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🧵 How long would it take for me to make 2 min of animation?

Anonymous No. 965903

So I have all of my models, props, textures, and environments set up. I finally worked through learning the UI and everything I need. My models are just these simple ball dudes. It took me a long ass time to get through the learning curve. If I just hustle and don't really care how good the end product looks how quickly could I get two minutes done? I got 8 days.

Anonymous No. 965904

Like a month, you're screwed lmao

Anonymous No. 965907

Like >>965904 said, months.

Anonymous No. 965916

>and don't really care how good the end product looks how quickly could I get two minutes done
you don't care about the medium. You are going to fail

Anonymous No. 965918

Okay, well, saying I don't care isn't exactly accurate. In fact I care too much and was told to just produce something no matter the quality because my perfectionism is what has slowed me down.

I just want to get something completed as fast as possible at this point.

Anonymous No. 965921

Learn to film a scene like the movies do. Perform individual scenes from one second to three seconds maximum. Then trim and join the scenes to get your animation.

Anonymous No. 965922

Yeah, I've studied a lot on scene breakdowns to shots to frames. I got an animatic ready. All of my models and props are done too.

If I sat my ass down and animated non stop how fast do you think I can get this done? I at least want 1:30 minutes.

Anonymous No. 965925

> How long would it take for me to make 2 min of animation?

The thing about animation is you only need like 15 seconds of very well polished stuff to put on your showreel and get a job. Nobody wants to watch 2 minutes.

Anonymous No. 965926

I can animate 80 frames of polished 3D animation in a about 4 hours and I would say I'm pretty experienced... so 2 minutes at 30fps would take me about a month

Anonymous No. 965927

depdends on your skill level i guess. in my last animation piece, it took me like a month or so to do a 15 second snippet

Anonymous No. 965976

>how fast do you think I can get this done?
Nobody knows this better than you. Try animating for a second or two and take note of how long it takes you to do so. Then calculate how long it would take you to animate the entire minute and a half.

Anonymous No. 965995

Besides the environment that you need to build, how are the models created? You didn’t just make the models and not insert controls right? You didn’t skipped on testing them and only make it IK?