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🧵 retopologizing someone else's work

Anonymous No. 964685

How hard is it to get away with just retopologizing someone else's body or head mesh? Is this a common occurrence?

Pic related is some game mod body that I started retopology on. I'm going to change some proportions and put clothes over it, so hopefully nobody notices.

Anonymous No. 964686

If you're making a new character, then people won't notice. But if the topology is already fine, then it would be better to edit the current mesh.

Anonymous No. 964688

>But if the topology is already fine, then it would be better to edit the current mesh.
Unfortunately it's all triangulated in a way that tris-to-quads can't take care of. It's also quite dense, so having a sub-d/multires mesh that's easier to adjust major proportions of would make more sense I think.
I'm a hard surface guy and never really touch characters, so idk.

Anonymous No. 964692

Not that anon but consider remeshing the original triangulated mesh, use the grab brush in sculpt mode to shape the character to the proportions you want then retopo the remeshed model.

Anonymous No. 964696

I'm a fair bit along now, so I think I'll finish what I'm already doing and see how easy it is to work with. I'll definitely keep that in mind though.

Anonymous No. 964942

if its for porn (it is) then no one cares retard. you're making it for simp coomers not other artists.

its like image bashing, tracing, liquify, etc with drawing. no one cares but you.

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Anonymous No. 964955

It's actually for someone's shitty game that I'm helping with, but I probably should find a way to just grift coomerbux when it's done.

Still, I am just interested in how often people do this. Bodies aren't like hard surface props where anyone with depth perception and an IQ over 90 can just hammer something out intuit it into looking decent with enough effort. I couldn't imagine trying to do this from scratch without doing some serious anatomy study for a long time beforehand.

Anonymous No. 964971

Yes they are, I can sculpt something like that in 2 hours, it's just matter of practice

Anonymous No. 964984

Trust me the person that made your picrel never studied anatomy either

Anonymous No. 966172

>grift coomerbux when it's done
Then make those hips wider than the shoulder, make the abs a bit more toned and duplicate the breast size.

Anonymous No. 966173


Anonymous No. 966279

op you are on your own no matter how much you change shit up. If this is fucking slop just use an auto tool and forget about it. Most coomer games have absolutely dogshit rigging and topology full of warcrimes and still get away with it.

Anonymous No. 966424

a porn dev i used to be friends with stole a model for his game and is now a literal millionaire and hasn't been sued yet

just do it. art is dead.

Anonymous No. 966476

Art is dead, people steal your work with Ai every day, I've seen my artworks used to generate ai thrash that is 90% my illustrations with retarded limbs, but I can't do nothing because it's "transformative", nobody cares anymore, i almost don't post online my art, because is just more fuel for the Ai fags

Anonymous No. 966643

Did he break you off a piece of his fortune?

Anonymous No. 966665

absolutely not, the fat fuck is using it to live in a mcmansion.

i blocked him after he stole a design i did. his entire career is based off plagiarism.

Anonymous No. 967551

As are most till the slow system catches them evading taxes and flays em for it.

Anonymous No. 967562

Why don't you sue him fag?

ゲキヤク No. 967595

you post something on the net and are surprised when someone else uses it? wow faggot go cry me a river!

Anonymous No. 969444

find a good topo and wrap it, what the fuck are you doing retopo-ing the entire body/face

Anonymous No. 969456

I may cry a river, but people like you use my work because you are untalented fags, try to do something by yourself for once, even Cris does his own art.

Anonymous No. 969497

That reminds me.
I really need to train a Cris model.

Anonymous No. 969546

You should, since you are never going to do something that people would remember. Some people don't have that capacity.

Anonymous No. 969612

>you are never going to do something that people would remember
Joke's on you. One of my images is the wallpaper of thousands of people's computers. It's so fucking widespread it's referred to as "that wallpaper".
I don't really care about that, but you should stop projecting your own insecurities. Just because you're destined to die an unknown and forgotten crab, doesn't mean others will.

Anonymous No. 970074

Ai fags like you train models with my fucking name on them, I guess even low intelligence apes like you have to remember my name to choose the model.
So not unknown, but soon I will be only remember by larping artist