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Anonymous No. 967508

Do 3d artists have styles? Usually the only times I recognise someone's work is if they keep making the same mistake or from the preferred subject of their work, otherwise all of our works look samey, even stylized stuff is mostly similar, would love to be proven wrong though. I guess the industry doesn't encourage styles too, everything has to be consistent in projects, imagination is left to concept artists for the most part

Anonymous No. 967526

yea but there's only 3 styles here on /3/:

1)cris style
2)3DGuy style
3)schizo balls sculpting guy

that pretty much sums up /3/ as a whole

Anonymous No. 967543

I feel like I have/had a style. If I can be conceited enough to call it that. Though I'm not conceited enough to post work, since it's kind of recognizable and the genre isn't quite in the limelight anymore.
At the end of the day a style (in 3d) is essentially the mark of your personalized workflow. It's a visual representation of what you did/didn't do and how you problem solve to arrive at your result. It's also a bit of a showing of what subject matters you find enjoyable.
How you work on a project is never going to be the exact same as someone else, and how you approach different subjects is always going to be different as well. Which I think is why you have so many different styles of sculpts models and scenes.
If you look at it from a cynical perspective, I think it's easy to see a divide between "oh this is just realistic" or "this is just cartoon/anime/NPR", but personally I think it's easy enough to spot someone's style and way of working if you see someone's work a few times.

Anonymous No. 967547

The problem is /3/ being a blue board. I'm pretty sure that posters do nsfw stuff.

Anonymous No. 967612

>3DGuy style
Who's that?

Anonymous No. 967614

this actual autist

Anonymous No. 967617

Thank you bro, didn't know about this guy

Anonymous No. 967630

Not really. Even if the work is being done by 1 guy, it's very easy to radically different results by tweaking a few things.

Anonymous No. 967802

Is it bad that I find some of his work arousing?

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2023-12-21 18_58_34.png

Anonymous No. 967808

Some do. I try to do something different every project I do, Last time I make a short fat gargoyl maid knight, this time its pic related.

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egyptian godesses.png

Anonymous No. 967991


Anonymous No. 967996

Those certainly are uhhh styles jesus

Anonymous No. 968089

all you will get here are furfag coomers and weebs. if you want something else good luck.

Anonymous No. 968174

cringe yucky kill all furries

Anonymous No. 968345


3d generally looks the same cause every base starts the same. what changes is how they render, settings, and post changes.

2d is more different cause the base is personal to the artist unless theyre copying

Anonymous No. 968445

wot? do you guys not start sculpting from primaries?