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AndyX07FUMO No. 966177

Here is a model I did for a homework

Anonymous No. 966196


Anonymous No. 966202

this is literally a 2 minute job in plasticity

Anonymous No. 966209


Anonymous No. 966728

is there a working pirated version of plasticity somewhere?

Anonymous No. 966733


Get a JOB

Anonymous No. 966736

Or impossible if you need exact dimensions etc.

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Anonymous No. 966752


Anonymous No. 966782

It's $150 are u that poor LMAO

Anonymous No. 967180

if you think $150 is small amount of money you are financially illiterate

Anonymous No. 967181

for a perpetual license on a CAD-like software thats built for artists its a small amount, brainlet

Anonymous No. 967186

It's a catch-22 problem.
Ypu can say anything and there's no consequences and ypu're just gonna shit on him?
Come on man, how is a m'wha gonna get a job if he can't do much of anything at the start but also can't get some practice in private without paying enterprise fees?

Anonymous No. 967187

Yeah, it's not that bad if it's perpetual with no bullshit.
Unless you're living paycheck to paycheck.
That shit's rpugh my dude, sorry.
Maybe try FreeCAD if you need precision?

Anonymous No. 967190

How do you pirate solidworks or any popular software? I downloaded a popular cracked version, installed on vm to try out, and it added extra bookmarks and redirects in my browser, after it would automatically from time to time visit some scam site, this is only what I could see I fear that it has installed a ton of silent malware too how tf can you use software like that?

Anonymous No. 967192

you WILL lose all your bank accounts / passwords / bitcoin

Its not 2013 anymore people.....wake up. Piracy is long dead

Anonymous No. 967193

I don't pirate desu, as I said I do not trust cracked software and other stuff like movies they are so low quality these days watching modern movies would be a waste of time

Anonymous No. 967205


Anonymous No. 967206

I pirate EVERY SINGLE SOFTWARE and my bitcoin are still fine.