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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต /3/ laptop thread

Anonymous No. 964464

>Buy a cheap laptop with a gpu, specifically to do 3D shit on the job or on the bus
>It dies while i try out cycles in blender 4.0 two years later
Well shit, isn't that Ironic.
What machines would you recommend to replace it in a ~1000-1500 bucks price range? I don't care if the fans are noisy or it gets very hot, i just need it to perform good when i'm away from home.
Bonus thanks if its design isn't glowing gaymer jet engine shit.

Anonymous No. 964496

laptops are utter shit for high load scenarios like anything involving 3D. they are always built on massive compromises meaning the average laptop performs "well enough" for the well studied average NPC who needs it for social media and some gaymen.

either do 3D work on a desktop that actually can take a beating and that you can maintain and fix if needed or if you really """NEED""" a laptop for whatever reason get one that performs well in high workload scenario tests. you want one that doesn't get too hot over longer periods of time of 100% load. that's a good rule of thumb for a good machine. if it runs into throttling faggotry after like 5 minutes you stay the fuck away from it. there are many test magazines/websites that test for that shit.

Anonymous No. 964500

Ask Cris, he uses a Venezuela tier laptop for all his works

Anonymous No. 964502

why do you need a laptop over a PC

Anonymous No. 964503

Because I am in the run from the mafia

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Anonymous No. 964525

I do animation and rigging as a hobby and originally bought it because i used to spend a lot of time on train and bus and barely could find time for it on my main machine i built with 3D in mind, but nowadays i just work long shifts and there's nothing to do lots of the time.

Anonymous No. 964531

Dell Precision lineup.
Higher end models are expensive as fuck.
Apart from that Acer still makes laptops with dedicated gpus without bullshit.

Anonymous No. 964565

Do this laptop is good against mobsters bullets?

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compare the size ....jpg

Anonymous No. 964877

OK, just like >>964496 said, you want a laptop that doesn't thermal throttle. Get one of those embarrassing fuckhuge laptops that would've cost $4000 when they were new. The latest i7-1370P doesn't mean much if you have a laptop that's going to thermal throttle with sustained use, thermal throttling is often so godawful for your performance, that you'd be better off with old hardware that has adequate cooling.

Anonymous No. 966598

Buy an iSlop