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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967238

the eternal debate...

spoiler: only Z-Up is based. Z-Up came first in history, so it must be right. CAD enginners and cartographers used 3D graphics long before any of you animators dicking around in Maya.

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Anonymous No. 967244

Blender is always ahead of the game because it uses Z-up but by default it gives you the axis rotation order that would be correct for Y-up.

Anonymous No. 967247

You mean it’s blender fault for this mess and programmers for the software industry thought it was normal axes.

Mathematics Y is up is the only real answer not the only way.

Anonymous No. 967253


Anonymous No. 967255

>Mathematics Y is up
in 2D. This is 3D where XY is the ground plane.

Anonymous No. 967270

This >>967255. The people who made the original 3D software used mathematical 3D convention, that is how we arrived at Z-up. Since this was already convention anything that came after and did it different is what got us into this mess. It's so ridiculous we haven't standardized it yet since having a unified standard, whatever we settle on, would simplify things so much.

Anonymous No. 967292

don't know, don't care, simple as.

Anonymous No. 967293

Y up is weird as fuck.
Z up is the way.

Anonymous No. 967296

>Hello there basic user who never venture outside your own package or interface with game engines.

Anonymous No. 967297

lmaoo imagine calling Z-Depth as Y-Depth.

you know gonna start calling it that, just to fuck with people

Anonymous No. 967298

Z-depth is still Z-depth silly anon. worldspace and screenspace are two different things.

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Anonymous No. 967299

Y is up as told by math, not some loser who made a 3D open source software build it out of lies and is always asking donations after collecting over 10 million in corp profits.

Anonymous No. 967300

Im sculpting big titty waifus who's giant breasts droop down on the z axs I don't care about your maths nerd

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Anonymous No. 967301

this is literally Math3D.
first result on Google.

Anonymous No. 967302

Matlab also defaults to Z-Up.
cant get any more authoritative than that.

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Anonymous No. 967303


Anonymous No. 967304

>These fuckers think Descartes had a monitor and didn't draw his Y axis onto flat paper on a table.

Anonymous No. 967305

cavemen drew beastiality smut on walls. checkmate, atheists

Anonymous No. 967307

Earliest known cave painting is 'Cave of El Castillo' in Spain, it features animals, handprints, abstract symbols, and some geometric shapes. They're 40000 years old.
9/10 professors in anthropology agree they're all done in Z-up.

Anonymous No. 967308

Z is literally named the 'depth' axis. How many of you Y-up Philistines swim northward when you're attempting to dive?

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Anonymous No. 967321

>mfw OpenGL is y-up
It makes sense for rendering given screen space but it's still nonsensical for world space systems.

Anonymous No. 967328

whay cant these math autist just use Width, Length, Height? just call it WLH

Anonymous No. 967342

Think about it like 12 whole seconds anon and it'll prob dawn on you why it is that would be a terrible idea.

Anonymous No. 967914

math faggots are reddit fart sniffers who can't get enough of their own stench
y up is only for screen space

Anonymous No. 967915

Screen Space its the same as fucking World Space. Thats why you convert UV textures to XYZ world coordinates. You fucking illiterate faggot

Anonymous No. 967917

>Screen Space its the same as fucking World Space.

I request a silent minute for this anons self-doubt in stating such retarded things with such great confidence.

Anonymous No. 967918

Anon, in 3D graphics you have multiple transform spaces.

object space, view space, world space, uv space to name a few common ones.

to translate between these spaces your 3D sofwtare do matrix multiplication by various 4x4 matrices.
To have your UV coordinates show up correctly on your mesh you will do a multiplication by the relevant matrix in your software.

Then to have your UV mapped object appear oriented in worldspace amongst other objects you do another matrix multiplication such that it sits in world in the right orientation.
To then appear in screenspace (view) as if you where watching it from a certain vantage you multiply this worldspace by another matrix that is commonly called the 'World-View-Projection' 'WVP' matrix.'World Matrix' multiplied by your 'View Matrix' by your 'Projection Matrix'.

One can think of these transform matrices as mathematical operations that moves all vectors on an object from one set of dimensions into another set of dimensions
while preserving their relative relationship to one another. We commonly use a few very specific ones that are useful for the purposes of 3D graphics but it's really arbitrary vector math.
Like you can multiply the object space of an object by some matrix to have it appear in your screenspace as if not sitting in 3-space but in some wacky hyperbolic geometry etc.

There are a lot of things going on underneath the hood of your 3D program that you're obviously oblivious to and here you are pretending to know things while calling people names.

Anonymous No. 967920

this has to be chatgpt no living man is this stupid

Anonymous No. 967928

Where did that post go wrong? It all checks out.

Anonymous No. 967933

AI will replace any use for you as a modeling artist.

whether it be game related or animation. the industry is in decline of hiring on new users. it's really only good for self publishing at this point or just as a hobby. why would I spend thousands on 3D Studio Max or Maya or even bother with Blender when it lacks plugins for film special effects that 3DS has.

I gave up on 3D modeling a decade ago but need to stop using internet on my free time and felt like making a new years resolution to doing more creative shit and less chatty chat as I am doing now

K You're all getting on my nerves now.

