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๐Ÿงต Thoughts on my sculpt?

Anonymous No. 966052

Been working on this sculpt for a couple of days. I'd appreciate some feedback. For reference: this is Sybil, the goat-bunny-cat lady from Pseudoregalia.

Anonymous No. 966062

Can you post this again but without the scaling all messed up on half the images? Use some sampling or it's gonna have fucked up appearances all over it.

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Anonymous No. 966080

Sure, I'll just upload them in separate posts. It's come along a bit further. Hope you don't mind screenshots. I don't want to take the time to render anything right now


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Anonymous No. 966081


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Anonymous No. 966082


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Anonymous No. 966083


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Anonymous No. 966084


Anonymous No. 967046

Do you mind showing an image of the original character so we know what look you're going for?

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Anonymous No. 967337

Sybil, Pseudoregalia's Player Character. I've just about finished retopo on her skin. I'm working on the internals of her mouth right now. After that is eyes.

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Anonymous No. 967343

What is your opinion on the teeth? I kinda like the look of it. I never realized how long cat canines really are.

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Anonymous No. 967518

Finished retopo on the upper jaw. Puzzling this out took me a while.

Anonymous No. 967670

retop still scares me

Anonymous No. 967747

i knew those proportions looked familiar. looks pretty good. the teeth >>967518 looks cool.

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Anonymous No. 967782

Giving some tweaks and smoothing things out before I move on to rigging and cutting seams. That's probably gonna take some time since it's what I have the least practice with. But the smoothing fucked up the tail so I'm gonna need to fix that before I pretty up the hands and feet. Shouldn't take too long.
Thanks. Even though in retrospect, her face is so human It would've made more sense(and have been easier) to give her less animalistic jaws. I'm sticking with them just cause I like 'em. >>967670
I've got mixed feeling on retopo. It's tedious as hell and I hate when I get stumped by two edge loops that refuse to connect without wrecking the rest of the topology. But it also feels amazing to see things just fall into place when you fill in some empty space between loops.

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Foot ref.png

Anonymous No. 967843

I'd like some feedback on the design. I'm wondering if I should shorten the toes or even scale down the bottom half of the foot(the balls of the feet down to the toes). She barely has feet in the reference but I think that would look kinda silly for the level of detail I'm going for. Maybe a second opinion would help settle things for me.

Anonymous No. 967891

I can picture it still looking good if the feet are scaled down a tad, but I wouldn't go as far as the reference.

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Anonymous No. 967937

Getting started on textures. So far it's not too bad. Dunno how tough normals are gonna be, though. Hoping they're not too bad, either.

I think what I'll do is just shorten the toes a bit. The feet don't look too far off when you look at the full models side-to-side. That and being more conservative with with the fur's volume should sort things out. That way things will look more faithful to the reference without giving her funny toothpick feet.

Anonymous No. 967956

sybil pseudoregalia if she real

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Anonymous No. 967964

I've got the flat colors down, I think. Normals are giving me some issues, though. Oh, well... I'll keep at it.

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Anonymous No. 967971

I figured out the normals. Turns out it was just as easy as the tutorial videos made it out to be. My dumb ass was just forgetting to apply the normal map vector node. I even figured out how to bake the head and body maps separately. But I've run into another snag. Turns out that the sculpt I was using for the bake was too low-res. You can see the polygons on the two images below the top image. They're especially noticeable around the base of the ears, around the nose and around the eyes. I'm thinking I might have to go the multires route for this one. You guys have any ideas?

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Anonymous No. 968109

Alright! I looked up how to bake a normal with a mutlires modifier. It turned out alot better. Things are coming along nicely.

Anonymous No. 968539

I'd smash that

Anonymous No. 968675


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Anonymous No. 969089

I went on a bit of a silly journey re-doing her normal map while trying to fix the shading on her ass. It didn't work. I'm guessing the quads got too stretched or something like that. A lesson for next time, I guess. Got sick for a couple of days then finished some roughness maps for her lips, nose, eyelids and jaws. Imma gonna quit with the texture work and get on to rigging and modeling clothes, hair and accessories.

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Anonymous No. 969197

I gotta say, the auto weight-paint turned out better than I expected. I got so used to seeing her with Dumbo ears I forgot to put bones in them.


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Anonymous No. 969211

How're the deformations looking so far?

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Anonymous No. 969214

Tweaking the weights is surprisingly intuitive, if not a bit tedious. Having a bit of an issue with smoothing out the twisting of her forearm, though. I really like how good the knees bend looks even before tweaking. That dedicated knee bone really is something.

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Anonymous No. 969463

Adding and weighting facial bones, now. Also having some fun with the lighting.

Anonymous No. 969464

Are you Alioto???

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Anonymous No. 969465

Nope. Don't know who that is. All I got was some 1960s San Francisco mayor when I looked it up.

Anonymous No. 969539

Dude your art looks kinda like him but more advanced, Alioto posted around 10 or 13 years ago and made similar furry like bunny girls, so I thought that was you.
Don't mind me, I'm just an old fag with his memories

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Sybs Jaunt.png

Anonymous No. 969569

Cool. Looked for him in the archives and that he was pretty good. Dunno who I'd say is more advanced since me being late to the party has the advantage of me benefiting from the foundations of people who worked at things longer and harder than me(Like more developed technology). He did point out a neat trick he used for normal baking in one of the threads. I might try it later to see how well that pans out for me.

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Anonymous No. 969609

Man, I've been slacking today. Getting the eyelids weighted, so far so good.

Anonymous No. 969614

I laughed when I read this

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Anonymous No. 969622

Turns out the reason I was having a rough time getting the eyelids to deform well is that they need more than one bone per eyelid. Obvious in retrospect. I guess my brain never really turned on today. At least I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

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Anonymous No. 969834

Looking better. Takes a while, though.

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Anonymous No. 969839

Slowly coming together

Anonymous No. 969926

Are you an Oldfag too?

Anonymous No. 969951

No, I just like to browse the archives on Warosu sometimes. It's funny seeing all of the wild shit people used to post back in the day, but also sad to see that the board seems to be so lacking now. Even when I first started browsing this particular board 2 years ago, things felt a lot more interesting than they do now, but maybe that's just because the novelty has worn off. I often wonder what happened.