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Anonymous No. 967384

Is it just me or do HDR games mog non-HDR games to the point where ensuring your game is designed from day 1 to run in HDR and making a pipeline around that should be a top priority?

Anonymous No. 967386

You make HDR games you are inviting a lot of extra finicky stuff to your production while targeting a small subset of users who have displays that supports it.

In my view you are wasting time and effort making a half-assed current day version of immature tech that will become commonplace tomorrow. Tech that will eventually have more established standards and production practices.

I've opted out for now.

Anonymous No. 967387

>You make HDR games you are inviting a lot of extra finicky stuff to your production while targeting a small subset of users who have displays that supports it.
every single TV thats been made in the past 5 years supports HDR and every good monitor.

Look at my playstation 5, it has HDR support that is system wide and better than windows. The games on it that are HDR look so much better than the SDR games.

Anonymous No. 967390

steam surveys show how 60% of users are still running 1080p as their primary resolution indicating that older displays are still in the majority. You have to factor in how the last 5 years have seen a dip in purchase power for most audiences and that adaptation of tech during this period has been slower than usual, covid, the crypto-tax on GPU's etc.

If you love it go for it, but the payoff isn't there yet way I see it.

Anonymous No. 967391

>steam surveys show how 60% of users are still running 1080p as their primary resolution
My PS5 is running on a 1080p HDR IPS monitor

Anonymous No. 967393

The PS5 doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 967394


Anonymous No. 967395

Are you actually developing for the PS5?

Anonymous No. 967396

the PS5 has no gaems. You should know that.

Anonymous No. 967399

From where I'm standing the next videogame that comes out is GTA 6, everything announced before then across all platfroms amounts to a shrug. So I agree with you but I also recognize I'm not the metric for what people care to play.

Never heard of any indies targeting the PS5 tho, doubt any studious are asking for tips on /3/.

Anonymous No. 967534

Linux doesn't have HDR so HDR doesn't exist simple as.

Anonymous No. 967535

Cris, if you want to make a proper AAA game, you need HDR. You can't just dodge it.
You can't just make a thread and claim it's not important. It is important and you need to understand it and unlock its full power.