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Anonymous No. 965799

Should I not renew my renderman subscription and just use Karma XPU?

Anonymous No. 965819

what are the benefits of renewing to you?

Anonymous No. 965847

Pixar's product seems to give me the best looking result, they have shaders the other products i am using don't have but it takes the longest to render

Anonymous No. 966048

This is a perfect opportunity for you to test Karma vs Renderman and make a youtube video.

Anonymous No. 966058

but if you do that you get in trouble with the dev and support team of either product. This has happened to me before. I'd like to just stfu on socials now and keep everything private

Anonymous No. 966070

You must be joking, right?
What kind of trouble? Call them out on twitter

Anonymous No. 966072

no I'm not joking. I shared my true opinions on discord once and now these devs think of me as "that guy" and dont respond to me anymore. They just ghost me every single comment I have. I'm in really hot water for software I pay for and depend on, and it sucks man. I'm scrambling to do the equivalent in houdini now, but there is only one long, hard tutorial instead of literally thousands of threads from the other the other product. This is why I don't want to take sides again or admit my opinions on anything that can even tangentially be traced back to me, it is just going to make these people on discord write me off completely

Anonymous No. 966146

Karma(CPU) is still not as gold as they pretend it is but it's 'gold' enough for most people

Anonymous No. 966169

I hear from some people that Karma in 20 sucks ass and is unstable af, especially on GPU. I want to render on XPU. The only good XPU I've found that utilizes everything I throw at it is Blender. What does anon do?

Anonymous No. 968123

How much slower is Karma then other renderers? I find that even If I lower resolution settings in PrMan that I spend a long time denoising frames which is quite annoying and it doesn't recognize multi-gpu, which I have.

Anonymous No. 968188

I also feel like Renderman for both Houdini and Blender and Maya is stuck on a particular version for months / years / forever as it will only work with a certain version whereas Karma XPU will work with the latest daily updates of houdini. I could be hundreds to thousands of updates behind on houdini and my renderman version would be unable to be used in a later version whereas karma could be used since day 1.


The thing is if I cancel prman I pretty much lose the $600 I invested last year but if I want to renew I have to pay $250 and cant use daily updates in hou / blend and cant use multi gpu

Anonymous No. 968228

Depends. If you are a filthy hobbyist not in the industry why the fuck are you paying? If you are a professional, why the fuck are you renewing with your personal money? This is completely covered by your employer or client.

Anonymous No. 968229

>If you are a filthy hobbyist not in the industry why the fuck are you paying?
renderman NC did not include XPU for many years (now it does) and you have to upload and bake a watermark across your image for wherever you upload the image to, be it on forums, discord, your reel, wherever. Its really distracting.

Anonymous No. 968230

and additionally, here's the thing though : my best renders by far were from prman 25 in maya. Couldn't get nearly the same result from prman 25 in houdini because the tools just don't seem to be integrated nearly as well.