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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965846

animator bros...i dont feel so good...

>its over
its over
>its over
its over

Anonymous No. 965851

I am going to get a job at McDonald's tomorrow morning

Anonymous No. 965852

We have MoCap at home:

Anonymous No. 965858


This just means it's that much easier to make your own 3d porn. Find some fetish nobody is catering to and profit.

Anonymous No. 965862

Don't see much there. Definitely no code on github, just docs and pictures. Doubt this will work anytime soon.

Anonymous No. 965863

No actual code to be seen.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 965865

fuckin chinks being chongs yet again

Anonymous No. 965866

>AI = porn
Every time

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Anonymous No. 965886

hand bros...i dont feel so good...

Anonymous No. 966031

it's over, everyday.

Anonymous No. 966036

The AI community said that hands would be fixed in three months. It's been over a year and they still look dogshit, with absolutely no improvement.

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Anonymous No. 966039

not automatically. you can fix them but not with raw test2image proompting. you need to add a layer of tuning fuckery called controlnet pose.

two more papers and it will all be fix automatically.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 966040

But i don´t even know what this 'animation' thing is.

Anonymous No. 966057

I stopped learning because of this. I just feel demotivated

Anonymous No. 966059

Don't flatter yourself, you would never make it anyway if you get demotivated by this

Anonymous No. 966137

this stuff + the gaussian splatting stuff that's been going around is interesting if you think of them as replacements for traditional raster or traced renderers.
temporal stability is increasing pretty dramatically and that's with these barely-guided inputs, but let's say you manage to train something that will take all the information a traditional renderer gets and generates a result based on that, effectively faking path-traced ground-truths.

Anonymous No. 966233

I looked up and basically sd still has no temporal stability whatsoever. In addition to quality which is still shit even on dalle which is by several orders of magnitude larger than SD, this diffusion thing is a major waste of time and basically peaked with canny control net.

Anonymous No. 966236

keep copin', chud. you're on borrowed copium. it VILL run out soon and you VILL be replaced.

Anonymous No. 966237

I correct myself - even a shitty neural network that draws 6 fingers has still more use than a shitty troll. Because you know, at least it has some use.

Anonymous No. 966259

I wish I was skilled enough to make something like this too

Anonymous No. 966260

100k as manager in Australia

Anonymous No. 966296

can it output 3D skeletal data?

Anonymous No. 966297

theres always an AI for that. too many infact if you lurk Github. a mainstream one is google MediaPipe

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Vampire lady by M....jpg

Anonymous No. 966309

Why are you such a stupid fucking nigger? Use it! Your workload just because a matter of slight inconvenience. Embrace the AI life.

Anonymous No. 966310

He who controls the porn, controls the world.

Anonymous No. 966328

Humans are highly social and highly sexual creatures.

Anonymous No. 966330


Anonymous No. 966331

I need someone who is good at AI and 2d desperately and there isnt a soul on /ic/ who isnt just as retarded as you.

Anonymous No. 966332

get a porn artfag. Avoid Artstation.

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Anonymous No. 966427

coomers are getting impatient

Anonymous No. 966431

Too bad someone already found the original tiktoks they were inpainting over. Investorbros, I guess we won't be frauded on this one.

Anonymous No. 966436

Why is there always at least one redditor begging for source code gibs?

>Is it going to be open source?
>Open source?
>The source. I need the source.
>Sorry, I mean I need a source code that explicitly describes how the program functions. This is just proprietary vaporware.

Anonymous No. 966500

Call me when they can walk in and out of a shot without dying

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Anonymous No. 966510

Guys, I just tried it... AND IT WORKS