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Anonymous No. 965299

i find blender to be super fucking annoying and convoluted to use, are there any other decent free modeling softwares that i can use?
(preferably that dont require me to watch 5 hours of tutorial videos to use)

Anonymous No. 965305

You can use blender, it's really good and you can do basically everything inside blender, I have a 9 hour tutorial that explains the basics if you want.

Anonymous No. 965321

Blockbench is very easy to use. I jumped straight into it without watching any tutorials.

Anonymous No. 965323

3D in general is hard to do. It doesn't matter what software you use. Each program has it's own pros and cons. Pull your head out of your ass and start learning. Keep pushing yourself because everything has a learning curve.

Anonymous No. 965324

what do you want to model? Fusion 360 for personal use is free but it is cad, you have zbrush core mini if you want to do organic too.

Anonymous No. 965325

forget about fusion 350, is garbage.

Get CAD for artists - plasticity

Anonymous No. 965326

124$, he said free.

Anonymous No. 965327

fusion 350 is absolute trash

Anonymous No. 965329

also, your time isn't free

Anonymous No. 965330

yes lad, plasticity is not solidworks neither.

Anonymous No. 965331

solidworks is not for artists, retard

Anonymous No. 965333

Free modeling software that you don't need to learn to use?

Anonymous No. 965334

pixologic sculptris alpha 6, you can find the installer on internet archive

Anonymous No. 965335

You are most likely too retarded for this sport if you had to make a thread like this. Perhaps find something else to do with your worthless time? you could make shitty coffee tables out of pallet wood, i always see people online crying about how people have no real skills nowadays.

Anonymous No. 965337

i cant sit down and spend 5+ hours of my time watching tutorial videos.
im not too retarded for it, i know i could do it if i had the time but i simply dont. some anons have suggested i use blockbench, which i used a lot for minecraft modding a few years ago so i might end up using that.

im not a neet, i need to balance a full-time job and school at the same time. my time is not free like yours is.

i want to model stuff for vidya, ive only ever made 2d games up until now and i wanna try something new.

i just need something i can learn on my own, that doesnt require watching 5 hours of tutorials.

looks pretty decent. thanks for the recommendation anon, il try it out

Anonymous No. 965338

>looks pretty decent. thanks for the recommendation anon, il try it out
so you want modelling software, blender is too difficult to learn, and now you're going to try a sculpting program or blockbench.
What are you even trying to make?

Anonymous No. 965350

Dude...You're not even listening to yourself and the advice of others. If you're balancing school, a full time job, and you can't be bothered to watch 5+ hours of tuts, how the fuck do you even think you're going to make video games and model anything at all? That shit consumes time. It is literally a time sink. Do you really believe you can watch an hour of a tutorial and know what the fuck you are doing at all? I know you're probably young but you're also sounding dumb and naïve as a fuck.

Anonymous No. 965351


Absolute cancer.

You shouldn't bother with any 3D program because your mindset is lazy and with it, you won't achieve shit.

Doesn't matter what you fucking use, you haven't the will to learn.