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Anonymous No. 966907

why doesn't blender get rid of its game engine? no one uses it and just creates a more bulky download

Anonymous No. 966908

Didnt the Game Engine get the boot in v2.8?

Anonymous No. 966910

Blender's development stopped at 2.79

Anonymous No. 966924

I actually wish they'd bring it back.
The ability to whip up some quick simulation like driving a car, and then record it to keyframes was an incredibly useful feature.
You can kinda cobble some frankenstein together using the rigid body sims, but it's really not the same, and you don't have any actual control over it. Blender doesn't really have any proper "interaction mode" for anything, but for shit like cloth sims and physics sims it would be great. Again, you can kinda pull it off with cloth hooks/pins, or putting collision on an object, but it all kinda "lives" within that window that you hit the play button on the timeline instead of something actually interactive.

As a proper "game engine" it was fucking shit, but as an interactive tool for animation purposes it was really great, and something the other 3d softwares lacked which set it apart.

Anonymous No. 966944

UPBGE 0.36 is Blender 3.6 with the game engine and if you like nodes, there's even Logic Nodes.
This is a continuation of UPBGE 0.2.5 which is based on Blender 2.79

Anonymous No. 966947

No one does it because it creates too many mistakes. Deadline and goals are more important than people chasing perfection.

Anonymous No. 966981

s..source full pic?

Anonymous No. 966992

artist is mangamaster

Anonymous No. 967005

blender's a nightmare of bloat and pet projects

Anonymous No. 967007

Pretty neat. I'll have to give it a look.
I couldn't see from the feature page, but can you record to keyframes? That's the biggest feature I'm interested in.

Anonymous No. 967009

I've checked briefly and it seems that the "Record to F-Curves" feature didn't make it to UPBGE. It's in Blender 2.79

Anonymous No. 967050

I'm so used to 3.x I can't go back to 2.79. Collections and the like are too useful.

Anonymous No. 967110

They are working towards a merge with godot and it will be a lot easier flow between the two

Anonymous No. 967243

>Source: My ass

Anonymous No. 967259


Anonymous No. 967262

It was abandoned in 2021 and nothing to do with BGE.

Anonymous No. 967359

I recommend that you rope yourself before it's too late

Anonymous No. 969358

t. /vg/4ccg/

Anonymous No. 970091

I would love to make stuff for 4ccg but 2.79 is too shitty for me.

Anonymous No. 970105

So you've spent a lot of money for a useless video card, Blender 2.79 doesn't use it, so you have to say it's bad because otherwise you would have to admit you've been scammed.
Am I right?

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Anonymous No. 970106

No i just think the ui is shitty and I like the features and addons from modern blender too much. I didnt even mention my video card, nor did I know that it is apparently not supported by 2.79

Anonymous No. 970108

So you've never even tried it.

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Anonymous No. 970109


Anonymous No. 970124

It's the year 1999 anon. Always has been.
You need to wake up.