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Anonymous No. 965054

Hey /3/ am I retarded for choosing to study 3D Animation in University despite not having any experience apart from making CS:GO maps? Also here's my Church inspired throne room I made in Maya I know it's not finished yet but I like it as a beginner.

Anonymous No. 965101

Yes. /thread

Anonymous No. 965114

Depends on where you're from.
If you're in america, going anywhere near student loans makes you retarded.
If you're in europe where it's free / affordable, may as well pick whichever degree you think will be the most fun, there's a 95% chance you won't land a job in the same field anyway so may as well learn to do something you'll enjoy instead of anal sphincter biology or whatever other niche shit you'll never actually apply in life.

Anonymous No. 965116

Well, how good are your maps?

Anonymous No. 965450

Which school OP?

Anonymous No. 967373

It's over.

Anonymous No. 967416

church is gay and jewish

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Anonymous No. 967501

Anon, you didn't take a loan did you?

Anonymous No. 968433

Fuck going to University, its nothing but a fucking ripoff, specially for stuff like art/vidya/animation. If you want good education, just look on youtube these days, or buy courses according to your interests, I learned much more and quicker that way for paying less than when I was on Uni. Ideally you would take a course or class with experienced artists hopefully, a 1-to1 approach is the best way to improve on the stuff you are doing vs being 1 of 50 in a room on a limited time frame where you could have a slight chance to get your stuff looked at in-depth and getting proper feedback, also good luck that your teachers answers all your emails, they usually never do because they gotta wage for several more students.
If you want good courses, just go to stuff like cubebrush or coloso, also you could find "shareware" stuff on cgpeers, check that general if wanna request something to see if its available.

Anonymous No. 968438

if you want to learn how to do 3d animation then just animate. University isn't for teaching you how to do it.

if you get good enough at it, then consider university for the sake of meeting people. And probably go for something that isn't art.

Anonymous No. 968531

>am I retarded for choosing to study 3D Animation in University
a hobby is not a job. any art related are a hobby.

Anonymous No. 968795

Which school anon? I had a positive experience but only because I networked, made friends, and applied for every internship opportunity there was.

Best advice is to connect with staff there adjunct or full time to mentor you outside of school hours. Make friends who take the work seriously unlike the weebs that are there to jerk off to anime. Finally, attend events in your area and network there.

Obviously dont suck also. Forget blender.

Anonymous No. 969034


Do use blender, especially if youre doing 3d modeling. 3dsmax is ass and abandoned by autodesk

My job requires me to work with blender and I used to work with maya

Anonymous No. 969052

>3dsmax is ass and abandoned by autodesk
>My job requires me to work with blender

Anonymous No. 971763

go do a STEM degree and just play lots of 3d modeling in your free time it will open doors later if you can prove you're good at programming don't waste your time on art degrees bro