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Anonymous No. 966119

Do you see a (far or not so) future in which autodesk will start shitting themselves and make Maya free for non-commercial use?

Anonymous No. 966121


Anonymous No. 966122

Lmao no

Anonymous No. 966132

Yes, I can see them trembling in fear.
The mighty has fallen, the time of blender supremacy has come!

Anonymous No. 966136

Blender 4.0 alpha unstable used to work very well and be very stable on my computer. Blender 4.0.1 stable crashes on startup so I'm effectively cut off at 3.6, so 4.0 can get fucked as far as I'm concerned.
I'm also seeing a lot of reports of random crashes, that is, unless you paid for a recent NVidia video card, then for whatever reason it's fine.

Anonymous No. 966265

Probably not. Blender is practically already the standard in a vast majority of hobbyist circles because it's at the very least good enough to learn/make anything you want to a reasonable quality and is completely free, while Maya has years of institutional momentum behind it which makes it the standard in a lot of industries, and I don't think that dichotomy will change. You'd have to get the companies to ditch their extremely heavily customized versions of Maya they've been tailoring to their needs for years, plus you'd also need to get all of the schools/colleges to switch off of it as well. Considering the uni classes I'm taking right now for my comp sci degree still ask that you use Eclipse in (current year), and that Autodesk absolutely makes sure the institutions teach their programs exclusively, expecting any radical change from "the standard" is a complete pipe dream. Hell, even when I was in High School I learned CAD with Fusion 360 and every school computer I used had Maya installed on it. They've tied educational institutions to their ecosystem, and I think that's what will guarantee them the future more so than any company.
If there is a change, it'll be from old companies being replaced by newer, smaller ones without any of the legacy code/baggage of a decade or so of Maya usage and who's artists who mostly use blender and prefer it over Maya. That said, considering Autodesk considers a $300 per year license fee the "affordable" option for hobbyists they'll absolutely run their product into a 6 foot deep slot in the ground before they bend the knee to poor people.
I hope you enjoyed reading this essay as much as I enjoyed writing it blah blah blah I will fashion a large drum from the scalps of Autodesk board members.

Anonymous No. 966267

Thank you ChatGPT. You always have the best insight.

Anonymous No. 966292

The rapid versioning scheme sucks, they would have been fine calling this 3.10 and nobody would have bat an eye.
All for the hype of zomg major version!11
Meanwhile rigged meshes with any reasonable complexity are still unusable slow and the promised everything nodes thing where simulation and rigging is made procedural is no where to be seen.
AgX is nice but it's just a new color management system and only affects people who actually use cycles.

Anonymous No. 966772

Why won't they just make Blender industry standard? I used 3DS Max and Maya for a year and hated it particularly Max due to how bloaty and buggy it is. I've since then settled with Blender + Zbrush + Plasticity and life is better than before, it is argueably the best trio pack.

Anonymous No. 966773

They might when blender starts adding basic shit like editing curves with symmetry mode and symmetry working with hair brushing instead of shitty meme nodes

Anonymous No. 966780

Okay, I'll bite. Shitty meme nodes like what?

Anonymous No. 966827

Autodesk has been shitting itself for at least several decades, no free versions of anything yet, if you don't consider the pirated versions of max which probably amount to 98% of all max installs worldwide.

Anonymous No. 966836

I think that's because they have free cocaine, pizza and prostitutes in their offices, not because of Blender.

Anonymous No. 966914

Weight painting symmetry barely works half the time too and the weight painting brush is so shit

Anonymous No. 967003

use the mirror modifier, fagola

Anonymous No. 967045

That's not the same thing retard

Anonymous No. 967085

loaded my old 3.x settings and add ons into blender 4 and the same identical settings render has significantly less roughness and specular than the original on every surface
help me sirs

Anonymous No. 967130

Maya could be the literal worst modeling software and they would still charge you,probably even more desu for the "privilege"

Anonymous No. 967145

Of course not, they'll likely end up reducing price & offering a "core" product with less features that hobbyists don't use. All of the useful professional features will then be behind additional paywalls that total to a higher price than it currently is anyway. No you can't opt out of the new pricing scheme, have a nice day.

Anonymous No. 967287

>autodesk education sign up
>choose maya
>upload a pdf of your transcript or a random pdf
>do it again every year

It’s been free forever retard.

Anonymous No. 967288

>Why won't they just make Blender industry standard?
Because it's free and open source. Blender doesn't have customer support. If you find a bug in Blender, you either fix it yourself or you wait until someone does.

