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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966655

I don't have enough for all the 3d software and hardware I want to sub to. I just don't earn enough. Fucking sucks man. I'll never be like one of you guys with xx80 or xx90 series gpus with 4k monitors and every software. I'm poor as fuck.

Anonymous No. 966657

Hardware is not what makes you an artist anon. You can build solid art skills in any medium, high-end hardware is kinda wasted on you unless you're already an expert in your fundamentals.

I'd tell you to just practice with whatever you have available but nowdays you might as well do something else, we're all about to get Fucked by AI.
That includes the very best of us at the top of our field. Only get into human made art if the process itself is important to you personally.
Nothing we will be able to create in months will hold a candle to what we'll be able to synthesize within minutes going forward.

By the time you have spent your 10 year journey to become an expert at this human skill will have been eclipsed and made irrelevant.
Practicing art for the sake of the output will be like someone trying to learn how to do arithmetic faster than a calculator.

Anonymous No. 966660

yeah Cris, 2 more weeks - LOL!

Anonymous No. 966669

Suck my balls ainigger

Anonymous No. 966741

I'm just the messenger, this will happen regardless what anybody think or feel about it. The best thing we can do is to be mentally prepared for it, lot of us will be blindsided and only realized what happened after it came to be.

Anonymous No. 966742

>I'm just the messenger
Nah you're just dumb as fuck and don't understand how art works

Anonymous No. 966758

>how art works

elaborate anon, how is it art works?

Anonymous No. 966813

I don't have any money, I hate it. I'm ashamed of my life constantly.
I'm very talented but IDK how to make money from it. I'd swap some of my talent for a decent job.

Anonymous No. 966815

with lots of niggers in it

Anonymous No. 967579

Lmao imagine being a pathetic defeatist and not even trying to pirate anything. Some people really are just useless

Anonymous No. 967611

>but muh corporations not getting money it's illegal!
ngmi in life

Anonymous No. 967615

stop being a bitch and just pirate the programs you want to learn

Anonymous No. 967619

>Buying software in 2024

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Anonymous No. 967622

>not subscribing in 2024
>getting viruses and trojans and ransomware
>not getting updates on day 1
>not having access to paid, invite only discords
>not being able to email support


the chair nerd No. 967623

Bitch I have a 3d business and my personal office workstation is a 1700x on a 960 gpu.

Go fuck yourself and star making shit.

Anonymous No. 967625

>getting viruses and trojans and ransomware
It's pretty easy to find clean cracked shit nowadays desu
>not having access to paid, invite only discords
>not being able to email support
Never feel the need, if i have problem always can find solution by just googling it

Anonymous No. 967628

You must be using braindead plugins mate. NOTHING to be bragging about. Embarrassing, even.

Anonymous No. 969605

Imagine being this mad you paid for shit because you didn't realize how easy it is to pirate...

Anonymous No. 969607

mate I will never pirate, get over it. I have a $6k machine, easy

Anonymous No. 969632

Start with a rig that you can afford. Pirate the software you need.
As you grow, start upgrading the components, if needed, or start replacing the software, if you want to buy it.

If you start a small business, you'll be too small anyways to get on somebody's radar so don't worry about that.

I started learning on a Vostro 1015 and I also did my first 2 years with it. I was not doing any renderings, though.

Anonymous No. 970008

You don't need a spaceship and a 4k monitor to do what used to be done well back when 1.5GB of vram was the most a computer could have

Anonymous No. 971194

Give anon a good place to get shit. He needs spoon feeding.

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Anonymous No. 971200

20 years ago we had like 64mb of vram in consoles, work woth what you have available