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Anonymous No. 967344

fuck me fellas… this isn’t supposed to be this complex. Anyone have an idea why the array is sperging and refusing to follow the bezier curve? Even centered them to world origin and still no dice. This is why people smoke.

Anonymous No. 967372

The array modifier's "fit curve" doesn't make it follow the curve, it matches the times your object is repeated to the curve's length.
If you want to deform your object to make it follow the curve, you need to add a curve modifier and choose your curve. Also note that the above array modifier's "fit curve" setting matches the maximum amount of copies you can fit in the curve, pushing or popping new elements when the curve becomes shorter or longer. If you want to match the curve's length exactly by slightly shrinking the result of that, you need to check "stretch" and "bounds clamp" in the actual curve's settings (not the modifier).

Anonymous No. 967378

Meanwhile in Maya:
You draw it in 2D view and fix it later on. Why do you people have to make it so complicated.

Anonymous No. 967382

struggle builds character

Anonymous No. 967415

Real World: No