Blender is on par with the industry standard in terms of capability now.

Anonymous No. 967289

You don't own what you make in autodesk shitware. For an eternal hobbyist like you it's obviously not a problem.

Anonymous No. 967294

>You don't own what you make in autodesk shitware.
Autodesk cannot enforce that, therefore it's irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 967335

you dont know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 967338

You own your art, but you don't own binaries

Anonymous No. 967362

Industry standard is a very arbitrary word. If you mean industry "standard" in terms of usability, it really is the standard 3D software because it's free.

If you watch the 2 homunculi from Flipped Normals, they keep saying that Blender is actually that good but studios can't just switch to it because it costs so much money to switch and have add-ons and software that are too dependent and rooted in the autodesk framework and pipeline that it's going to be waste to just rework them in Blender.

Most top studios that use Maya and 3DS Max are mostly heavily modified from what I heard. They're basically a completely different and in-house software at that point where they will have to train you anyways. Since they're using autodesk code, they're still essentially they're cum slaves.

Didn't they mention that they had a solution from that? Or maybe I'm mistaken

Regarding the topic, I don't think so. I'm sure it's being used in the industry already as it covers a very specific niche in the pipeline that the other specialized softwares can't. Blender is just way too convenient to ignore. If they improve the animation part of Blender then maybe. You'll have to wrangle with the NLA editor just to implement animation layers but there's a team out there that confirmed how retarded it is and have been figuring out on how to improve it.

Anonymous No. 967400

So you are a total larp who forgot about fbx.

Anonymous No. 967401

>If you mean industry "standard" in terms of usability, it really is the standard 3D software because it's free.
so is slowdini.

>If you watch the 2 homunculi from Flipped Normals,
>advocating that blender really is the stanard
>mentioning flipped normals
ngmi BINGO!

Anonymous No. 967402

big auto does not own your work or save files, neither does side, neither does Foundation

Anonymous No. 967457

Elaborate? How is any of those ngmi

Anonymous No. 967495

Houdini is less free than trial versions of other software, this board is fucking retarded

>"blah" back
>"it's only 250$"
Every time a retard says Houdini is 'free' (legally)

Anonymous No. 967506

why would they
they make bank from companies who will never switch to blender because of risk

Anonymous No. 967515

how do people even come up with deranged schizo lies like this one?

Anonymous No. 967517

Houdini Apprentice is literally free you retard

Anonymous No. 967550

Houdini Apprentice is not fully featured retard

Anonymous No. 967597

you can get a job off of it, dumbass

Anonymous No. 967600

>Because it's free and open source. Blender doesn't have customer support. If you find a bug in Blender, you either fix it yourself or you wait until someone does.
I've worked in games for 10+ years. I've been through dozens of Max and Maya studios.
I have never seen anyone use customer support.

Anonymous No. 967602

>Ive worked in bing bing wahoo for 10 years


Anonymous No. 967616

See >>967495

Anonymous No. 967621

Hurrrrrrr i cant render in 12k so its not free durrrrrrr

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Anonymous No. 967634


Anonymous No. 967643

this is incredibly funny to me because in advertisement/film they have dedicated adobe mfers on site to fix shit when it breaks. if they can afford it. this isnt a good thing of course this is how dysfunctional adobe software is on a fundamental level.

Anonymous No. 967649

Blender does have customer support from a partnership with Canonical (The company behind Ubuntu)

Anonymous No. 968505


Anonymous No. 971090


Anonymous No. 971103

>...make Maya free for non-commercial use?

in the first moment, that sounds awesome, you can use maya as long you dont use it to produce comercial content, but what when some new exec get hired and he thinks that all this new users autodesk has, could be a valuable source of income and start to demand money for the usage? this could happen anytime, because this peopel in such companies arnt idiots, let them use maya two or three years for free, then, when they are hooked and there hole workflow, pipeline and toolchain is tailored onto maya, autodesk changes its policy and you as a user has only two options left, pay or start at zero with an other software!

on the other side is blender, not this capable like maya, but what ever happens, you always will have access to the software! everything you invest into the software, tools, time, etc, will never be wasted, because it isnt a comercial orientated organisation that works on blender, its opensource, and in the case, the blender foundation gets infiltrated by trannies who start to fuckup everything, the whole codebase can be forked to start a non-pozzed project!

Anonymous No. 971125


Anonymous No. 971189

the only times I ever interact with customer support is because of problems with activating their license. For everything else, I go on forums to get answers