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🗑️ 🧵 How does one go about recreating the Bryce 3D aesthetic in Blender?

Anonymous No. 965115

Yes, I get you could just use Bryce 3D itself. But, I want to make actual animations with its aesthetic. Any tips?

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Anonymous No. 965121

Experiment with the light path node and discard things that bryce doesn't do.
Here's my take on it.

Anonymous No. 965155

Figure out exactly why Bryce looks the way it does and what you like about it, then do that in blender.
"look like bryce" isn't enough information for you to understand what you're trying to make. So go do some learning and analysing.

Anonymous No. 965158

The thing with Bryce is that even though there were other ray tracers competing with it at the time, Bryce had a special skybox/background system that separated its look from the rest. The hardest part would be replicating that. I’m not super knowledgeable on Bryce, but you may be able to import animations and models into it as long as the file format is old enough. You could also just try to replicate the general look of the skybox in Blender if your observational skills and knowledge of Blender is strong enough. You could also go the hard route and try to dig into Bryce’s source code and files to try and figure out how it works on the inside, but that’s an entirely different field of expertise. The easiest way to do this might just be to use the POV-Ray addon for Blender, as POV-Ray’s general look is similar to Bryce, minus the skybox.

Anonymous No. 965932

Boah ey

Anonymous No. 966887

Those were the days.

Turbo Silver, Imagine, Organica, Real 3D, Aladdin 4D, InfiniD, Softimage, 3DS Dos, Sculpt 3D...