Anonymous No. 967934

y'all are niggers
there is a reason all cad/archvis-centric software is Z up, as building plans are top down, it was convenient to match the "ground plane" with X and Y on the 2d drawn building plan.
entertainment-centric software is the same, except the bulk of blueprints/concepts are usually front/side views, hence Y up
cue a bunch of different software growing up doing the same thing slightly differently and there you have this clusterfuck.

it's not that deep

Anonymous No. 968246

The sheer amount of shitposting, retardation and wisdom itt is the reason I cant leave this place. Never change 4chins, nevwr change.

Anonymous No. 968248

>I gave up on 3D modeling a decade ago
>AI will replace any use for you as a modeling artist.

Anonymous No. 968251

Z-Up makes sense to me the most.

Anonymous No. 968252

>have environment in 3d space
>make grid to navigate, say for a game
>you must use EITHER
yeah, I'm thinking zup.

Anonymous No. 968253

>Giga cringe
Cinema 4D

>Giga cringe
(literally what)


3ds max
>Based (controversial)
>Giga based

ZUP/RH wins based on basedness count.

Anonymous No. 968271

Unreal will automatically fix whatever retardation you did while modeling and convert it to Z up and -Y forward regardless of what you exported.

Anonymous No. 968349

Are rotations clockwise or counterclockwise?

Anonymous No. 968465

deg v rad

Anonymous No. 968471

Are 'units' meters or feet

Anonymous No. 968474

hammer units

Anonymous No. 968475


Anonymous No. 971009

z-buffer is used for calculate depth, that's why

Anonymous No. 971016

>Are 'units' meters or feet
cubits, of course.

Anonymous No. 971024

3dsmax has this retardation where Z is up, but if you go to an orthographic side view, Y is now up, i hate that this software is industry standard so much it's unreal

Anonymous No. 971029

that sounds incredibly retarded

Anonymous No. 971040

you're probably on view/screen axis mode. change it to world mode.

Anonymous No. 971061

imagine getting this filtered by simply having coordinates set to view instead of world

Anonymous No. 971866

i mod in source 1, goldsrc, and quake and i model in povray and bryce where do i fit in on this chart

Anonymous No. 972527

I have no idea why this isn't user-configurable in all of them, maybe aside of Minecraft. All it takes for conversion is one matrix multiplication, and to top it off the 3x3 matrix required is always exactly one unit value (either +1 or -1) and two zeroes on each column and each row. If you can't manage to code that in within 10 minutes, what the fuck are you doing in 3D programming?

Anonymous No. 972597

When you change the definition of the "up" axis you also have to change the all the Euler angles rotation orders. And there's more than that.
Geometry is not as simple as you think, Cris.

Anonymous No. 972666


Anonymous No. 972698

If you use Euler angles at all in your code, you should re-educate yourself about things like "gimbal lock", "complex numbers" and "quaternions" before you are allowed to touch any 3D code again.

Also "projective plane" while you're at it.

For displaying the rotation as Euler angles, there's no reason to not make the display configurable in terms of order of rotations and orientation of the positive rotation is concerned.

Anonymous No. 972705

The funny thing about blender, is that Z up is the default for just about everything, until you go into the nodes interface. If you want to align a node vertically, you have to press Y instead of Z.

Anonymous No. 972767

Wonder when we'll have an EU moment where all of these clowns are forced to use ONE UNIVERSAL NAVIGATION/ORIENTATION CONFIGURATION

Anonymous No. 973335

Math is for faggots anyway, just ask Turing

Anonymous No. 973339

If you get a degree in mechanic you do.
Fucking moron.

Anonymous No. 973340

Cad softwares shares the same work coordinates as machine tools for obvious reasons. Hey Gaben!
See Autocade.

Anonymous No. 973509

That's because you're already looking down at the nodes like they were flat on a table. Not like they were on a chalkboard.

Anonymous No. 975970

its funny that OP's pic is from a literal troon.
yet it still causes so much seething. it is almost as if they still live in your head rent free, although not implied directly.

Anonymous No. 975979

Nobody is seething because the picture or whatever a 'troon' is, they're seething because we're half a century into 3D graphics and axis conventions are still all over the place.

Anonymous No. 975981

>they still live in your head rent free
Judging by the fact that absolutely no one in the thread brought troons up except for you, I'd say that not only are they living rent free in your head, they've settled down and had several generations that consider your head their "family home".

Anonymous No. 976518

But I'm looking at nodes on my monitor, not my desk top.

Anonymous No. 976536

Nigger go back

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 977966


>This is 3D where XY is the ground plane.
>Y is up as told by math,

Daily reminder that Z is up because this is how planes navigate.

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Anonymous No. 977967


>This is 3D where XY is the ground plane.
>Y is up as told by math,

Daily reminder that Z is up because this is how planes navigate.

Anonymous No. 979170

Satan is correct.
Fucking NERD, stop overthinking the simplest shit and get to work.

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Anonymous No. 979825

>what unit are the units?
>"nah bro its unitless"
>default gravity is 9.82

Anonymous No. 983354

OpenGL doesn't have an up convention, you can use whatever you want.
Well clip space is Y-up I guess, with Z as depth. But the convention for cameras is different than for the world. Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.

Anonymous No. 983366

>Blender uses Z-depth/Y-up for cameras, despite the world being Z-up.
HOLY ratardation

Anonymous No. 983440

You are the ratard anon. What happens when the camera is rolled 90 degrees? What happens when the camera is pointing straight down on the scene from above?

There is no relationship between camera space and world space so they don't need to "line up".

Anonymous No. 983443

I understand both, have intuition for both and I can work with both.

I am superior being.