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๐Ÿงต hiring artists is a genuine waste of fucking money.

Anonymous No. 964588

someone has great portfolio, you hire them and their art sucks and is nowhere near as good. apparently they didn't practice enough to be consistent and are only doing this for money instead of love for art, so they do the absolute bare minimum to get hired for a job. too busy playing video games instead of practicing art, only studying when they need to get 2 models on their portfolio. they are also anti-social as hell, they don't care about the project, have zero interest in the company and you can tell from their monotonous voice they are just desperate for a job and don't care about anything else.

None of you deserve a job, and I'm glad you're all struggling with how much money & time you waste from companies from doing bare minimum

Anonymous No. 964607

why even bother, even those that are good at modeling will get milked to death with overtime thats not even paid, companies don't care as long as you can pump out assets like a drone, with a shitty wage you get bare minimum shitty models.

Anonymous No. 964614

maybe if you guys worked on your personality people wouldn't think you are just drones that pump out assets. Look at this board, look at YOU. none of you are human.

Anonymous No. 964618

the companies made the artists into drones in the first place, so many nice people i worked with over the years, turned into exhausted holow husks of their former selves from being overworked, so go sell your bullshit somewhere else faggot.

Anonymous No. 964632

You're an indie game dev, here are your two mistakes:
1. You should have bought or used assets.
2. Hired artists who worked on multiple game jams or previous game dev projects as opposed to looking at portfolios with zero context.

Not required but you should also have a bare minimum of what each role does as a director. You can't go into it blind
>they don't care about the project
ngl a lot of game dev ideas aren't appealing to work on + they make me throw anything done with a personal spin. it's how people don't feel enthusiasm for making mcdonalds burgers

Anonymous No. 964633

Maybe it's just me, but I often end up going well beyond and doing more work than the estimates I give and just eat the cost. I'm working for fucking peanuts when I consider how much work I put into a project compared to what I actually get paid. The problem is I'm such a perfectionist I won't let my name be associated with a finished project unless it meets my own standards.
Because of this, I'm making fuck-all on projects I run myself ragged on (like $150-$200 on projects that span several months). I do try to reign the people in and get their scope more in line with what they're paying, but I still can't help but make something I'm personally satisfied with.
I'm sure there's plenty of people here who are the same way.

Then again, people don't want to pay more than $150-200 for this stuff anyway. The people I tend to work with are cheap as fuck. They're all individuals, so I can't really blame them for thinking this shit is cheap, but sometimes people really do want to pay fucking nothing and want the world. The person paying wants to fuck you just as much as OP thinks the 3d artist wants to fuck them.

I fucking wish I had the mental fortitude to say "fuck it", do the bare minimum and pass it off as finished.

Anonymous No. 964635

>a lot of game dev ideas aren't appealing to work on
You mean you don't want to create 200 generic shovels, knives, barrels, lamps etc. for my low-poly rpg in exchange for 5% of my steam revenue? 3d artists have no imagination

Anonymous No. 965736

I'm not in the industry. But I know a thing or two about artists. And that most of them don't have discipline. Creating was their hobby, and when it becomes their job, they completely lose motivation. You have to look for people who are regimented. People who have structure to their lives. Once you stop being wowed by the art, then you can start to get a sense of an artist's personality. Be careful of people who are too laid back. They're unable to handle stressful situations, and their laid back attitude is just a coping mechanism. They'll crumble under pressure.

Also, don't value passion for the project too highly. Because passionate people can let you down too. Again, it's just the lack of discipline and the stress causing them to crumble under pressure. It doesn't matter how much they like your project, if they can't cope with showing up to work consistently, then they won't get the work done.

And just like the other anon said, you want to find guys who have a few notches under their belt already. Guys who have completed small projects. So you know they're capable of following through. Of course this way of selecting still isn't foolproof, but it's a whole lot more reliable than looking at portfolios. Everyone puts on the best representation of themselves in a portfolio. Hell, have you ever seen advice for putting together a portfolio? It's all deception.