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๐Ÿงต Geometry nodes has been out for 3 years and still has no bevel

Anonymous No. 965744

What the shit is this? Unironic meme software

Anonymous No. 965753

geometry nodes are a useless gimmick that has no value

Anonymous No. 965755

Use the operator retard.
>add a geometry node nodes
>add the bevel operator
>add a geometry node nodes

Anonymous No. 965811

>want to perform a bevel as part of a complex GN graph
>nah you have to split your graph in two every time you do it

Anonymous No. 965825

>Can't find the a averages of max/min/mean of multiple groups, because the attribute statistic node doesn't work on fields for no fucking reason.
>The developers are actually questioning if it's worth including because they're all autists who don't even use the very system they're developing, and need to be told about 1,000 use cases before they figure it's worth the effort.

>Can't make lists, so you have to do a bazillion steps to manipulate the index into selecting what you want.

>Can't get bone information, so it's no good for armature
>They upgraded bones collections for 4.0, but you STILL can't access bone collections in geometry nodes.

I'm forgetting another gripe. But oh well.

Anonymous No. 965837

>The developers are all fucking autists
This is the problem, for all the good they do sometimes I see someone request an incredibly commonplace feature only to be told "why would you want that?" or "no, due to my personal interpretation of your request this feature which already exists in other programs is actually impossible"

Anonymous No. 965838

Well what do you expect for free.

Anonymous No. 967360

Thank you for revealing that you're an absolute retard. The main reason that blender developers have been sperging on it as it's going to be an important framework in the future. It's obviously not perfect but it's the best course of action for the far future development. Geo nodes have been a boon for add-ons, the ones I've been using have significantly improved because of how geo nodes made it more easier.

I think they have been figuring out rigging via nodes. I don't know when it'll be made more public but I wouldn't hope that it'll be soon.

Source? I haven't been in touch with Blender dev discussions.

Anonymous No. 967407

Devs do get paid retard

that's open source for you. I miss Pablo and his particular brand of autism

Anonymous No. 967411

>Devs do get paid retard
You paid the devs to implement your specific request?