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Anonymous No. 965336

You never find people who play vidya that succeed in our industry. Why is that?

Anonymous No. 965339

Diversity hires

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Anonymous No. 965771

Define "success".
If we just consider money - 3D weggers or big name SFM/blender porn animators are definitely successful

Anonymous No. 965950

they make pennies and they leave no mark in the history books

Anonymous No. 965951

>no mark in the history books
Aka literally any 3d artist

Anonymous No. 965952

You don't know what you are talking about. You make SFM 2 second loops, lmao

Anonymous No. 965954

Name me a single 3d artist that is or ever will be in history books. You won't because the medium itself simply doesn't lend to this and is probably one of the most inferior artforms that is completely wortheless by itself. I mean the definition of success among 3d artists is getting into memedustry to parrot 2d artist's work and end up among hunderds of names in the credits. Your attempt to attack my character is pretty funny though

Anonymous No. 965955

Mike Nash

Anonymous No. 965956

Cool greeble, I'm sure the name of the director of the movie that'll use his models might get into history books lol

Anonymous No. 965960

You're delusional.

Keep making your 2 second loops, idiot

Anonymous No. 965961

Enjoy being a cog in somebody else's artform

Anonymous No. 965963

you literally make 2 second "thrusting" loops. You're no artist.

Anonymous No. 965964

why would history books contain the full credits of some random video game lol? you think "having a job" is some julius caesar-tier achievement?

Anonymous No. 965966

Hate to break it to you but 3d isn't art that will ever make someone ""famous"". Making bank from it is the only thing that matters and making porn does it. Art is self contained. You didn't see Giotto making fucking stickers for others to slap into their work

Anonymous No. 965967

t. SFM / DAZ "artist"

shoo now

Anonymous No. 965968

Enjoy being a cog x2

Anonymous No. 965969

i always work alone and I give all of my work away for free, even things I worked weeks on. Fuck out of here

Anonymous No. 965970

so do literally hundreds of millions of other internet "creatives," that's not special, that's the status quo. nobody is going to write a book about you because you were one of the countless drones filling 2020s internet with "content." they will only write about you in aggregate: "during the early 21st century, everyone was a rube"

Anonymous No. 965971

>write a book
what are you, a giga boomer?

Anonymous No. 965972

Congratulations! Will surely suck when you realised you've dedicated your life to something nobody values unless it's used in somebody else's work and you didn't make a pennie along the way lol
You were the one talking about history books silly

Anonymous No. 965973

something being in the history books is a figure of speech. How dense are you, dazlet?

Anonymous No. 965974

Moving goalposts already?

Anonymous No. 965975

you won't "be in the history books" figuratively OR literally, so why insist on the distinction?

Anonymous No. 965977

it was never moved, you just cant pick up on figures of speech.


Anonymous No. 965978

if you feel so misunderstood then explain yourself better. in what sense of the phrase do you expect yourself to "be in history books" and why?

Anonymous No. 965980

He will sculpt a really epic super detailed sci fi cyberpunk dude with tons of greebling and people in 1000 years will be examining every vertex of his t-posing models and his vdm brushes (they actually won't have the means to open and look at his incredibly technically outdated "art" because holographic 5D cum modelling became all the rage in 2250)

Anonymous No. 965984

i wont reveal what direction my work is going in on this board anymore. Its a lose-lose scenario because of the stigma surrounding this site and for the regular people lurking it who perpetuate that stigma.

Anonymous No. 965987

nobody asked about "the direction of your work," dummy, nobody cares. you could just explain in the abstract how ONE gets into history books with 3dcg, but you chose to dodge the question because you don't have an answer, neither specific nor abstract. you just have a FEELING, right? you very strongly FEEL you'll end up in history books. psychiatrists have a name for that feeling and it starts with "n."

Anonymous No. 965988

I wont give any hints of what i'm doing to get into the book, dummy.

I will get in.

Anonymous No. 965989

Told you his magnum opus is a hyper detailed sci fi cyberpunk dude

Anonymous No. 965990

i just specifically told you not to post any, they are of no value anywhere outside of your own head, the impression you have of their value is the "n" speaking. you know how sometimes when you're dreaming you feel like something you're doing in the dream is really important but when you wake up it makes no sense? it's like that, except your whole life.

Anonymous No. 965991

you're defeated and just posting gibberish. You've had a lot of trolling for today and now you're into therapist territory. I can stick a fork in you - you're done.

Anonymous No. 965992

There's no way any of you arguing in this thread are actual grown-ass adults with jobs. Please get off 4chan and do something with your lives before it sucks you in.

Anonymous No. 965993

therapists won't help you bro - that's the kicker, they will just make it worse. nobody has ever figured out how to make a guy like you snap out of it, not since that first one that gave it the name.

Anonymous No. 965994


Anonymous No. 966007

>You never find people who play vidya that succeed in our industry.
DOOM Eternal: Hugo Martin's Game Director Playthrough
Also, a lot of game developers playtest their game themselves.
Dario Casali, one of Half-Life developers (a level designer, if I remember correctly) recently replayed Half-Life.
There is a difference between playing games, and being a fucking addict that grinds dota/lol/fortnite 24/7

Anonymous No. 966167

I think that's because of lack of vidya modding compared to what it was 15 years ago. Mods back in the day were made by people who were just passionate about what they were making without expecting any sort of paycheck whatsoever, and that in turn made something completely different and new that managed to become a new game or even genre altogether. Now companies just hire anyone with barely taking consideration on either their portfolios or experience that much since they need them anyways to make a sale, independent of the type of game and if its good or not, good example are the fucking sport games released every year with reused assets over and over, that now are filled with microtransactions.

Last "big modding" thing that made somewhat of a change and that now is common would be the "battle royale" genre, yet nothing else has happened after that since. Even the creator of the Arma 3 mod that later made PUBG simply vanished after selling the IP to Tencent. Add to that now 99% of mods are just coomer bait.

Anonymous No. 966374

>SFM/blender porn animators are definitely successful

Money wise...? How much could these goons possibly making? At most $30k a year if they're huge?

Anonymous No. 966399

>At most $30k a year if they're huge?
I've seen some of them make +10k per month

Anonymous No. 966401

that's chump change. They never made it. You never ever hear a 3d porn animator be a household name

Anonymous No. 966432

>that's chump change
yeah must be that, if they some of them are from 3rd world countries they must be among the richest ones

Anonymous No. 966434

newsflash : 10k a month is not among the richest in any country

Anonymous No. 966438

I guess that's true if you live in Monaco

Anonymous No. 966474

Gamers are too autistic to make a good game, believe me, I've tried

Anonymous No. 966582

Who? (Unironically, I'm about to google them)

Anonymous No. 966583

Yeah nah, 3D isn't getting into any history book. CG is all the same shit really.

Anonymous No. 966689

good thread

>[3dcg] is probably one of the most inferior artforms that is completely wortheless by itself

it is an odd medium. your point about giotto shilling decal packs is funny

But maybe there is more to 3dcg, we just need the right minds on the case