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Anonymous No. 965662

What are the polycounts on hero characters on native ninth generation titles? (I'm making a game)

Anonymous No. 965666

Around six gorillion polygons give or take depending on sweat pores and hair follicles.

Anonymous No. 965674

too many. Because of modern tech barely anyone gives a fuck about polycount anymore, seen some atrocious topology lately. Also, I never played that game, does Master Chief actually fight a gorilla, or is it just a meme?

Anonymous No. 967229

343 removed all ursine and rhinoceros influence from the brutes so they'd be easy to face mocap so they don't have to actually animate anything

Anonymous No. 967232

>does Master Chief actually fight a gorilla, or is it just a meme?
He tries, but it's futile, and in the end that gorilla gets elected as president of the USA

Anonymous No. 967242

Just do what looks right with the amount of detail you want and without any useless polys