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🧵 Cloth Sim vs Sculpting Folds Manually

Anonymous No. 966068

I'm in the process of learning Marvelous but one thing I'm worried about is using it as a crutch to make up for the fact that I'm shit at sculpting folds manually (pic related). Is this irrational? Should I git gud at sculpting folds and clothing manually or can I get away with cloth sim with touch ups in sculpt?

Anonymous No. 966075

Has someone who makes a lot of clothes, there’s no balance at how it’s supposed to be made. Cloth physics is if you have animation, sculpture for high quality clothing and static clothing for games that don’t require extra work.

So it doesn’t matter and keep learning.

Anonymous No. 966078

>sculpting folds and clothing manually

Anonymous No. 966085

It depends, there are some pieces that are simply not possible to sculpt manually and there are some pieces that look awful if done with marvelous' realism, learn how to do both good. But generally the less reliant you are on automating the better

Anonymous No. 966088

That's fair. Any concrete examples on stuff that would look awful if run through Marvelous? I'm guessing stylized models, right?

Anonymous No. 966152

It has to be the fantasy mask, you know the cyberpunk style, Mecha anime helmet, etc.

If we talking about body, it would be in the technical realm. As in transformation in magical clothes, slight changes to armor and other items. I looked through and Marvelous doesn’t offer SFX which means it’s not really worth much besides a commonly available clothing.

Anonymous No. 966545

Your topology defines where the geometry will fold. Don't be retarded and cloth sim first and sculpt detail after. Use blender, they were of the first to implement cloth sim brushes.

Anonymous No. 966549

No they won’t, Blender is always behind. Cloth simulation wasn’t a hose hold name and required lots of powerful hardware. Average windows XP computer wouldn’t cut it.