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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966513

>been searching for youtube videos on anatomy reference videos
>my feed is now populated with anorexia, eating disorder and other sick videos
>clear and turn off all history
>when I search for an anatomical term on the youtube phone app I get a notice at the top giving me a one click way to call a suicide prevention hotline

google doesn't want us to study anatomy. It's wrongthink.

Anonymous No. 966517

lmao that's just fucking funny more than anything else

Anonymous No. 966518

To be honest with you Cris, to know that you're researching in-depth human anatomy makes me feel a little uneasy.

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please no.png

Anonymous No. 966554

>I get a notice at the top giving me a one click way to call a suicide prevention hotline
Holy shit you too? What the hell is up with that? I actually sent a feedback message with "fuck off" written on it, I was legit pissed off that they would assume that about me. We have pretty much accepted to receive targeted ads by continuing to utilize services that enforce them, but this is too much.
Wait though, it gets better! I've had this suicide prevention number pop up right below the search bar after I searched for Gustav Holst's "Neptune". However, I searched something else entirely after that and I still had that dumb shit suicide hotline recommendation so it must be a bug. The only other possible explanation is that maybe this is some sick PR stunt by Google that wants to explain this as "looking out for our userbase", it would be immensely inappropriate and therefore retarded, but I wouldn't put it past them, these Sylicon Valley cunts have shit for brains.

But really, YT recommendations have gone to total shit, I've had to put actual effort in tagging video recommendations as "Don't recommend me this Channel" or "Not Interested". There's a neverending flood of doomposting on YT, a very high percentage of the recommendations I get are videos with demoralizing or outrageous content, it almost seems deliberate

Anonymous No. 966568

just clear your search / watch history then turn off history. That's what /g/ recommends

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Anonymous No. 966590

Yeah the doompost shit is so annoying

Anonymous No. 966604

>YT recommendations have gone to total shit
YT is a skinner box, it's meant to manipulate you. It's systems show you comments and video suggestions based on a specific direction someone at YT has decided to push the category you have been put into. It's a learning algorithm so no one really decides what you get to see they just tell the system they want you depressed or they want you to stop watching a a certain type of problematic content. And the system just suggests you stuff the has been proven to achieve the results the people at YT want.
This might just be the first time it really started bothering you, don't worry the algorithm will adopt and make you feel suicidal without you noticing it.

Anonymous No. 967035


You guys get ads and recommendations on youtube. Wtf are you crazy?! Do you even know how to internet?

Anonymous No. 967073

Imagine using the internet