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Anonymous No. 966678

>mfw having to "cook" a shitload of nodes for my very complex sims

You didn't warn me about this

Anonymous No. 966681

Hardware issue.

Anonymous No. 966684

I have a $500 cpu and 128gb ram

Anonymous No. 966695

Might want to look into a GPU

Anonymous No. 966700

Im not buying a new gpu until the 50 series

Anonymous No. 966724

Make less complex sims lol

Anonymous No. 966732

You're a sucker if you buy a 50xx card when they drop since 60xx will be right around the corner by then.

Anonymous No. 966740

2 year cycles minimum

Anonymous No. 967024

Gosh, putting a desk up against a wall like this is hellish, please don't do this anons