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๐Ÿงต How do i get this look for my 3d models in unreal engine 5?

Anonymous No. 967392

This toonshader is a unity only shader. Dunno if its even possible to recreate it in ue5.


Anonymous No. 967398

Upper one is SOUL

Anonymous No. 967408

All anime is soulless

Anonymous No. 967409

You're going to have to learn how to write shaders if you want to port it.
There is no easy way out unless somebody else already did it for you.
>Dunno if its even possible to recreate it in ue5.
You can recreate any possible visual effect in any engine that supports shaders if you're smart enough. Unity doesn't do anything special.

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Anonymous No. 967421

Old 3CCG from japan is pure unfiltered SOVL lil zoomie.

Anonymous No. 967431

Just switch to unity bro.
If you need somebody to explain to you what porting would involve then you are not involved enough in the engine that switching wouldn't be easier.

hobbyism is suffering No. 967446

this is how anons never learn

Anonymous No. 967452

Just port the shader idiot

Anonymous No. 967456

Old 3CCG is pure SOVL in general

Anonymous No. 967459

I'm currently porting this to Godot.

Anonymous No. 967463

Good man

Anonymous No. 967576
