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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966606

What are your thoughts about pre rendered?

Anonymous No. 966609

its useless

Anonymous No. 966611

I'd like to see it make a comeback now that we have far more realistic rendering capabilities, but I am concerned about the resulting file sizes. Some games practically need their own hard drives, so I'm not keen on making the problem worse.

Anonymous No. 966616

In my personal opinion, I really like it. I grew up with games like Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, etc., so I also appreciate it for the nostalgia.

I believe that many interesting things can be explored with the technique of pre-rendered graphics.

Anonymous No. 966620

Anonymous No. 966630

Well as so many things it served its purpose well and is now just used for aesthetics and nostalgibait.
Personally I always preferred actual drawing over this since back then baked 3D on 2D sprites always looked kinda cheap

Anonymous No. 966631

Why would pre rendering make it worse? You would be able to exclude a bunch of models from the final game and make it much smaller

Anonymous No. 966634

You are dead dead wrong. Skinned fbx snimations save tons of space in animation sequences in comparison to stinky stinky image sequemces.(esp at 4k) and allow for skins / costumes / DLC for free

Anonymous No. 966636

How would it take more size if it has a fixed top down view?

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Anonymous No. 966638

Prerendered 3D is still being used in the world of mobile games

Anonymous No. 966666

strong doubt

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Anonymous No. 966667

those digits damn!

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the chair nerd No. 967367

sovlest of kino when done right also the reason why old movies are better: a good story is the best graphics filter.

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the chair nerd No. 967368

Checked but also zoomer detected. Sprites are still a ubiquitous industry tool, not everything is rt kiddo.

Anonymous No. 967406

I would love to make a game with pre rendered backgrounds if it was easy. I miss that old PSX low poly + pre rendered backgrounds style. some shots in some games are awesome, really helps with the presentation and immersion

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Anonymous No. 967412

Pre-rendered was notorious for its capability to run on low-end hardware. However, it has to work closely with the overall style, level design and code for it to work properly.

You can't rush art is what i would say about pre-rendered. everyone older then 19 that played games probably grew up with it.

Simcity, fallout, C&C red alert, Age of empires, etc. Great games with their own style and well fitting renders.

But in this time and age, we have GPU's that can render light reflections. Why would a dev put up the extensive work for prerendering to get a 2d game?

Anonymous No. 967476

Don't have any

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Anonymous No. 967540

Looks great but it is very limiting

Anonymous No. 969182

This is such a troll thread. It's like asking if you should model a cabinet in 3-D or just make it a texture. It depends, jackass.