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🧵 How do you make good mats in Blender?

Anonymous No. 966532

I feel like everything provided by Blender is PURELY for realism,
I can't figure out for the life of me how to make picrel look any better, I've already improved and optimized the mesh as much as I could

How exactly are you supposed to improve materials? I've tried looking for preset and shit on marketplaces but I really don't fucking know
Could also be bc I need to use another render engine but I'm even more clueless about that

Anonymous No. 966533

Maybe it’s blender fault and you should stop using it. Material won’t change the fact that blender sucks at making cartoon characters.

Anonymous No. 966534

What should I use then?

Anonymous No. 966540

what do you feel your materials are currently missing?

Anonymous No. 966544

Bugmen in charge of developing 3d software do only care about realism, because they are driven by corporations willing to exploit cheap outsourcers doing easily interchaneable assets.

Anonymous No. 966552

I know I obviously can't get on Nintendo's level but this is pretty much just a diffuse BSDF, not that great

Anonymous No. 966557

Any example of what of Nintendo's stuff you want to replicate?

Anonymous No. 966561

The color balance looks really good in the thumbnail. It almost looks like a real Nintendo Render.
But zooming in, something is "off" that I can't quite put my finger on. The silhouette of everything is pretty jagged. So I believe you "optimized" the mesh. Perhaps more than required. The Odyssey model isn't even that jagged along the silhouette.

If you were just going for fancy looking promotional material. I would suggest simply slapping a subdivision modifier on it, switching the renderer to cycles, and be done with it.
But if you're going for something that's usable in real time, I'm not sure what to tell you. You probably just need more interesting lights. And specular lighting on the materials so he doesn't look so dry.

Anonymous No. 966581

>Nintendo's level
Need an example mate, there are multiple Mario models

Anonymous No. 966586

That’s because it is, a quick google search reveals the source.

Anonymous No. 966589

Now who comes into a thread and just starts spreading lies?
Made me look. Are you happy?

Anonymous No. 966659

>A very popular character
>I can’t find it
Dude did you even try

Anonymous No. 966704

Ignore this anon

1. separate materials
2. learn about normal, roughness, and displacement maps. Use fabric and skin as reference

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Anonymous No. 966705

What is it that OP should learn about normals exactly? These are EEVEE's faults, not his.

Anonymous No. 966748

It's like saying that my noisy renders are the problem of the renderer and not because I didn't up the samples

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Anonymous No. 966760

Yeahh EEVEE has really shitty normals with no "shadow catcher" for whatever reason, you're forced to subdivide the whole mesh, but I think that ruins the overall silouhette so just I layered that on top of the "bad" parts

Here's the result, otherwise there's not much else I can do it seems, thanks anyway everyone

Also >>966561 I'd like to add the Odyssey model looks quite shit if you don't replicate the shaders & lighting from the game, this is their Gamecube promo model which I think looks much nicer, especially considering I can't really do anything better than a Diffuse BSDF-like mat

Anonymous No. 966778

Literally looks the same as the op pic you people are autistic

Anonymous No. 966781

And you are insanely fucking retarded for not noticing the difference, makes me wonder how the fuck you ended up on /3/ if you can't even tell the difference here

Anonymous No. 966819

Oh now I realize this is a joke thread

Anonymous No. 966834

3D art shouldn't have been as accessible as it is today

Anonymous No. 966958

I can see the difference i'm just saying you are autistic, get help loser

Anonymous No. 966991

and you are a retarded faggot