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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967660

I opened Blender 6 months ago, learned how to use the mirror modifier and never opened it up since.

Anonymous No. 967666

Alright what now, underachiever?
Expecting some taps on the shoulder for this or what

Anonymous No. 967675

Uh yeah. I was supposed to work on my series.

Anonymous No. 967676

What exactly is it you're trying to work on?

Anonymous No. 967677

Low poly character rigging.

Anonymous No. 967678

Set a timer for 5 minutes every day and force yourself to do blendershit to try and build a habit. Increase the time gradually when you can handle it and donโ€™t get discouraged if you miss a day or 2 or 3

Anonymous No. 967679

If you have to force yourself to learn 3d just don't, it's not going to work out. I don't know a single 3d artists that had to do that, I didn't have to do this, it just clicked and I would spend all my free time fucking around in 3d and enjoying myself. You will spend at least several thousand hours getting good and you won't be able to force yourself to do it. Sometimes a person sees a result and likes it, wants to be able to do it but the proccess is not for them and it's alright. I had the same thing with 2d, I would set a timer, force myself to draw, to do shitty excercises, I now see how dumb it was, it just wasn't for me

Anonymous No. 967681

I guess what you need to work on is general discipline I think. You could do >>967678 if you're just learning the basics. You need to get used to working on something for an hour or more especially if you're working on a project. Once you're used to it and serious about it, you'll find yourself spending more time without trying.

Not everyone develops the autism for 3D at the start and it looks like anon has barely begun. If anon is having problems from getting things done then anon has bigger problems to face first.

Anonymous No. 967716

i started trying to learn blender semi-seriously after i learned what the extrude and inset tools were. i built some very rudimentary blocky shapes and then everything started to seem a little less intimidating.

the chair nerd No. 968630

Stop using social media, watching porn, youtube and drowning your brain on dopamine.

Eat steak, touch grass and when you make 3d make if worth your precious time in this earth.

Now show me some results.

Anonymous No. 968647

>blender 6
Newest version is blender 4 retard

the chair nerd No. 968770
