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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967638

>literally one person in the world can make X 3d software do Y animation consistently and in a controlled manner
>he releases a video explaining his process
>can't explain it for shit
>someone asks him further questions in comments
>all sorts of info comes up thats not mentioned in his explanation video
>still doesn't come to a clear answer how he did it

Anonymous No. 967761

>Reasonably educated guy in Milwaukee comes up with the exact same solution, making historic battle animations in his free time.
>Assumes professionals probably have a much better solution than what he figured out. He's just some guy, after all.
>Never mentions it to anyone.
>Some Ugandan figures it out working on Who Killed Captain Alex: Revengeance.
>Realizes others should know.
>Makes a completely unintelligible YouTube video explaining it.
>Internet manages to get a translator willing to ask him questions.
>By then, his computer has died, which was one of the last four computers in Uganda.
>Never even learns that anyone cared.
>Some kid in Iowa, uneducated but good at explaining things, figures out the basic principles, but needs help refining it.
>Makes ultra concise YT video, and adds a bunch more useful info in the description and pinned comment.
>YT algorithm assumes everyone wants OP's popular video, or the Ugandan one which now has lost media mystique.
>His video gets 17 views, none of which are people who can even understand what it is.

Anonymous No. 967773

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 967784


Anonymous No. 967789

If i name him on this site i will have zero chance of communicating with him on real reputable sites

Anonymous No. 967790

nobody knows who you are bro he will never see this lmao

Anonymous No. 967792

Name him, pussy

Anonymous No. 967797

bro he is a professional vfx artist in the industry. I would never disrespect him by namedropping him on this chan after I said he cant explain his work

Anonymous No. 967908

Criticism is not disrespect, especially constructive criticism. Nobody is above criticism, and constructive criticism is actually doing them a favor.
>on this chan
One of the primary functions of 4chan's anonymity is to be able to speak truths that would be social suicide to speak elsewhere. This is very specifically the place to make such criticisms if you can't make them to him directly, which you probably should do, or give others the chance to do. If nobody can understand him, and nobody will ask him to rethink his explanations, then the information dies with him, merely because everyone was too polite (read: afraid) to criticize him.

Anonymous No. 967910

Principles of animation doesn't change from one 3D software to another, you can read a curve editor and have access to your very own
mk1 eyeballs and a timeline what you know about 3D animation will be software agnostic.

I couldn't explain my process either in a way that is intelligible to someone who's not already well versed in animation. It'd be like:
> And then we drag the slider back and forth and question ourselves why it doesn't look right.
> - 15 min later - oh it is probably because X lags behind Y here and the weight shift therefore looks unnatural... so we need to shift these keys over here
> and redo this entire limb moar like this to better account for what's going on here...
> 30 min later - oh but you know what, what if we actually just scrap this motion and do it this way instead
> yeah that'd flow better flows with what's happening on this side as the feet touches down yeah yeah...."
> Half a workday later: ok there now that jerk is gone and it flows naturally GG.

You can't easily package shit like that into some easy to follow tutorial, you can only give people some ideas of what you believe your own thought process to be.
But even with the best intent you could be wrong, just because you're able to perform something on a expert level doesn't mean you're able to explain how you do it.
Correctly analyzing what you're actually doing is largely a separate skill from being able to perform the specific skill you're interested in.

Anonymous No. 967911

If you wanna do exotic things on a advanced level you gotta get to a position where you're primed to access incomplete information you gleam from your peers and fill in the blanks yourself based on what limited hints you gather.

Learning enough from others to be able to perform a task as a journeyman is a good practice, it's a shortcut. But then start going back and rebuild what you've learnt
from 1st principles is how you move past that stage and start getting truely advanced quick. The 'learn the rules so you can break them' idiom aludes to this.

Reason you go thru the trouble of questioning and violating things you hold as truth is that causes you to follow a trajectory based on extending the things
you yourself truely understand inside out instead of aping a set of axioms from someone else's formula while waiting for someone else to provide you with further training.
People often say you shouldn't reinvent the wheel but you really should. There's a ton of stuff that goes into the discovery of something that will
prime you to be able to look for that next realization you need on your own.

Reinventing something in isolation is powerful as when you're mind has made one such leap it's grown stronger and is now more fit to make the next connection.

Anonymous No. 967912

you're dead wrong. This has nothing to do with the principles of animation This is very advanced vfx / rigging

Anonymous No. 967919

Very advanced rigging is scripting. Once you're programing stuff yourself the mechanics of what you do doesn't change with software.
If you know what type of behavior or interpolation you wanna do as a function of some scene state it's about looking up the relevant syntax
of your scripting language and translate the algorithm you wanna build into that script-language.

The basic mechanical building blocks of the rig doesn't change just because it's MEL script, maxscript, C# etc.
You know your quaterions and your vector operations and you just apply them by the conventions of whatever you end up using.

Is it timeconsuming and annoying to build a rig in maxscript I know how to build in C#? It sure is, but the conceptual mechanics
of the operations driving the thing are ultimately identical, you know how to do it one place you know how to do it everywhere.

Anonymous No. 967948

What is X? anyone here might be able to help

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aight I'm out.gif

Anonymous No. 967958


Anonymous No. 967983

a lot of bafflegab yet nothing was said

Anonymous No. 967986

skibidi toliet reference?

Anonymous No. 968455

The trick of any good video maker is that they've already done it once (or more) before off screen and the video you see is just them following a script.

Anonymous No. 968484

Nature documentary videos that did silly "what ifs" animations about what humans could do if they had equivalent abilities to a given animal.

If I'm not mistaken, that was about how rats can squeeze through relatively small openings.