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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964944

"Why" aren't his new 4.0 donut tutorials worth watching again? Is there something wrong with his premise that begs should just "make donuts"?

Anonymous No. 964945

>Is there something wrong with his premise that begs should just "make donuts"?
begs should make whatever they want to make and look up solutions to problems they face, creative problem solving is the most important skill for 3d, donut is a good tutorial to get started and acquainted with interface and general 3d logic but I see a lot of people who are just stuck after they made the donut and don't know what to do next and start searching for more tutorials

Anonymous No. 964954

he looks worse

Anonymous No. 964965

I was just starting his old tutorial and he starts another one.

Anonymous No. 964967

Copying someone doesn’t mean you understand anything. This is why teachers restrict students from copying. You are to learn how 3D works and how the tool works, not become a machine to do the same basic steps. Art is never the same and what the faker does is not artistic expression in any sense. Ge wasn’t the original creator either, the donut was a thing before Blender was born. Just as Disney cheated, the faker also cheated to popular culture.

Anonymous No. 964980

>This is why teachers restrict students from copying
You're not copy-pasting his blend files

Anonymous No. 964986

I personally would suggest some other tutorials over his. He is a scumbag promoting NFT's and AI without consequence. I'd rather not let him benefit from increasing his audience even more.

Anonymous No. 964998


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Anonymous No. 965027

Wow anon you fooled me good

Anonymous No. 965039

Post your donuts? Let me see them? I always give up on mine halfway through.

Anonymous No. 965089

I'll update you in a few days, currently on day 4 but I can't work on it for a while

Anonymous No. 965152

Paid content.

Anonymous No. 965159

damn this board really is dead, no one is even bothering to make this donut

Anonymous No. 965161

I'm making cockrings does that count?

Anonymous No. 965173

Why is this guy such a huge AI shill? He also shilled NFT when it was a thing HARD.

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Anonymous No. 965181

>damn this board really is dead

Anonymous No. 965186

I haven't seen the 4.0 one but I remember he half assed the 3.0 one compared to 2.8(which was a great tutorial)

Anonymous No. 965193


Anonymous No. 965201

Are there any good alternatives to /3/? This place is kinda sad as a newfag

Anonymous No. 965203

A time machine. The 3dcg scene picked up steam in early 2000s and peaked near 2010.

Anonymous No. 965205

Dude, just write 3D editing software for retarded normies and you'll have a whole community in no time.

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Anonymous No. 965211

It's not the same, I want to go back to when normal maps were cutting edge technology and video cards struggled to draw real time shadows.

Anonymous No. 965300

because there are a billion other tutorials online also catered to complete beginners that also show you how to make something you actually want to make. It isn't necessarily a bad tutorial in and of itself, but if you want to use blender to make anime women with massive tits you'd be better off looking up beginner tutorials on character modeling rather than wasting your time learning how to make a doughnut. Both tutorials are going to cover a lot of the same ground in regards to navigation and basic tool usage, but the character modeling tutorial is going to contain a lot of more specialized information that the doughnut tutorial would not cover.
There is something to be said about learning this stuff with as little outside assistance as possible, and while that does have merit once you've built up a baseline level of competence in 3dcg if you're a complete newcomer there's no shame in learning some basic techniques from a tutorial. The issue is that some people refuse to take the plunge into learning for themselves and never stray away from tutorials, but the opposite extreme where you never look up any form of outside instruction and spend more time sifting through >10 year old forum threads than actually modeling can be just as bad.

Anonymous No. 965474

I will NOT make the doughnut.

Anonymous No. 965480

his tutorials are a fucking meme. they made learning blender worse back when i tried them. learned better by just pocking a small project goal and going from there. learn your way instead of listing to a faggot who cant teach, teach you

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Anonymous No. 965937

what the...

Anonymous No. 965940

>le meme nodes
Glad he's teaching the useful stuff

Anonymous No. 965979

which ones

Anonymous No. 965981

>forced meme nodes
They are so much more work than just making something traditionally. Geometry nodes have also significantly tanked performance since they were added.

Anonymous No. 965983

Is he actually using fucking geometry nodes to distribute the candy toppings instead of a simple hair particle system

Anonymous No. 966218

I've never liked people recommending this tutorial to beginners, because of one thing:

Its teaching you in the wrong order. You are learning things like particle systems, texture painting, shader systems, and more before you learn the most basic thing: actual fucking modeling (which I'm pretty sure doesn't happen until Part 14/37 out some shit).

Anonymous No. 966588

Mr Beast?

Anonymous No. 966632

Scattering is the thing geonodes are best at and it's easy to do. (really the only thing I use em for)

Anonymous No. 966633

It's meant to show you little bits here and there while you learn the UI and the shortcuts, not an in depth tutorial on some specific things. It's great at what it's doing which is not what you want.

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30 year old boome....jpg

Anonymous No. 966644

>Is there something wrong with his premise that begs should just "make donuts"?
Just make a fucking donut and a chair to familiarize yourself with the fucking software ffs.

Anonymous No. 966653

this is why 99.999% of people don't make it - being forced to do shit that doesn't interest them

Anonymous No. 966883

> zoomer haircut

Anonymous No. 966989

That's nothing like the zoomer haircut retard