymous No. 965536

There's a couple of reasons Blender isn't used by the industry. The most obvious one is how Big CGI makes deals with unis which we already know about. The other is because if something fucks up then Blender aren't liable to help. Same reason companies would buy licenses for Winrar even though you can use it just as well with no license.

Anonymous No. 965573

i love blender, i use it in my spare time rather than maya like almost all my friends. blender does a lot of great things, it feels better than maya, but the developers tend to constantly hype it with some features to implement them half-finished to leave it like that for almost a decade until they replace it with new half-finished features ^^

anyone who doesn't love blender has no heart, anyone who thinks it's professional is an idiot

Anonymous No. 965574

>it feels better than maya
you have never ever worked in production and never will

Anonymous No. 965576

>Same reason companies would buy licenses for Winrar even though you can use it just as well with no license.
who the fuck does this?

Anonymous No. 965578

that's what happens when you chase one deadline after another, you lose all sense of what's fun

Anonymous No. 965579

this is called support, you pay someone money to listen to you when you have problems or requests

Anonymous No. 965585

>you pay someone money to listen to you when you have problems or requests
does winrar even have this type of developer support to be worth paying the license? i thought it was only maintained by one person nowadays.
i figure, if you have the incredibly incredibly niche problems that require custom developer support, you would contract some specialized devs instead of relying on "winrar support".

are there actually any cases of companies needing to contact winrar to develop around their edge cases or is it just an outdated myth? the only use case i can imagine is boomer companies using extremely ancient formats that shot themselves in the foot by somehow coupling their formats with winrar.

Anonymous No. 965587

Work is not fun, not even your dream job because suddenly your the guy who has to do the rigging and animation. It’s not fun.

Anonymous No. 965596

I'm sorry OP, why do you care? Why does anyone care about if or not Blender is "industry standard", furthermore why does anyone care about other's tools? Even SFM artists, god bless them, don't give a shit about what you think of their 2009 abandonware.

Anonymous No. 965597

oi fun fact Windows 11 just added 7z, RAR, and Tar support native.

Anonymous No. 965606

SFM is not anywhere useful, no way to control lighting, very awful animation tools, rendering gets messed up along the way and people have no custom models. SFM is uselss to learn, you really can't get a job on it, way less than Blender.

Anonymous No. 965607

Glad I quit Blender ages ago. This is just embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 965609

>>Blender is not industry standart chud
its not. Not even close

>>Blender will never be used in multibillion movies
Are you having a laugh, mate? The MCU is completely and utterly dead

Anonymous No. 965611

she looks like a 3D model when doing that stunts. Look at how she clasp her hands when she jumping up and the "victory" pose