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๐Ÿงต "You NEED to draw with graphite & paper to become a good CG artist"

Anonymous No. 966219

This is obviously a retarded statement, but if so many professional artists repeat it everywhere, there must be *something* they're getting from traditional media.
What do you think that is?

Anonymous No. 966220

People who went through artschool to learn CG want to impose it on everyone else. That and /ic/ schizos pretending the same.
Not that it's useless, doing something that involves spatial reasoning if you're young helps but there's other things like technical drawing that can do the same thing.

Anonymous No. 966222


Anonymous No. 966223

Composition. There's a lot of 3D modelers who suck at composing their objects within the 2D "window frame". A 2D drawing background helps to train that ability.

Is drawing the only path to this? No, but it helps a lot.

Anonymous No. 966224

>There's a lot of 3D modelers who suck at composing their objects within the 2D "window frame"
Bro beginner 3d artists are locked in their front and side views

Anonymous No. 966225

If you cant draw an anatomy chart with pencil and paper (without having reference open next to the piece of paper) in any random pose and light it and shade it properly you simply _Don't_ know what you are doing, in 2d OR 3d.

If you don't know anatomy you are an archipoor at best, making couches and tables.

And then, you don't know how to shade correctly either, meaning you don't understand light transport. Your work is worthless at this point (serious)

Anonymous No. 966230


Anonymous No. 966245


Anonymous No. 966246

its true.
Step 1) buy a drafting table and a mechanical pencil and some lead.
Step 2) buy anatomy books
Step 3) study AND IMPLEMENT anatomy in every pose you can imagine
Finally you are ready for 3d.

Anonymous No. 966249


Anonymous No. 966256

To be a truly advanced CG artist you need to go to a cemetery, and dissect a cadaver, that's the only option, or you can buy an anatomy book, that may work too

Anonymous No. 966290

It's just about developing "the eye". Like if you drew still-life stuff, you start to see the forms and how light interacts with an object in a more objective way (heh), instead of the concepts that those items represent.
If you had an apple in front of you, and you had to draw it, a beginner without experience would draw what they imagine an apple to look like (symbol drawing), instead of what's actually there in front of them. That same beginner with a month or so of practice would do much better at seeing the apple for what it is and how it exists in reality, and not in their mind's eye.

Obviously you don't need to draw to pick that up, but it's beneficial and a more or less "proven" method of developing that skill.

In my opinion, I don't think drawing is the way to go, at least on its own. I think a variety of different mediums lend themselves to specific concepts more than others.
Photography I think is an incredible way of learning composition in an instant and tactile manner (without having to fuddle around with a 3d camera and set up a scene).
Mixing paints is a really great way of learning color theory, and painting is a good way of learning color relationships. You don't have to be "good" at it, but the basic theory of things like not using black to shade and using cool colors, or the differences between warm/cool colors and the like can teach you a lot about how to convey a tone to your audience. Knowing them is a great way of knowing when to break those conventions to achieve a result as well.
As said above, drawing is a great way to develop "the eye" and see things as they are instead of how you see them in your mind.
Lastly, I think learning the principles of gestalt, can go a long way in learning how to craft a good silhouette, and the uses and benefits of positive and negative space (which is crucial in composition). Drawing shapes with a marker is a good way imo.

You don't need to be "good" at any of them, just learn the concepts.

Anonymous No. 966295


Anonymous No. 966302

You're welcome to start, anon. Seeing as you're making a big fuss about it and all.

Anonymous No. 966307

isnt that a Nazi germany brand?

Anonymous No. 966324

you're fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 966361

I can't peer into the mind of another anon, but I think he was making a pun since "Staed-tler" ends with "tler" like Hitler.
That might be reaching though.

Anonymous No. 966437

>What do you think that is?
They were dumb enough to believe that, now they feel stupid for believing it and want you to believe it so they don't feel stupid.

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Anonymous No. 966464

Look up the flow curve.

You start with the simplest tools then graduate to more complex tools.There are skips the the learning process, but they are not common.
T. couldn't read until 3rd grade, but was drawing bullshit non-stop and now i'm an engineer with skills in at least a dozenn different 3d modeling, graphic design, and CAD progrmas.

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Anonymous No. 966465

*skill flow curve

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Queens Battle Axe.png

Anonymous No. 966466

This is a 3D thread, i should post 3D work

Anonymous No. 966494

Unless they have a highly detailed sketch to go with a 3d render, posting work is going to do fuck all.
We're not arguing if you need to know art to 3d model, animate, or do other shit like rigging (you don't), we're arguing if you need to know art to be a 3d "artist". As faggy as the term is, I'd like to think that an artist should be good at art to do their job properly.

Anonymous No. 966524

No, because I don't want to bully the mentally ill